

Tijd om het zionisme zijn eigen spotlicht te geven op dit forum. Te beginnen met deze tekst.

Response to the claims of the Zionist terrorist lobby called ADL.

Please share so everyone can learn the facts.

Are all Jews Zionists?

"Zionism is completely contradictory to Judaism!"

Jews are against Zionism because the Torah forbids Jews to be Zionists. Jews can never adopt an ideology that is forbidden in the Torah. Zionism adopted by Israel is definitely against the Jewish faith. There is no Zionism in Judaism.

Authentic Jewish Rabbis were always opposed to Zionism, which is opposite of Torah and Judaism.

Zionism and Zionists disguised themselves as Jews, usurped Jewish history and everything that Jews considered sacred, distorted Judaism and called it Zionism. Zionism is the diametric opposite of Judaism. Zionism is never Judaism.

Zionism is not Judaism.

Rabbi Chaim Brisker, one of the greatest rabbis a century ago, once said: “There have been many heretical groups in Jewish history, but Zionism is the worst.

Jews are a religion belonging to many nationalities

Zionism is the diametric opposite of Judaism

The plague of Zionism has begun to spread even in our areas. This is no time for us to be silent, for they are not silent, but rather as noisy as the ocean, casting their net for the Jewish youth.

The Zionist movement is not a movement of great Torah leaders and upright men, but rather a movement of faithless men; therefore, believing Jews, learn from the rabbis‟ example. Do not join them and do not take part in their gatherings. (Tel Talpios, Av 5664)

Holy Grand Rabbi Yitzchak Lebavitch says: "Zionists must be buried in the ground like snakes."

When Theodor Herzl and like-minded Zionists put forward the idea of establishing a state, religious Jewish rabbis opposed them. Because the Jews were exiled as a result of divine punishment, and G-d forbade the Jews from establishing a state. However, the Zionists did not listen to this divine prohibition and defied G-d and established a Zionist state.

Zionism is the head of Pollution.

Zionism is definitely not Judaism.

The Torah prohibits Jews from establishing a state or seizing land.

The Zionist movement is not a movement of great Torah leaders and upright men, but rather a movement of faithless men; therefore, believing Jews, learn from the rabbis‟ example. Do not join them and do not take part in their gatherings. (Tel Talpios, Av 5664) Rabbi Yechiel Michel Epstein,rabbi of Novhardok, Russia (1829-1908)

The ideology called Zionism was invented in Europe by a pervert named Theodor Herzl, who did not even believe in Judaism.

The plague of Zionism has begun to spread even in our areas. This is no time for us to be silent, for they are not silent, but rather as noisy as the ocean, casting their net for the Jewish youth. Therefore we must gird ourselves with strength and stand up to them forcefully so that they cannot make their catch by trickery. In my opinion, it would be correct to forbid joining them, G-d forbid, or teaching Hebrew in the schools. In this way we will foil their plans. (Olas Hachodesh, Shvat 5741) Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach,Rebbe of Belza, Poland (1854-1926)

The greatest rabbis should gather immediately and excommunicate the Zionists. They should exclude them from the Jewish people by forbidding their bread, their wine and intermarriage with them. (Mara D‟ara Yisroel v. 2 p. 43)

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, rabbi of Frankfort, Germany (1808–1888)

Tijd om het zionisme zijn eigen spotlicht te geven op dit forum. Te beginnen met deze tekst.

Response to the claims of the Zionist terrorist lobby called ADL.

Please share so everyone can learn the facts.

Are all Jews Zionists?

"Zionism is completely contradictory to Judaism!"

Jews are against Zionism because the Torah forbids Jews to be Zionists. Jews can never adopt an ideology that is forbidden in the Torah. Zionism adopted by Israel is definitely against the Jewish faith. There is no Zionism in Judaism.

Authentic Jewish Rabbis were always opposed to Zionism, which is opposite of Torah and Judaism.

Zionism and Zionists disguised themselves as Jews, usurped Jewish history and everything that Jews considered sacred, distorted Judaism and called it Zionism. Zionism is the diametric opposite of Judaism. Zionism is never Judaism.

Zionism is not Judaism.

Rabbi Chaim Brisker, one of the greatest rabbis a century ago, once said: “There have been many heretical groups in Jewish history, but Zionism is the worst.

Jews are a religion belonging to many nationalities

Zionism is the diametric opposite of Judaism

The plague of Zionism has begun to spread even in our areas. This is no time for us to be silent, for they are not silent, but rather as noisy as the ocean, casting their net for the Jewish youth.

The Zionist movement is not a movement of great Torah leaders and upright men, but rather a movement of faithless men; therefore, believing Jews, learn from the rabbis‟ example. Do not join them and do not take part in their gatherings. (Tel Talpios, Av 5664)

Holy Grand Rabbi Yitzchak Lebavitch says: "Zionists must be buried in the ground like snakes."

When Theodor Herzl and like-minded Zionists put forward the idea of establishing a state, religious Jewish rabbis opposed them. Because the Jews were exiled as a result of divine punishment, and G-d forbade the Jews from establishing a state. However, the Zionists did not listen to this divine prohibition and defied G-d and established a Zionist state.

Zionism is the head of Pollution.

Zionism is definitely not Judaism.

The Torah prohibits Jews from establishing a state or seizing land.

The Zionist movement is not a movement of great Torah leaders and upright men, but rather a movement of faithless men; therefore, believing Jews, learn from the rabbis‟ example. Do not join them and do not take part in their gatherings. (Tel Talpios, Av 5664) Rabbi Yechiel Michel Epstein,rabbi of Novhardok, Russia (1829-1908)

The ideology called Zionism was invented in Europe by a pervert named Theodor Herzl, who did not even believe in Judaism.

The plague of Zionism has begun to spread even in our areas. This is no time for us to be silent, for they are not silent, but rather as noisy as the ocean, casting their net for the Jewish youth. Therefore we must gird ourselves with strength and stand up to them forcefully so that they cannot make their catch by trickery. In my opinion, it would be correct to forbid joining them, G-d forbid, or teaching Hebrew in the schools. In this way we will foil their plans. (Olas Hachodesh, Shvat 5741) Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach,Rebbe of Belza, Poland (1854-1926)

The greatest rabbis should gather immediately and excommunicate the Zionists. They should exclude them from the Jewish people by forbidding their bread, their wine and intermarriage with them. (Mara D‟ara Yisroel v. 2 p. 43)

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, rabbi of Frankfort, Germany (1808–1888)


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Reactie op de beweringen van de zionistische terroristenlobby genaamd ADL.

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Zijn alle joden zionisten?

"Het zionisme is volledig in tegenspraak met het jodendom!"

Joden zijn tegen het zionisme omdat de Thora joden verbiedt zionisten te zijn. Joden kunnen nooit een ideologie aannemen die in de Thora verboden is. Het door Israël overgenomen zionisme is absoluut in strijd met het Joodse geloof. Er is geen zionisme in het jodendom.

Authentieke Joodse rabbijnen waren altijd tegen het zionisme, dat het tegenovergestelde is van de Thora en het jodendom.

Het zionisme en de zionisten vermomden zichzelf als joden, namen de joodse geschiedenis over en alles wat joden als heilig beschouwden, verdraaiden het jodendom en noemden het zionisme. Het zionisme is het diametraal tegenovergestelde van het jodendom. Zionisme is nooit jodendom.

Het zionisme is geen jodendom.

Rabbi Chaim Brisker, een van de grootste rabbijnen van een eeuw geleden, zei ooit: “Er zijn veel ketterse groepen geweest in de Joodse geschiedenis, maar het zionisme is de ergste.

Joden zijn een religie die tot vele nationaliteiten behoort

Het zionisme is het diametraal tegenovergestelde van het jodendom

De plaag van het zionisme begint zich zelfs in onze gebieden te verspreiden. Dit is voor ons geen tijd om te zwijgen, want zij zijn niet stil, maar eerder zo luidruchtig als de oceaan, en werpen hun net uit voor de Joodse jeugd.

De zionistische beweging is geen beweging van grote Thora-leiders en oprechte mannen, maar eerder een beweging van ontrouwe mannen; Daarom moeten gelovige Joden leren van het voorbeeld van de rabbijnen. Sluit u niet bij hen aan en neem niet deel aan hun bijeenkomsten. (Tel Talpios, Av 5664)

De heilige grootrabbijn Yitzchak Lebavitch zegt: "Zionisten moeten als slangen in de grond worden begraven."

Toen Theodor Herzl en gelijkgestemde zionisten het idee naar voren brachten om een staat op te richten, verzetten religieuze joodse rabbijnen zich daartegen. Omdat de Joden werden verbannen als gevolg van goddelijke straf, en G-d de Joden verbood een staat te stichten. De zionisten luisterden echter niet naar dit goddelijke verbod en trotseerden G-d een zionistische staat.

Het zionisme is het hoofd van de vervuiling.

Het zionisme is beslist geen jodendom.

De Thora verbiedt Joden een staat te stichten of land in beslag te nemen.

De zionistische beweging is geen beweging van grote Thora-leiders en oprechte mannen, maar eerder een beweging van ontrouwe mannen; Daarom moeten gelovige Joden leren van het voorbeeld van de rabbijnen. Sluit u niet bij hen aan en neem niet deel aan hun bijeenkomsten. (Tel Talpios, Av 5664) Rabbi Yechiel Michel Epstein, rabbijn van Novhardok, Rusland (1829-1908)

De ideologie die het zionisme wordt genoemd, werd in Europa uitgevonden door een viezerik genaamd Theodor Herzl, die niet eens in het jodendom geloofde.

De plaag van het zionisme begint zich zelfs in onze gebieden te verspreiden. Dit is voor ons geen tijd om te zwijgen, want zij zijn niet stil, maar eerder zo luidruchtig als de oceaan, en werpen hun net uit voor de Joodse jeugd. Daarom moeten we ons met kracht omgorden en krachtig tegen hen opkomen, zodat ze hun vangst niet door middel van bedrog kunnen doen. Naar mijn mening zou het correct zijn om te verbieden zich bij hen aan te sluiten, G-d te verbieden of Hebreeuws te onderwijzen op de scholen. Op deze manier zullen we hun plannen verijdelen. (Olas Hachodesh, Shvat 5741) Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach, rebbe van Belza, Polen (1854-1926)

De grootste rabbijnen moeten onmiddellijk bijeenkomen en de zionisten excommuniceren. Ze zouden hen moeten uitsluiten van het Joodse volk door hun brood, hun wijn en gemengde huwelijken met hen te verbieden. (Mara D'ara Yisroel v. 2 p. 43)

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, rabbijn van Frankfort, Duitsland (1808-1888)
My thoughts exactly. It's almost as if the white hats are rubbing it in the normies' faces. Jews and child trafficking, see it now? The #Gazagenocide‌, which is about tunnels, and this is also no coincidence. Another one for the normies. Not about Hamas but about the Jews,see that? And the year has just started. My prediction for 2024 is the fall of Israel and, with it, an end to child trafficking, drug running, porn, and many other evils. The public is being primed for the realization that Zionism is the root of all evil. Saving Israel for last. Last for a reason.

Deze past hier ook wel lijkt me. Duidelijke taal van Jaap Hamburger.
Hij is de voorzitter van Een Ander Joods Geluid
Please read this article, in which we will answer some frequently asked questions about Talmud, until the end and share it so that everyone can learn the facts.

The Talmud has been the subject of many urban legends and made-up tales today, as in the past, and unfortunately, people have unknowingly accused the Jewish community of hearsay.

Now let's take a brief but informative look at the Talmud.

Let's see together what the Talmud actually says, and in this article, let's give an answer to urban legends with fabricated stories and slanders.

The Talmud and Jewish Law
The Babylonian Talmud, compiled about 1500 years ago, is the comprehensive body of Jewish law intended to explain and safeguard the laws of the Bible. Religious Jews believe that the basic laws of the Talmud were given to Moses at Mt. Sinai and transmitted orally from generation to generation.
Countless passages in the Talmud, its commentaries and legal codes show the ideals of kindness and fairness to all of mankind aspired to and practiced by the Jewish people.
Unfortunately, some individuals in our time have accused the Talmud of advocating racism and unfair treatment of gentiles. They provide short quotations, invariably taken completely out of context, that seem to support their accusations.

In reply to these accusers, we can only remind people that the Talmud is the word of G-d, not of man. The Talmud contains a vast amount of material; to cover it all takes the brightest scholars a lifetime of study. Although it does contain a small number of statements directed at gentiles, most of the Talmud consists of laws and sharply-stated ethical teachings directed at Jews. For every “anti-gentile” statement the critics can find, there are ten “anti-
Jewish” statements. And just as the latter must be studied in context, so too the former.

One brief example: the Babylonian Talmud was written in Babylonia as its name indicates. Yet it contains the statement, “Whoever lives outside the Holy Land is as if he worshipped idols.”
The greatest proof that the Talmud does not advocate unfair treatment of gentiles is that every since the Talmud was completed, the Jews who follow it have lived in exile among many gentile countries. In every place where they lived, they conducted their business affairs with the local gentiles with the utmost honesty and fairness.

Below you will find quotations from the major codes of Talmudic law, exemplifying the Talmud‟s positions on gentiles. The Code of Jewish Law, written about 500 years ago by a Palestinian rabbi named Rabbi Joseph Caro (1488-1575), is today the universally accepted codification of Talmudic law. Before that, the codes of Maimonides (1135-1204) were prevalent.

Charity Jews are obligated to give charity to poor gentiles as well as poor Jews (Code of Jewish Law, Yoreh Deah 251:1)

Jews must bury the dead of the gentiles, comfort their mourners and visit their sick. (Maimonides, Laws of Mourning 14:12)
The commandment of “visiting the sick” applies to sick gentiles as well as sick Jews. (Code of Jewish Law, Yoreh Deah 335:9)

Theft Anyone who steals even a minor amount violates the prohibition of [Leviticus 19:11] "You shall not steal" and is required to repay [the amount stolen] whether one steals from a Jew or a gentile. (Code of Jewish Law, Choshen Mishpat 348:2) It is forbidden to rob or to cheat even a minor amount from either a Jew or a gentile. (Code of Jewish Law, Choshen Mishpat 359:1)

It is forbidden to rob or to cheat even a minor amount from either a Jew or a gentile. (Code of Jewish Law, Choshen Mishpat 359:1)

It is Biblically forbidden to steal even a minor amount; even a gentile - it is forbidden to steal from him or to cheat him. And if you stole from him or cheated him you must return the stolen money or object. (Maimonides, Laws of Stealing 1:2)

Maimonides of blessed memory wrote that if one lies in his measures and thereby overcharges even to an idolatrous gentile one violates a negative commandment and must return the money. Similarly, it is forbidden to mislead the gentiles in calculating prices as it says [Leviticus 25:50] "he shall make a reckoning with his purchaser" even if he is subjugated to your authority; even
more so if the gentile is not subjugated to your authority, and it says [Deuteronomy 25:16] "For an abomination to the Lord, you G-d, are all who do this." (Sefer HaChinuch, 259)

And similiarly, lies, tricks, subterfuges, cheatings, and circumventions of gentiles are forbidden. They said, “It is forbidden to deceive anyone, even an idolatrous gentile” and even more so when it can lead to the desecration of G-d's name. For that is a great sin and imbues in a person bad traits. And regarding all these wicked actions, G-d explained that He will be disgusted with them and with those who perform them, as it says: (Deuteronomy 18:12) "For anyone who does these is an abomination of G-d." (Maimonides, Commentary to the Mishnah, Keilim 12:7)

Returning Lost Objects
R. Chaninah told this story: Some rabbinic scholars bought one pile of wheat from some gentile soldiers. [The scholars] found in it a bundle of money and returned it to [the soldiers]. [The soldiers] said "Blessed is the G-d of the Jews." (Jerusalem Talmud Bava Metzia 2:5 (7a))

Once, Rabbi Shimon ben Shetach bought a donkey from an Arab. His students went and found a precious stone hanging around [the donkey's] neck. Rabbi said to him [Proverbs 10:22] "It is the blessing of G-d that enriches." R. Shimon ben Shetach said to him "I bought a donkey. I did not buy a precious stone." He went and returned it to the Arab and the Arab said "Blessed is the G-d of Shimon ben Shetach." (Midrash Devarim Rabbah 3:3)

R. Shmuel ben Sustrai went to Rome when the empress had lost her bracelet and he found it. A decree was proclaimed in the region that anyone who returned it within 30 days would be paid such and such; anyone who returned it after 30 days would be beheaded. He didn't return it within 30 days but after 30 days. She said to him "Weren't you in the region?" He replied "Yes." She said to him "Didn't you hear the proclamation?" He replied "Yes." She said to him "What was it?" He replied "Whoever returns it within 30 days will receive such and such; whoever returns it after 30 days will be beheaded." She said to him "And why didn't you return it within 30 days?" He replied "So that you wouldn't say that I did it because of fear of you; rather I did it out of fear of G-d." She said to him "Blessed is the G-d of the Jews." (Jerusalem Talmud Bava Metzia 2:5 (7a))

Deception Talmud, Tractate Chullin 94a. Shmuel said: One may not deceive another person, even a non-Jew. This was not said explicitly by Shmuel, but was derived from the following story: Shmuel once crossed the river using a ferryboat. He told his servant to pay the ferryman. The servant gave the ferryman a non-kosher chicken, allowing the ferryman to assume that it was kosher.

The Talmudic commentator Rashi explains: Shmuel's law explains why the Mishnah says that one may not give a
non-Jew a piece of meat from which the sciatic nerve (forbidden to Jews) was not removed. The non-Jew might not notice this and may assume that the Jew is giving him valuable kosher meat. He will then feel gratitude toward the Jew, a gratitude based on a false premise.
This law is codified by Maimonides (Laws of Sale 18:3) and by the Code of Jewish Law (Choshen Mishpat 228:6).

Please read this article, in which we will answer some frequently asked questions about Talmud, until the end and share it so that everyone can learn the facts.

The Talmud has been the subject of many urban legends and made-up tales today, as in the past, and unfortunately, people have unknowingly accused the Jewish community of hearsay.

Now let's take a brief but informative look at the Talmud.

Let's see together what the Talmud actually says, and in this article, let's give an answer to urban legends with fabricated stories and slanders.

The Talmud and Jewish Law
The Babylonian Talmud, compiled about 1500 years ago, is the comprehensive body of Jewish law intended to explain and safeguard the laws of the Bible. Religious Jews believe that the basic laws of the Talmud were given to Moses at Mt. Sinai and transmitted orally from generation to generation.
Countless passages in the Talmud, its commentaries and legal codes show the ideals of kindness and fairness to all of mankind aspired to and practiced by the Jewish people.
Unfortunately, some individuals in our time have accused the Talmud of advocating racism and unfair treatment of gentiles. They provide short quotations, invariably taken completely out of context, that seem to support their accusations.

In reply to these accusers, we can only remind people that the Talmud is the word of G-d, not of man. The Talmud contains a vast amount of material; to cover it all takes the brightest scholars a lifetime of study. Although it does contain a small number of statements directed at gentiles, most of the Talmud consists of laws and sharply-stated ethical teachings directed at Jews. For every “anti-gentile” statement the critics can find, there are ten “anti-
Jewish” statements. And just as the latter must be studied in context, so too the former.

One brief example: the Babylonian Talmud was written in Babylonia as its name indicates. Yet it contains the statement, “Whoever lives outside the Holy Land is as if he worshipped idols.”
The greatest proof that the Talmud does not advocate unfair treatment of gentiles is that every since the Talmud was completed, the Jews who follow it have lived in exile among many gentile countries. In every place where they lived, they conducted their business affairs with the local gentiles with the utmost honesty and fairness.

Below you will find quotations from the major codes of Talmudic law, exemplifying the Talmud‟s positions on gentiles. The Code of Jewish Law, written about 500 years ago by a Palestinian rabbi named Rabbi Joseph Caro (1488-1575), is today the universally accepted codification of Talmudic law. Before that, the codes of Maimonides (1135-1204) were prevalent.

Charity Jews are obligated to give charity to poor gentiles as well as poor Jews (Code of Jewish Law, Yoreh Deah 251:1)

Jews must bury the dead of the gentiles, comfort their mourners and visit their sick. (Maimonides, Laws of Mourning 14:12)
The commandment of “visiting the sick” applies to sick gentiles as well as sick Jews. (Code of Jewish Law, Yoreh Deah 335:9)

Theft Anyone who steals even a minor amount violates the prohibition of [Leviticus 19:11] "You shall not steal" and is required to repay [the amount stolen] whether one steals from a Jew or a gentile. (Code of Jewish Law, Choshen Mishpat 348:2) It is forbidden to rob or to cheat even a minor amount from either a Jew or a gentile. (Code of Jewish Law, Choshen Mishpat 359:1)

It is forbidden to rob or to cheat even a minor amount from either a Jew or a gentile. (Code of Jewish Law, Choshen Mishpat 359:1)

It is Biblically forbidden to steal even a minor amount; even a gentile - it is forbidden to steal from him or to cheat him. And if you stole from him or cheated him you must return the stolen money or object. (Maimonides, Laws of Stealing 1:2)

Maimonides of blessed memory wrote that if one lies in his measures and thereby overcharges even to an idolatrous gentile one violates a negative commandment and must return the money. Similarly, it is forbidden to mislead the gentiles in calculating prices as it says [Leviticus 25:50] "he shall make a reckoning with his purchaser" even if he is subjugated to your authority; even
more so if the gentile is not subjugated to your authority, and it says [Deuteronomy 25:16] "For an abomination to the Lord, you G-d, are all who do this." (Sefer HaChinuch, 259)

And similiarly, lies, tricks, subterfuges, cheatings, and circumventions of gentiles are forbidden. They said, “It is forbidden to deceive anyone, even an idolatrous gentile” and even more so when it can lead to the desecration of G-d's name. For that is a great sin and imbues in a person bad traits. And regarding all these wicked actions, G-d explained that He will be disgusted with them and with those who perform them, as it says: (Deuteronomy 18:12) "For anyone who does these is an abomination of G-d." (Maimonides, Commentary to the Mishnah, Keilim 12:7)

Returning Lost Objects
R. Chaninah told this story: Some rabbinic scholars bought one pile of wheat from some gentile soldiers. [The scholars] found in it a bundle of money and returned it to [the soldiers]. [The soldiers] said "Blessed is the G-d of the Jews." (Jerusalem Talmud Bava Metzia 2:5 (7a))

Once, Rabbi Shimon ben Shetach bought a donkey from an Arab. His students went and found a precious stone hanging around [the donkey's] neck. Rabbi said to him [Proverbs 10:22] "It is the blessing of G-d that enriches." R. Shimon ben Shetach said to him "I bought a donkey. I did not buy a precious stone." He went and returned it to the Arab and the Arab said "Blessed is the G-d of Shimon ben Shetach." (Midrash Devarim Rabbah 3:3)

R. Shmuel ben Sustrai went to Rome when the empress had lost her bracelet and he found it. A decree was proclaimed in the region that anyone who returned it within 30 days would be paid such and such; anyone who returned it after 30 days would be beheaded. He didn't return it within 30 days but after 30 days. She said to him "Weren't you in the region?" He replied "Yes." She said to him "Didn't you hear the proclamation?" He replied "Yes." She said to him "What was it?" He replied "Whoever returns it within 30 days will receive such and such; whoever returns it after 30 days will be beheaded." She said to him "And why didn't you return it within 30 days?" He replied "So that you wouldn't say that I did it because of fear of you; rather I did it out of fear of G-d." She said to him "Blessed is the G-d of the Jews." (Jerusalem Talmud Bava Metzia 2:5 (7a))

Deception Talmud, Tractate Chullin 94a. Shmuel said: One may not deceive another person, even a non-Jew. This was not said explicitly by Shmuel, but was derived from the following story: Shmuel once crossed the river using a ferryboat. He told his servant to pay the ferryman. The servant gave the ferryman a non-kosher chicken, allowing the ferryman to assume that it was kosher.

The Talmudic commentator Rashi explains: Shmuel's law explains why the Mishnah says that one may not give a
non-Jew a piece of meat from which the sciatic nerve (forbidden to Jews) was not removed. The non-Jew might not notice this and may assume that the Jew is giving him valuable kosher meat. He will then feel gratitude toward the Jew, a gratitude based on a false premise.
This law is codified by Maimonides (Laws of Sale 18:3) and by the Code of Jewish Law (Choshen Mishpat 228:6).


Als dat klopt zou je kunnen zeggen dat de zionisten ook de Talmud niet trouw zijn.
Interessant topic. Ik heb het boek “The Thirteenth Tribe”. Dat gaat over de Khazaren. Daar is het zionisme toch uit voortgekomen?
Het boek heb ik nooit kunnen lezen. Het is in het Engels en ik vind het moeilijk te begrijpen op de manier waarop het geschreven is. Ik ben nooit goed geweest in andere talen dan het Nederlands.

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