Mike Rivero van whatreallyhappened.com heeft het volgende nuchtere commentaar:
There is, sadly, a lot of wild speculation going on about what happened. The actual facts are that the Captain left the cockpit after the plane reached cruising height, possibly to use the bathroom, chat with the flight attendants, walk the aisle and smile at the passengers. Because of 9-11, cockpit doors may only be opened from within the cockpit. The pilot who remained in the cockpit cannot be heard on the cockpit voice recorder. Only the captain locked outside is heard screaming and pounding on the door. The French Prosecutor is leaping to a conclusion that the pilot inside the cockpit deliberately crashed the plane (probably realizing the sensation will make him famous in the media for a day or so). I am not ready to make that leap. The pilot may have lost consciousness, suffered a stroke, heart attack, and disengaged the autopilot while thrashing around. The descent, while steep, does not look like a deliberate attempt to crash the plane to me. Until they find the digital recorder, we don't know what controls were touched in the cockpit or why the outside crew did not use the alternative system to unlock the door. But airlines and aircraft manufacturers habitually blame the pilots in disasters to protect their own reputations, so IMHO all we really know is that we do not know. Yet. Obviously, the media claim that there were eyewitnesses to a mid-air explosion and smoke trailing from the aircraft before the crash was someone's attempt to grab attention.