The Great Awakening

Funny that the County isn’t highlighting all the other parts of the leaked report...

Their selective leaking to control the narrative won't stand up to the truth when all is revealed.

Ive now seen the "leaked maricopa county report".

It looks like a plant.
It looks like a fake report setup to bait the fake news.

The real report comes out in just a few hours.

Laatst bewerkt:
Nee hoor, er is helemaaaaaal geen plan om te mensheid te verzieken en verzwakken of zelfs veranderen d.m.v. externe s-eiwitten, het gaat uitsluitend om vergiftiging en we moeten ons niet onnodig bang laten maken. :rolleyes:

Nou ja, daar zeg je me zowat. We zijn voluit gaan geloven dat tegennatuurlijke zaken zoals vaccinaties (vroeger al, DKTP, tetanus, en.) nodig zijn om gezond te blijven. Het geloof daarin is sterker dan ik gezond leven, terwijl ons afweersysteem het juist van gezond leven moet hebben en het afweersysteem de enige echte voorwaarde is dat we niet langzaam aan het verootten gaan, dat is namelijk wat er gebeurt na de dood: afweersysteem werkt niet meer, direct begint het verteringsproces, van binnenuit, de darmflora, die we levend zo nodig hadden, verteert nu het lichaam. Na een tijdje resten nog de botten.
Ik dacht: "Kom, laat ik het eens heel duidelijk stellen: Alles staat of valt bij het afweersysteem. Dat de overheid wel allemaal maatregelen hanteert maar weinig tot niets zegt over gezond leven zegt meer dan genoeg."
Senator Kelly Townsend calls for the election to be nullified and for us to move forward with indictments.

The audit report "leak" yesterday was a trap set and sprung.

Now we know the truth.

Senator Karen Fann just announced that all the information has been turned over to the AG's office to pursue legal remedies from here on.
41 Legislators from Multiple States Write a Letter to the American People Calling for a 50-State Audit, Decertification Where Appropriate, and Possible Convening of the US House of Representatives


Numbers don't lie but liars use numbers to create their narrative.

Maricopa County Update: Fake News wants to focus on saying: 'Maricopa County ended in an anti-climax Friday, with an official report declaring that Joe Biden received more ballots than Donald Trump.'

But, the devil is in the details. What if those accurately counted ballots are fake, just like our puppet media?

Facts: Trump lost 261 ballot votes and Biden got 99 more. Big deal, people can count. We should expect the recount to be similar.

Question: How many ballots were FAKE, or counterfeit, or from DEAD people, or were DOUBLE counted, or from people who VOTED in multiple counties, etc.

ANSWER: At least 5X the slim margin of victory! This should be enough to decertify!

SOLUTION: We need to upgrade our election system, processes, checks and balances and upgrade our Political Leaders! We need people who support true Election Integrity laws. This should be bipartisan but I get the feeling Democrats are trying to undermine the system, not fix it. And the media is either complicit or stupid. So sad for America.

Vote for people who support Election Integrity in 2022!

We need to Fight for our Freedom because Freedom is Far From Free!

What's next for our great, God-fearing, state of Arizona?

Attorney General Brnovich must seize all records and equipment that Maricopa County Board of Supervisors stonewalled.

Our AZ Senate must hold a hearing and vote to decertify.

Criminals who destroyed or tampered with evidence must be indicted.


JUST ONE COUNTY had enough fraudulent votes to show that the election was rigged.

It's time to decertify.

Laatst bewerkt:
Hoi allemaal, mag ik hier nog terugkomen als oud forum lid? Maar dan wel op een andere manier?
The shills are out tough spreading the FUD - fear uncertainty and doubt. Don't let them get to you.

Just in case its not clear:

Goede rally in Georgia trouwens!


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