The Great Awakening

We're looking at a vast paradigm shift internationally not only when it comes to the international financial system, but also when it comes to to international leadership.

Biden literally is leading and influencing nothing.

For decades the Cabal used the US as its chief enforcer and fixer.

Strangely, first under Trump and now under Biden, we've been watching the rise of a new international order where the US recedes into the background.

The only thing Biden is 'leading' on is...

...that fake war in Ukraine.

And I'm pretty convinced that about 80% of what we're told about that conflict in the Western press is being faked.

Did it have to be this way?

Maybe it did.

Maybe Trump had to go away for 1 term so some bumbling fall guy could stumble his way around the White House for 4 years while the entire world restructured itself.

When Trump comes back, the world will in many places be vastly different than when he left.

Is Biden the designated fall guy?

We'll see.


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