

“Specially trained Government Kidnappers with Top Clearance and protection in their assigned task of stealing children, torturing and sexually abusing them... involving them in satanic orgies, bloody rituals, and murder of other children..."

Who would support an intelligence community with this kind of track record?

Is this really how we want our Tax Dollars being spent!?

An anonymous Jeffrey Epstein victim is suing a wealthy Jewish psychiatrist who worked for the prolific pedophile and allegedly “treated” his victims.

In the suit, the Jane Doe claims Henry Jarecki, 91, controlled her as his sex slave and raped her for years after Epstein sent her to Jarecki for psychiatric treatment.

Jarecki owns Norman Island located in the British Virgin Islands just a few miles from Epstein’s infamous Little St. James island.

It's much worse than you imagined.

Do you understand ancient Canaanite "worship" of moloch? It was usually a giant owl statue with human-like arms under its wings, outstretched over a cauldron for fire in its belly. Some say this own altar of sacrifice was 20 feet tall.

A fire was stoked in the owl's belly until its outstretched arms turned incandescent red with heat. Worshippers would bring their living babies and lay them on those red hot arms. The excruciating pain would cause the child to writhe in agony, untill it fell off the arms into the fire below.

Drummers pounded on massive drums to drown out the baby's screams and the wailing mothers. At the same time, worshippers engaged in hetero, homo, and pedo sexual activities in front of the statue.

This is the owl in dark religion and this is the demonic demigod that Jeffrey Epstein took visitors to his underground temple to worship. There were famous, powerful, royal, wealthy people...worshipping moloch on Epstein island.

A new report questions why the 15 plus hours of footage Steve Bannon filmed interviewing Jeffrey Epstein hasn’t been released.

Epstein’s brother, Mark Epstein, asked Bannon for the footage and he was rebuffed, according The New Republic. Furthermore, Mark said Bannon interestingly told him the footage was for “witness preparation” and “protected under attorney-client” privilege.

“He told me he had like 16 hours of videotaping with Jeffrey in his vault,” Mark Epstein said. “And he told me it was protected because it was witness preparation and it was protected under attorney-client privilege. But the thing is, Bannon’s not an attorney.”

It’s been reported that Bannon did the interview to media train Epstein. It’s also been reported that Bannon filmed him for a documentary. In 2021, Bannon released a trailer for the potential documentary — see below.


Almost every politician, influencer, and celebrity gets a free trip to Israel

They get you drunk then a young beautiful girl jumps on your lap and and wants to bring you to the other room

If you fall for it you wake up and discover she's not of age

After that, you are stuck tweeting how Israel is our greatest ally and passing laws making antisemitism illegal

EO presentator Jan van den Bosch is bezig met een come-back, lijkt me. Weet iemand waar ik dat fragment kan vinden, waar die een jong, bruin meisje een dansje laat doen? Hij kwijlt bijna ...
Almost every politician, influencer, and celebrity gets a free trip to Israel

They get you drunk then a young beautiful girl jumps on your lap and and wants to bring you to the other room

If you fall for it you wake up and discover she's not of age

After that, you are stuck tweeting how Israel is our greatest ally and passing laws making antisemitism illegal


Dus Jake spreekt uit eigen ervaring. Verhelderend. Dank voor het delen. De omvang van deze systematische chantage wordt me steeds meer duidelijk.

Daarnaast is de chantage met jonge meisjes ook een soort 'auditie'. Hoe verder je erin mee gaat des te dieper je in het sektarische gebeuren verzeild raakt. De 'prijs' die je moet betalen is daarmee steeds hoger en ook de noodzaak om de verbinding met je ziel en het goddelijke te verbreken om überhaupt nog enigszins te leven.

Het doorsnijden van de goddelijke connectie gaat gepaard met een gemis dat gevuld wordt door een geloof dat je zelf de plek van het goddelijke inneemt. Net als bij een ontgroening van een studentencorps is er een natuurlijke selectie. Alleen dan op een niveau waar elke vorm van moraliteit weg is. Het 'kwaad' houdt hiermee zichzelf in stand.

Waar ik me nou altijd over verwonder is dat 'kwade' mensen ook 'goed' handelen. Uiteraard het egocentrische opportunistische handelen, maar er is toch ook samenwerking waar toch weer enige vorm van 'harmonie' nodig is om dingen gedaan te krijgen. Wat ik bedoel is dat er bij entiteiten met kwade bedoelingen ook samenwerking heerst, met vriendschap en vertrouwen. En harmonieuze principes zijn m.i. weer onderdeel van het goddelijke... Met enkel destructie kun je geen destructief imperium bouwen, onderhouden en in honderden/duizenden jaren uitbouwen.

Ik ben benieuwd hoe jullie dit zien. Zijn het goddelijke en het ongoddelijke (satanistische/zionistische/luciferiaanse hoe je het ook noemt) twee zijden van dezelfde munt van God als eenheid?
President Trump encouraged people to buy Catherine Oxenberg’s book Captive today on Truth Social. Oxenberg’s book details her crusade to save her daughter from the NXIVM sex trafficking cult.

Clare Bronfman, who comes from a prominent Jewish family and an heiress to the Seagram’s fortune, reportedly spent $150 million to fund NXIVM which was founded by Keith Raniere and Nancy Salzman. Bronfman’s money reportedly was used to buy an executive jet and an island in Fiji for NXIVM to use. Her billionaire father, Edgar Bronfman, was the longtime chairman to the World Jewish Congress for over two decades.

Salzman, a Jewish therapist and a hypnotist, developed a so-called self-help method Executive Success Program (ESP) in 1997 before teaming up with Raniere. Nancy allegedly supplied ESP training to Edgar.

Bronfman reportedly conspired with Raniere to secretly implant a key logger virus on her father’s computer enabling them to access his e-mails.

The alleged hacking of Edgar’s computer was carried out so they could spy on him and monitor his emails that included his exchanges with world leaders and then-U.S. Sen Hillary Clinton.

NXIVM illegally raised money for Hillary’s 2008 presidential campaign at Bronfman’s direction. NXIVM members and their families donated $29,000 in total to Hillary’s campaign in 2008.

It’s interesting that Trump is drawing attention to Oxenberg’s book now since it came out in 2018. I also noticed Trump’s post on her book came right after he posted about his upcoming meeting with Bibi Netanyahu.

Jewish Cult Leaders Sentenced For Crimes Against Children

Three leaders of the Jewish cult, Lev Tahor, were sentenced to more than a decade in prison for child sexual exploitation and kidnapping two children, including a child bride, and smuggling them into Mexico. The leaders, who are brothers, allegedly forced a girl back into the arms of her adult “husband” in a twisted child sex crime scheme..

Full story:

cc: @LizCrokin


Bisschop Bonny stopt als aanspreekpunt voor slachtoffers seksueel misbruik: “Behandeling honderden dossiers weegt emotioneel erg zwaar”​


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