The Great Awakening

Vice accidently dropping red pills while trying to malign "conspiracy theorists" and "Qanon."
Rothschilds, andrenochrome, Trump said that defeating the satanic elite is not a bad thing.
At no point did I hear them refute a single thing other than say "that's a lie."
By trying to malign us they only expose people to more rabbit holes.
This is the best they got?
We are winning.

We are at war and this is an information command post.

If you blackpill my channel, you will be removed without warning.

There is a difference between questioning things to seek truth and subverting the moral and confidence of our army.


Good question. Blackpilling is not the same as constructive dissent. You can surf my channel comments and find plenty of constructive dissent. Blackpilling is destructive and not permitted on any battlefield. As a veteran in both our Information War and as a long-time online community leader in competitive gaming environments, blackpilling is easy to identify. See also, "concern trolling:"

De doomrrs zijn nog volop actief met hun jaarronde winterdepressie.

Hoppa, de volgende:
Common Sense, of tenminste deze bijdrager is wakker.
Mooi is dat om te lezen wat hij zegt over dat zijn moeder nooit boos was op God.
Ik ken wel verschillende mensen die lijden aan ziektes en zich daardoor juist tegen God zijn keren. Niet meer in Hem geloven, ze snappen het niet waarom juist hun dit moet overkomen en waar is dit voor nodig. Waarom moet een mens zo lijden? Dat zijn vragen die ze dan stellen🙄

Voor die twijfelaars of ongelovigen het volgende artikel van Roosh V., voormalige 'player' die zichzelf verloor in de hoofdzondes van materislisme en lust:

Citaat dat mij in het bijzonder aansprak:

Unfortunately, we have inherited a fallen world from Adam and Eve, who went against God’s commandments and were expelled from the first human Paradise, the Garden of Eden. Because of their sin, we were not born in Paradise or get to experience anything resembling Paradise and direct communion with God in this life. In case you are thinking that it’s not fair we have to inherit a fallen world from the sins of our ancestors, is it also fair that you inherit intelligence, health, physical vigor, and other gifts from your parents? Is it fair that the God-man Jesus Christ had to suffer excruciating pain to remit your sins while all you have to do is follow Him? Inheritance works both ways, and we should not grumble that we live in a fallen world when we would have certainly committed the same sin as Adam and Eve.

Devin Nunes on the the biggest scandal in modern political history:
"We know this all...we have emails... People within the fake news were eagerly going out and playing the parts of this movie script and pushing this propaganda out there. This is such an important story for the American people and it's important than Durham bring these indictments, get the prosecutions and that everybody pays a price. And that ultimately history is told (to) the American people.
That this was a dark chapter in US history. The biggest scandal in modern political history and people need to spend time in jail for it."
Who's ready for arrests?

If you are black pilled, a doomer, or just down about the news and where we are right now, I may be able to help you.

I would very much like to help you. Sharing a positive outlook with others and encouraging people in this fight is part of why I started writing and streaming.

If you hang out on my channel for a while, read my comments, watch my show, it may lift your spirits considerably.

But, if you are not looking for help or for a more positive outlook, but instead are just aiming to spread doom and misery, sorry, I ain’t got time for ya.

Think about the position the deep state is in: If Elon Musk refuses to censor and block liberals from seeing the proverbial red pill extravaganza that Durham is set to unleash then they will be forced into a corner. Remember that public Awakening is their greatest fear. Twitter is a bubble for normies. If that bubble threatens to be broken just as Durham breaks loose a storm then [they] may be forced to take extreme measures in their desperation.
All things somehow seem to bring us closer to the d5 storm and nothing can stop it.
Whether Elon Musk knows it or not: I believe that God is using him.

Here comes Alex Jones trying to tell you about the “True History of Q” in a new video released today. 🤣🤣 What a joke.

Infowars is such an insufferable shill show.

In Alex Jones “True History about Q” video he put out yesterday, he essentially claims credit for starting the Q movement. Here’s a clip.

He also claims “Q was only legit for about a month and then it got taken over”.

That is fake news. Goes to note some of the people trying to take Q over were Infowars affiliated like Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi.

We’re not stupid, you InfoClowns.

Here’s the link if you want to watch this video in full. AJ is pretty unhinged in it:

TG-draadje van Jordan Sather over AJ en Q:


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