The Great Awakening

De Holistic Psychologist over hoe ons gedrag in relaties is geprogrammeerd door rollenspel vanuit de jeugd en hoe wij en onze relaties authentieker kunnen worden:
The Russian bolsheviks were financed and led by the people who we’re not allowed to speak of. ✅ It was the first successful Marxists coup in humanity’s history.

They killed over 60 million people, most of which were Christians.

Marxism = Zionism

Ask yourself why we were never taught this in our Western schools. 🤔🤔🤔

The bitterest red pill that is coming is going to be about Israel.

The people who created Israel and who've been running it from behind the scenes are not who you think they are.

They've been using money laundering for generations to steal from the citizens of over two dozen countries they control.

This is why they absolutely COULD NOT HAVE Donald Trump looking in to what was going on in Ukraine. It was of paramount importance to keep that Israel/Ukraine door closed.

But its going to open anyway.

They can't stop it.

Do you know why?

Because nothing can stop what is happening.

Jack Ruby (Rubinstein) killed JFK’s alleged assassin

The story is he did it out of patriotism to avenge his president

At one point during the Warran Commission interview he broke character and said

“ I must be a great actor, If I loved the president so much why wasn't I at the parade and it's starnge that I didn't vote for president Kennedy or vote at all, that I should build such great affection to him”

I think it’s funny that if someone disagrees or believes something different than (you) that they must be “the enemy” or “a shill” or “paid to post”.

As if everyone isn’t on their own awakening journey

As if (you) already know it all and have it all figured out (no one does)

As if all of the information publicly available is enough to conclude anything as matter of 100% fact

If you have not learned by now to:

1. Consider all pieces of information
2. Be open minded to change your position
3. Do your own research
4. Not blindly rely upon others to tell you what’s true

Then are you really awake ?

Now, there are indeed “enemies” “paid shills” and “disinfo artists” infiltrated into the truth movement to inject lies to sew confusion, dissent, and slow things down.

But not everyone who disagrees or dissents is one of these.

And Only if you use your own research and discernment can you come to the truth.

The truth is best seen looking down at everything from 117,000 ft.

It stands out like a sore thumb.

Conservative and liberal is a lie.

Everyone who’s paying attention is realizing that the actual division in politics that comes before left and right in America is those who are willing to criticize Israel’s long history of crimes and those who are not.

Both parties are sharply divided by those who are paid, coerced, religiously motivated, or blackmailed into supporting Israel, and those who value freedom of speech and the press over any silencing tactics the other side employs.

This was the Zionist strategy when they used Jewish organized crime to smuggle weapons out of the US to the Haganah before Israel was even created. (Blackmailing Hoover into non action)

And when they stole weapons grade uranium to build the nuclear program that they have not acknowledged to this day (they assassinated both Kennedys that were pressing for inspections and non proliferation)

And when they quietly flew five Israelis back home that were arrested in connection with the 9/11 attacks. (Burrows the reports and called it an antisemitic conspiracy theory despite hundreds of pages of FBI reports publicly available)

And today in the media landscape as the overwhelming majority of citizens oppose sending billions more in funding for their active genocide of Palestinians.

If you speak out against them- all Israelis, Jewish people, Zionists, and their paid supporters mobilize to smear, deplatform, defame, and destroy you. All under the defeating screams of “that’s antisemitism!”

There is no true Conservative Party in American politics.

There is no true Liberal party in American politics.

There are those who have been bought and blackmailed by Israel, and those who have not.

All other divisions come second.

And you can see that on full display right now with @RealCandaceO being fired from a network that has repeatedly chastised the left for cancelling people over speech.

All because she had the audacity to call a genocide a genocide.

The events of the last 2+ years have increased noticing levels substantially.

Ye, October 7th, and Candace Owens - have all moved the Overton Window on this subject significantly.

If you don’t think this is part of the Great Awakening; then you haven’t been paying attention.

This is one of many veils being lifted.


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