
Folke Bernadotte was one of the UN’s most respected negotiators

He got thousands of Jews freed during WW2 and even negotiated a peace deal with Hitler that was rejected

After WW2 he was sent to negotiate a deal in Palestine

The Zionists didn't agree with his plans and assassinated him to make a statement to the world

They were also killing and kidnapping British soldiers

Why did the world allow this terrorism to go unchecked?



They say “Zionism is just the belief that Jews deserve a homeland.”

They make it sound innocent and harmless. And honestly, if it were really just that, no one would have any problem with it.

But what they don’t tell you is, to achieve the goal of a Jewish only State (while it’s not the only goal of Zionism), they first must:

❌ Kill, expel and ethnically cleanse the indigenous people of Palestine (first phase before ‘greater Israel’).

❌ Create trillions of dollars in losses in American tax payer money to destabilize the Middle East for Israel’s security (so far more than 3 trillion dollars since 2002 alone and that doesn’t include the cost to EU nations).

❌ Sex traffic children to blackmail politicians and powerful individuals to further Israel’s goals (Epstein). To them, child rape is just a game of politics.

❌ Commit a massive amount of espionage on American soil to steal secrets and profit billions by selling some of those secrets to China.

❌ Build an illegal nuclear weapons program, by stealing American nuclear technology and uranium (Apollo Affair).

❌ Orchestrate the assassination of a U.S. sitting president (JFK) when he wanted to prevent them from getting their hands on nuclear weapons and register AIPAC as a foreign agent.

❌ Infiltrate every major government and institution to maintain influence over virtually everything. Those countries then focus on Israel’s security and interests over their own.

❌ Promote open borders in almost every sovereign society to muddy their roots, and overrun their nation, weaken any sense of patriotism to evade a revolution that fights against the single biggest threat ransacking their country: Jewish supremacy and the Jewish lobbies who control the government and institutions.

❌ Promote degeneracy in every aspect of life; weaken alpha males, encourage female promiscuity, and corrupt young children, and destroy the sense of God. So that it leads to broken homes and a failed society, and overtime that eventually translates to a weak military and a crippled nation.

❌ Create false flags and blame it on another group for political motives, even if such false flags ends in the death of innocent civilians of their own so called “ally” (e.g. USS Liberty, 9/11, etc.).

❌ Create and fund terrorism groups such as ISIS to destabilize the Middle East and create intense hatred towards Muslims so that no one would feel sympathy for destroying the Arab countries.

❌ Control every aspect of hollywood and major networks. (e.i. degeneracy is heavily promoted in movies, Muslims are always associated with terrorists, etc.). Everything is to support the Zionist agenda by manipulating the public opinion.

❌ Control every aspect of MSM; every word is deliberately used to paint an image in your mind. While they call it “news,” it’s actually a weapon of psychological warfare. They also censor every major high traffic sites like Google and social media to control what you see.

❌ Infiltrate the education system, engrave the holocaust in everyone’s memory with intensive study but completely disregard the 20-27 million Russians who died fighting the Nazis, and the 75 million who died worldwide. Keep focus on 6 million Jews through both school text and TV programmings to paint Jews as victims and make it the free pass to justify global terror.

❌ Psyop the world through tremendous indoctrination via different mediums, until even saying “Jew” in any sentence that doesn’t paint them in a positive light is taboo and correlated with antisemitism. Notice how you can easily criticize Christians and Muslims without any repercussions.

❌ Attack anyone who criticizes Israel, get them fired from their job, defame and humiliate them on Jewish organizations like Canary Missions, dox them, and sometimes even go as far as shutting down their payment processors, their banks, and even their basic apps like uber and Whatapp, etc.

Ran out of characters.


‼️UPDATE: 🇮🇱Why is the Israeli excavation under Al-Aqsa accelerating with intensity?

❌These excavations – which cannot be described as anything less than a DESECRATION – have long been carried out with the full backing of Israel’s government. With the new extremist administration in place, it is no wonder that the project is ACCELERATING at the speed that it is.

❌Could this be part of a greater plan to destroy the mosque from within to accelerate the building of the 3rd temple in its place?

#Israel #Gaza_Genocide #Al_Aqsa

Source: t.co/0Vst6jLACK


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