The Great Awakening

Nog zo’n ommezwaai!

BREAKING: De FBI heeft nu, één week na een belangrijke verkiezing, aan de Washington Post gelekt dat de door het regime geëiste inval bij Mar-a-Lago in principe een politieke operatie was: ‘Agenten en aanklagers vonden geen waarneembare zakelijke belangen in de Mar-a-Lago documenten.’
Mijn decode:

Runbeck moeten we onderzoeken:

Since 1972, Runbeck Election Services has preserved the integrity of the American democratic process. We partner with cities, counties and states to provide a trusted election experience with technology printing, equipment and software solutions that are accurate, transparent and efficient. As a company founded and completely run in America, we are Defending Democracy®—one ballot at a time.​

Dominion, een van de usual suspects, moeten we eveneens onder de loep nemen, met name de relatie met Runbeck, vermoed ik.

SOS staat voor Secretaries of State? Wie kan me helpen?

De waarheid over de vervalste verkiezingen staat op het punt om geopenbaard te worden aan de hele wereld. Er zijn klokkenluiders, onderzoekers en andere patriots in belangrijke posities die meehelpen om de fraude te ontmaskeren.

Ons wordt gevraagd om ons niet te laten afleiden en al helemaal niet te laten ontmoedigen. Ascension staat volgens mij voor spirituele ontwaking, iets wat natuurlijk nooit gaat plaatsvinden als je maar die black pill blijven slikken en het glas voortdurend als half leeg blijft zien.

Laatst bewerkt:
In 2019 hebben we het gehad over een laag van ongekozen bureaucraten binnen de Amerikaanse overheid die achter de schermen de DS vertegenwoordigen. De afkorting was volgens mij SOS, maar ik kan me niet meer herinneren waar dat ook alweer voor staat. Wie weet meer?

Laatst bewerkt:
Snappen jullie wel hoe belangrijk de laatste 3 zinnen zijn in deze nieuwe Q-post?


Richt je op het einddoel.
Behoud je focus.
Verval niet voortdurend in hoop of wanhoop, overstijg je emoties, overstijg jezelf.

Precies wat ik voortdurend hier schrijf, The Great Awakening begint bij jezelf!


Ascension. It’s going to be biblical?
Independent researchers and anons were perhaps able to stave off World War 3 by immediately exposing the Ukraine missile false flag so quickly that the media couldn't even run with the story for a measly 24 hours.
This is the power of a group of people who think for themselves, do their own research and spread the truth.
Imagine what unforeseeable ways we've helped the world and what we might accomplish in the future.
Together we are powerful.

They tried to frame Trump for treason, they attempted to impeached him twice, they tried to eliminate him behind the scenes, they spent six years smearing him with the mainstream media industrial complex, and now they are attempting to indict him before 2024.
There is no limit to what they won't do to stop Donald Trump and no clearer depiction of this truth:
He's over the target.

Trump announces 2024, Ukrainian false flag exposed, House announces Biden human trafficking investigation, FTX blood money scandal, DOH announces another Trump investigation, Adam Schiff tremendous watermelon head.
Never a shortage of happenings in the theater of our time.

The mainstream media and the deep state are in for a rude surprise. It seems there is never a moment where they don't belittle Trump's chances. But haven't they heard that God loves a good David v Goliath story?
Spoiler alert:
Goliath and those egotistical behemoths lose in the end.

"Based on recent developments... including the former President's announcement that he is a candidate for President in the next election.. I have concluded that it is in the public interest to appoint a special counsel."

So Trump's announcement was on a delta for a Q drop that says trap and now they are saying they are specifically reacting to Trump's announcement.

If you think you are tired of never ending investigations, imagine how Trump must feel.
Yet he persists because to give up means a thousand years of darkness and the destruction of future generations.
Quitting is simply not an option.
Prayer, rest, faith, hope, and action with God's leading are your weapon in times of war.
Use them.


Special Prosecutor's supposed resume include:

-Chief prosecutor at the Hague for Kosovo War Crimes
-Served with international criminal court on war crimes



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