
Rusland is op dreef:
🇷🇺 Main themes from the speech of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, at teleconference with leadership of Armed Forces (Part 1)

🔹 Units of the Russian Armed Forces together with the people's militias of the Lugansk and the Donetsk people's republics are expanding their control over the territories of Donbass.

🔹 Lugansk People's Republic has been completely liberated. In the past two weeks alone, 670 square kilometres of its territory have been liberated.

🔹 The collective West, hoping to prolong the conflict in Ukraine, continues large-scale arms deliveries to the Kiev regime.

🔹 More than 28,000 tonnes of military supplies have already been delivered to the country.

🔹 Some foreign arms supplied by the West to Ukraine are reportedly spreading across the Middle East region and also reaching the black market.

🔹 A successful offensive by the Russian army and units of the people's republics has reduced the number of foreign mercenaries and private military companies operating in the country.

🔹 In the last ten days, 170 mercenaries have been killed, 99 have refused to take part in hostilities and have left Ukrainian territory.

🔹 A range of measures are being implemented to ensure the safety of navigation in the waters of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. The Russian Armed Forces have created two humanitarian corridors for the movement of civilian maritime vessels.

🔹 The mine threat in the waters of the port of Mariupol has been completely eliminated.

🔹 Engineering troops are clearing mines and explosives from the territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics.

🔹 More than 3,700 hectares have now been checked. 46,379 explosive objects have been detected and deactivated.

🔹 Russian troops are providing comprehensive support to the population of the liberated cities.

🔹 Peaceful life will continue to be ensured in territories controlled by Russian troops.

🔹 Today our main priorities are to protect the lives and health of our subordinate personnel and to ensure that the security of the civilian population is not threatened.

🔹 The special military operation will continue until the tasks set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief have been completed.

➡️ Part 2


🇷🇺 Main themes from the speech of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, at teleconference with leadership of Armed Forces (Part 2)

🔹 The spring recruitment campaign is drawing to an end. More than 89,000 conscripts have already been sent to their places of service.

🔹 Recruitment activities are carried out by the military registration and enlistment offices as planned. Military units are being formed on time and there is no disruption in the dispatch of recruits.

🔹 The set task of recruiting citizens will be fulfilled in full by July 15".

🔹 The conscripts who have served their time will return to their places of residence in due time.

🔹 Conscripts are not sent to the special military operation area.

🔹 The use of the new weaponry will improve the combat effectiveness of carrier aircraft in air-to-air confrontation and increase the range of engageable aerial targets, including small and stealth technology.

🔹 This year, the plan is to complete state testing of the missiles and put the first production batches into service.

🔹 As of the first half of 2022, a total of 1,245 buildings and structures have been completed for the Armed Forces. These figures have been achieved in accordance with the plan approved by the Russian Defence Ministry Board.

🔹 Over the past period, the Military Construction Complex has fulfilled the most important state tasks set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and the defined State Armament Programme.

🔹 Military builders are actively involved in rebuilding the infrastructure of Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics.

🔹 Facilities at the Plesetsk cosmodrome have been prepared to test the advanced Sarmat land-based missile system. This enabled a successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile in April.

🔹 To ensure the daily activities of the troops, as well as comfortable living conditions for personnel and the civilian population, 754 facilities have been commissioned in the military districts.

🔹 Housing and dormitories have also been built to accommodate more than 2,000 servicemen and their families.

🔹 At the same time, the Military Construction Complex has implemented important social infrastructure projects for the regions. These include a modern medical complex with a polyclinic and an inpatient clinic on the basis of the Istra Regional Hospital.

🔹 By the end of the year, the enterprises of the Military Construction Complex will have completed all tasks for the creation of the infrastructure of nuclear deterrence forces and facilities, the airfield network and the integrated storage arsenals.

🔹 The planned refurbishment of military camps, park and technical areas, medical and educational facilities will continue.

➡️ Part 1

‘God banishes all evil from the World, all demonic, all this Nazism’. So Serbian artist Bronislav Radisic chose the theme for his paintings of Russia’s struggle with Nazism in Ukraine and the victory over this evil.

⚡️ Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine

▫️ The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine. The enemy suffers considerable losses on all fronts.

💥 Attack launched at the positions of 99th Mechanised Battalion from 61st Chaser Infantry Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) near Bereznegovatoye (Nikolayev region) has resulted in the elimination of over 75 nationalists and about 30 armoured and motor vehicles.

💥 High-precision attack launched by Russian Aerospace Forces has resulted in the neutralisation of provisional base deployed by Tornado nationalist battalion near Zelenodolsk (Dnepropetrovsk region). Over 40 militants and up to 10 units of armament and military equipment have been eliminated.

▪️ Dure to numerous losses and desertion, units of 127th Territorial Defence Brigade deployed in Kharkov are being manned by former criminals.

💥 Attack launched by Russian Aerospace Forces at the positions of an artillery battalion from 72nd Mechanised Brigade of the AFU deployed near Soledar, over 30 per cent of personnel have been eliminated and the major part of artillery guns have been neutralised.

💥 High-precision attack launched by Russian Aerospace Forces has resulted in the elimination of a hangar that stored M-777 U.S.-manufactured 155-mm howitzers and up to 30 Ukrainian militants who had been shelling residential areas of Donetsk.

✈️💥 Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery have neutralised 22 command posts, including those of 98th Battalion from 108th Territorial Defence Brigade near Novovorontsovka (Dnepropetrovsk region), 16th Mechanised Brigade near Pokrovskoye (Donetsk People's Republic), artillery units at their firing positions in 72 areas, as well as AFU manpower and military equipment in 117 areas, including 2 bases of foreign mercenaries deployed near Kharkov.

💥 5 munitions depots have been destroyed near Pershetravnevoye (Dnepropetrovsk region), Visunsk (Nikolayev region), Bakhmutskoye and Seversk (Donetsk People's Republic), as well as 1 depot of fuel for military equipment near Annovka (Kirovograd region).

✈️💥Su-35S and MiG-31BM aeroplanes of Russian Aerospace Forces have shot down 2 Su-25 of Ukrainian Air Force near Bereznegovatoye and Chervonaya Dolina (Nikolayev region).

▫️ In addition, Russian air defence means have destroyed 15 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Dolgenkoye, Brazhkovka, Zelyonoye, Yakovenkovo, Peski-Radkovskiye, Grushevka, Chervony Oskol (Kharkov region), Donetsk and Svyatogorsk (Donetsk People's Republic).

💥 6 projectiles launched by Uragan MRLS have been intercepted near Dolgenkoye (Kharkov region) and Gornoye (Donetsk People's Republic).

📊 In total, 239 airplanes and 137 helicopters, 1,503 unmanned aerial vehicles, 353 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,994 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 738 combat vehicles equipped with MRLS, 3,117 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 4,099 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
[ Foto ]
🗓 July 12, 1941

#ThisDay 81 years ago an agreement was signed in Moscow on the joint action of the USSR and Britain in the war against Germany.

▫️Immediately after the news of the German attack on the USSR, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill announced that Britain would assist the Soviet Union in the war against Germany. Two days later, US President Franklin Roosevelt announced his support for our country.

▫️The Soviet-British agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany, signed on July 12, 1941, began the creation of the anti-Hitler coalition.

⚡️Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (Part 1)

▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

💥 High-precision Iskander land-based missiles near Berezan in Odessa Region have destroyed launchers of the US-made Harpoon anti-ship missile system.

💥 High-precision air-based missile strike near Artemovsk in Donetsk People's Republic has destroyed 180 servicemen and 26 pieces of military equipment of 30th mechanized brigade of AFU.

▫️In addition, high-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed 12 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentrations, 4 amunition depots of the 79th Airborne Assault Brigade near Matveevka, NIkolaev Region, and AFU armoured vehicle repair and recovery facility near Seversk.

💥 As part of counter-battery fighting, 2 platoons of Grad multiple-launch rocket systems and 2 artillery platoons of Hyacinth-B howitzers have been destroyed at firing positions near Dzerzhinsk, Donetsk People's Republic.

💥 Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery have neutralised 3 AFU command posts, 3 ammunition depots, 97 areas of Ukrainian artillery units at firing positions, as well as 111 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration.

💥 Russian air defence means have shot down 7 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Izyum, Malye Prokhody, Pitomnik in Kharkov Region, Slavyansk, Shandrygolovo in Donetsk People's Republic, including 1 strike drone near Nikolaev.

▫️In addition, 12 rockets of Uragan multiple-launch rocket system have been intercepted near Lisichansk in Lugansk People's Republic, Brazhkovka in Kharkov Region and Novaya Kakhovka in Kherson Region.

📊 In total, 243 Ukrainian airplanes and 137 helicopters, 1,513 unmanned aerial vehicles, 354 anti-aircraft missile systems, 4,046 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 741 multiple launch rocket systems, 3,135 field artillery and mortars, as well as 4,165 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

Part 2 ( 📑

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #report

⚡️Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (Part 2)

⚠️ Russian Defence Ministry monitors and records by name all foreign mercenaries who have arrived in Ukraine to take part in combat operations.

▫️ As we have already mentioned, contrary to the false claims of the Kiev regime about allegedly 20,000 of foreign mercenaries arriving to Ukraine, their actual number is much lower. Moreover, it is steadily declining.

▫️Over the past three weeks, the number of mercenaries in Ukraine has decreased from 3,221 to 2,741 as a result of the offensive actions of the units of the Russian Armed Forces and people's militia of Lugansk and Donetsk republics.

▫️During this time, despite the arrival of another 151 mercenaries, 391 militants have been killed. Another 240 "wild geese" rushed to flee outside Ukraine.

▫️Poland again tops the list in terms of the speed and number of fighters killed during the period, with 166 Polish fighters killed. Among the Georgian representatives, 50 "soldiers of fortune" were killed, UK lost another 23 mercenaries in Ukraine. Also, 21 Romanian and 15 Canadian fighters were killed in three weeks.

📊 Updated data on the count of foreign mercenaries currently in Ukraine has been published on the Russian Defence Ministry's information resources on the Internet.

▫️Once again, the Russian Armed Forces are identifying foreign mercenaries even as they prepare to enter Ukraine.

🔻I will give one example.

▫️On July 6, two British citizens, Colin Scott and Adrian Davis, and three US citizens, Michael Vujkovic, Andrew Fox and Oliver Short, arrived at the foreign mercenary collection and accommodation centre located at 1 Kozmian street in Poland's Zamość city. We advise these citizens to come to their senses and return home alive.

❗️Let me remind you that under International Humanitarian Law, all foreign mercenaries are non-combatants and the best that awaits them if captured alive is a trial and maximum terms of imprisonment.

Part 1 ( 📑

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #report
@mod_russia_en 12 Jul, 2022 13:32
HomeRussia & FSU

Putin to meet leaders of Iran and Turkey – Kremlin​

The Russian president plans to visit Tehran next week
Putin to meet leaders of Iran and Turkey – Kremlin

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, June 29, 2022. © Getty Images / Iranian

Presidency/Handout/Anadolu Agency
Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit Tehran on July 19 for talks with his Iranian and Turkish counterparts, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said during a press briefing on Tuesday.

Putin will attend a trilateral meeting with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan under the so-called ‘Astana peace process.’ The format was launched in early 2017 with the aim of putting an end to the 11-year-long conflict in Syria.
In addition to the trilateral meeting, there will also be bilateral meetings,” Peskov said.

Putin and Erdogan held a phone call on Monday during which they discussed economic and trade cooperation, the use of national currencies in transactions and Russian energy supplies. The two leaders also exchanged opinions on the situation around Ukraine, “including in the context of coordinating efforts to ensure the safety of navigation in the Black Sea and grain exports to world markets,” the readout of the conversation published on the Kremlin website says.
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According to the Turkish president’s Directorate of Communications, meanwhile, Erdogan told his Russian colleague that “it was time for the United Nations to take action for the plan regarding the formation of secure corridors via the Black Sea for the grain export.”

Kiev and Western nations have accused Russia of blocking food exports from Ukraine’s Black Sea ports, which they maintain has contributed to the surge in global food prices. Moscow denies the allegation, saying it has been offering safe passage to freighters, whereas Ukraine is preventing civilian ships from leaving the ports. Russia also says Kiev’s deployment of sea mines has created a threat to shipping in the area.

The key topic of the talks between Putin and Raisi will be “planning for the development of economic cooperation between Iran and Russia,” according to Mohammad Reza Pour-Ebrahimi, chairman of the Iranian parliament’s Economic Commission.
He hailed the results of Raisi's January visit to Russia, saying that it marked “a new chapter of economic relations” between the two countries. The commission chairman also claimed that Russia needs economic cooperation with Iran “more and more” amid the sanctions imposed on it by Western countries.

Russische ambassadeur bij paneldiscussie Oekraïne Symposium (volledige gesprek)​

Een open gesprek over het conflict in Oekraïne met de Russische ambassadeur Alexander Shulgin, FVD-Europarlementariër Marcel de Graaff, academicus/auteur John Laughland, journalist Joost Niemöller en Oost-Europadeskundige Marie-Thérèse ter Haar.
😂😂😂 any minute now.. 17 Jul, 2022 22:45
HomeWorld News

EU asks for patience on anti-Russia sanctions​

Josep Borrell says the EU’s anti-Russian sanctions will crush Moscow any minute now
EU asks for patience on anti-Russia sanctions

© Getty Images / Christopher Furlong
EU foreign policy head Josep Borrell has called on Europeans to show “strategic patience” while months worth of sanctions against Russia take effect.

The sanctions imposed by the EU and like-minded partners are already hitting Vladimir Putin and his associates hard,” Borrell declared in a blog post on Sunday, insisting “their impact on the Russian economy will only increase.”

We need strategic patience until Russia stops its aggression and Ukraine is able to regain its full sovereignty,” he added. 20 Jul, 2022 17:34
HomeRussia & FSU

Putin predicts ‘revolutionary’ changes​

Only “truly sovereign” states will succeed after “enormous” geopolitical transformations, the Russian leader claimed
Putin predicts ‘revolutionary’ changes

Vladimir Putin © Sputnik / Alexey Maishev

A new epoch of world history is approaching and only “truly sovereign” states will be able to succeed in the changed environment, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.
Speaking at a business forum, Putin claimed that “truly revolutionary,” “enormous” changes would lead to the creation of a new, “harmonious, fairer and more community-focused and safe” world order. In this new epoch, “only truly sovereign states can ensure high growth dynamics,” he said.

By the term ‘sovereignty’ the Russian president means “freedom of national development, and thus of each person individually,” as well as “technological, cultural, intellectual, educational viability of the state” and a “responsible, active and nationally minded, nationally oriented civil society.”

Such a state, the president said, will serve as an example for others when it comes to “the standards and quality of people’s life, the protection of traditional values and high humanistic ideals.”

This kind of world is in sharp contrast to the Western-dominated unipolar world order, which, in Putin’s opinion, is “becoming a brake on the development of our civilization.

He accused the West of being “racist and neo-colonial,” saying that its ideology “is becoming increasingly more like totalitarianism.”
The president argued that despite attempts by Western elites to preserve the existing world order, the changes are “irreversible.”
German chancellor predicts how world will look in 2050READ MORE: German chancellor predicts how world will look in 2050

Putin has been discussing the end of the “unipolar” world for a long time. In his famous 2007 Munich Security Conference speech, the Russian president said that “the unipolar world that had been proposed after the Cold War did not take place.” He explained that a world of “one master, one sovereign” is destructive not only for everyone within the system but also for the sovereign itself. He accused the US of neglecting the “basic principles of international law” and stressed that “unilateral and frequently illegitimate actions” had never solved any problems.
In May, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed hope that his country’s military offensive in Ukraine, when completed, would force the Western nations “to stop promoting the so-called unipolar world under the dominance of the United States and its allies.
The idea of a new “multipolar” world has been discussed in the West, too, most recently by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
However, following Moscow's offensive in Ukraine, the West declared its intention to “isolate” Russia and imposed tough sanctions on it. Russia views these actions as another manifestation of Western attempts to “contain” it and maintain the existing world order.
En ook hier in Het gaat de wereld over en kan niet meer in de doofpot gestopt worden:

Vladimir Poetin heeft gewaarschuwd dat "een nieuwe fase in de wereldgeschiedenis" aanstaande is in een toespraak waarin hij "het model van totale overheersing" door het Westen veroordeelde.

Tijdens zijn toespraak op woensdag in Moskou haalde de Russische leider uit naar de bevolking van de westerse landen, die hij omschreef als de "gouden miljard", en vroeg hij waarom hun leiders "hun eigen gedragsregels moeten opleggen die gebaseerd zijn op de illusie van exclusiviteit", wat volgens hem "inherent racistisch en neokoloniaal" is.
"Men krijgt de indruk dat het Westen eenvoudigweg niet in staat is de wereld zijn eigen model van de toekomst te bieden," zei Poetin, terwijl hij beschreef hoe de dominantie van het Westen te danken is aan "de beroving van andere volkeren, zowel in Azië als in Afrika."

In zijn kritiek op de koloniale machten noemde hij met name India "beroofd". Nu Rusland te maken heeft met sancties van het Westen vanwege zijn invasie, zijn de handelsbetrekkingen tussen New Delhi en Moskou versterkt sinds het begin van de oorlog in Oekraïne en heeft Rusland zijn pijlen gericht op landen als China en Iran.
Deze week had Poetin in Teheran ontmoetingen met Iraanse en Turkse leiders, waarbij hij een nieuw bondgenootschap wilde smeden als antwoord op de harde maatregelen van de VS en zijn bondgenoten, voornamelijk in Europa.

Poetin zei dat de mondiale "elites" nu "vreselijk bang" zijn dat andere delen van de wereld "hun eigen opties voor ontwikkeling kunnen presenteren".

"Maar hoezeer westerse en supranationale elites ook streven naar het behoud van de bestaande orde der dingen, er komt een nieuw tijdperk aan, een nieuwe fase in de wereldgeschiedenis", voegde hij eraan toe.

Vervolgens zei hij dat een "hoge groeidynamiek" alleen kan worden bereikt door "echt soevereine staten" in wat leek op kritiek op wat hij beschouwt als westerse inmenging in Rusland en de oorlog die hij voert.
Tijdens zijn toespraak tot de bijeenkomst van bedrijfsleiders met als titel "Sterke ideeën voor een nieuwe tijd", waarvan het transcript op de website van het Kremlin stond, maakte Poetin geen melding van Oekraïne.

De toespraak past echter in de harde reactie van het Westen op de inval van Rusland in zijn buurland, met sancties en steeds intensievere militaire samenwerking en bijstand aan Kiev.

In maart hekelde Poetin het "collectieve Westen", dat hij ervan beschuldigde "te proberen verdeeldheid te zaaien in onze samenleving" door te profiteren van de "sociaal-economische gevolgen van de sancties" die kort na zijn invasie waren opgelegd.

Maandag zei Poetin echter dat de maatregelen die bedoeld zijn om Rusland te isoleren, de klok niet zullen terugdraaien wat de ontwikkeling van zijn land betreft. Hij vertelde Russische regeringsfunctionarissen "dat we niet zullen opgeven en in een staat van wanorde zullen blijven of, zoals sommige van onze 'weldoeners' voorspellen, tientallen jaren terug zullen gaan."


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