Progesteron en bijnieren

Panthothenic acid stimulates the adrenal cells in male rats to secrete corticosterone and progesterone.

Effects of pantothenic acid supplementation on adrenal steroid secretion from male rats.

Abstract Source:

Biol Pharm Bull. 2008 Jun;31(6):1205-8. PMID: 18520055

Abstract Author(s):

Sukanya Jaroenporn, Tatsuya Yamamoto, Asuka Itabashi, Katsuhiro Nakamura, Isao Azumano, Gen Watanabe, Kazuyoshi Taya

These results clearly demonstrated that pantothenic acid supplementation stimulates the ability of adrenal cells in male rats to secrete corticosterone and progesterone. Additionally, these results also showed that pantothenic acid supplementation induced adrenal hyperresponsiveness to ACTH stimulation, and PRL further stimulated adrenal sensitivity to ACTH.

Ginseng flowers stimulate progesterone production in bovine luteal cells. -

Ginseng flowers stimulate progesterone production from bovine luteal cells.

Abstract Source:

J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2006 Aug;69(15):1481-95. PMID: 11154050

Abstract Author(s):

L S Wu, S Y Sheu, C C Huang, C H Chiu, J C Huang, J R Yang, W X Lian, C H Lai, Y P Chen, J H Lin
Article Affiliation:

Department of Animal Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei.

Crude polysaccharides (GF-2) isolated from GF-1 is the active component and the small molecules (mw<10,000 dalton) are excluded, indicating that the ginseng root has no luteotropic activities, but the polysaccharides of ginseng flowers have.

Estrogen Effects Progesterone Effects
Stimulates breasts cysts Protects against breast cysts
Increases body fat storage Helps use fat for energy and keep it off hips
Salt and fluid retention Natural diuretic (water pill)
Depression and headaches Natural anti-depressant
Interferes with thyroid hormone Facilitates thyroid hormone action
Increases blood clotting and risk of stroke Normalizes blood clotting
Decreases libido (sex drive) Increases libido
Impairs blood sugar control Normalizes blood sugar levels
Loss of zinc and retention of copper Normalizes zinc and copper levels
Reduced oxygen level in all cells Restores proper cell oxygen levels
Increased risk of endometrial cancer Helps prevent endometrial cancer
Increased risk of breast cancer Helps prevent breast cancer
Helps decrease bone loss slightly Increases bone building

I read "From Fatigued to Fantastic" by Dr. Jacob Teitlebaum, who is an expert in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. He states in the book that estrogen INCREASES serotonin and progesterone DECREASES it. I have taken a progesterone supplement in the past ,and it caused severe moodiness, weigh gain (water) and joint pain! A friend of mine who struggles with chronic severe clinical depression tried progesterone cream out of desperation and her depression got much worse! I think there is something to the serotonin connection.

we have also been helping women make their own progesterone from their own cholesterol, so perhaps eventually they won't need the cream. We correct the cholesterol with an emotional/meridian release if it is inaccurately constructed, and then we ask the client to "talk" to her liver and ask it to make the appropriate amounts for her needs, both the "good" kind and the other "good" kind. LDL, the "bad" one, makes all the adrenal hormones, pregnenolone, DHEA, progesterone, androstenodione, and testosterone, for men.

Then with the enzyme unique to women, aromatase, testosterone creates the estrogens. The low cholesterol mania, by specifically demonizing LDL cholesterol, is causing hormone deficiencies in progesterone, testosterone, estrogens, and the others. Cholesterol is bad for the arteries only if it has been oxidized. We can take antioxidants to prevent that. As soon as the cholesterol comes up to the right level, people report that they are able to think more clearly, are less forgetful, and have more stamina, since adequate cholesterol is required for correct nerve transmission. Especially for older people, it is important to have levels of 200 or a bit higher. People with Alzheimer's typically have very low cholesterol. Keep it at about 200! Some doctors may disagree with that, but I have observed that it is protective. The updated news about low cholesterol suggests that it can actually be a hazard to the heart.

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