Verenigde Staten van Amerika

Het gaat nu heel snel in het Huis van Afgevaardigden. Het gaat toch McCarthy worden, de een na de andere America 1st Republikein stemf nu voor hem. Dit betekent dat er een deal is gemaakt met McCarthy, kan niet anders.

Het gaat nu heel snel in het Huis van Afgevaardigden. Het gaat toch McCarthy worden, de een na de andere America 1st Republikein stemf nu voor hem. Dit betekent dat er een deal is gemaakt met McCarthy, kan niet anders.

Bedoel je dan een deal tussen hem en Trump?
It’s gonna be McCarthy.

It was ALWAYS gonna be McCarthy.

He’s Trump’s pick for Speaker.

McCarthy getting the Speakership after having made all these concessions, which are very very good ones, is a win for Trump and for America First.

Still, I hope it goes to the 17th ballot.

: )

McCarthy will be approved.

Trump has access to more information than all of us combined. Trump is endorsing him for a reason we can’t yet see - have we not learned this lesson yet?

Save the ree’ing when McCarthy is confirmed, as I won’t wanna hear it.

Either you trust Trump, or you don’t.

Here is the thick silver lining…

Although you see a lot of Freedom Caucus flipping for McCarthy, don’t think for a second that means he is going to be able to do whatever he wants. Oh no…Just the opposite, actually.

As part of his “good faith” deals, that also means his feet will be held to a FIRM fire should he be elected. Also, these deals allow for him to be removed as Speaker, should he go sideways, he apparently agreed to this.

Let’s see what happens…

Unpopular opinion:
It's not the end of the world if McCarthy is voted for Speaker even though he's a uniparty shill.
The reason I believe this is because Trump is pushing for him, red pill investigations will happen no matter what, as Elon continues to drop revelations, and they don't even have a Senate majority.
If they forced McCarthy to promise to adhere to many Ultra Maga objectives, then that is extremely positive.
Keep your head up, Patriots.
This isn't the hill to die on.
What do you think?


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