This process of electing the speaker of the House is making a lot of people learn things they didn't know. What is the rules committee? Why is it so powerful? Who can veto items on it and what does that mean? Were people aware that electing the speaker had gone more than one round so many times in the past? How many people knew before today that almost *anyone* (Trump, not a House member) could be speaker?
This whole process is teaching the WORLD how Republics function—as opposed to N+1 Democracies. Remember: the US is a Republic—for a reason. The voice of the minority is protected in our Republic.
This whole process is teaching the WORLD how Republics function—as opposed to N+1 Democracies. Remember: the US is a Republic—for a reason. The voice of the minority is protected in our Republic.
CognitiveCarbon Public
This process of electing the speaker of the House is making a lot of people learn things they didn't know. What is the rules committee? Why is it so powerful? Who can veto items on it and what does that mean? Were people aware that electing the speaker had gone more than one round so many...