Parasietenkuren info

Bijna overheen gelezen, wat een verhaal Loeki! Wat ik me afvraag is waarom jullie besloten hebben om panacur te gaan gebruiken?.
Mike had het er vorig jaar al over en we hadden iets gevonden op you tube daarover. Joe tippens uit edmond had het er ook over. Als ik nu google op Edmund en panacur zijn de meeste filmpjes weg gehaald, Het is jammer dat nu blijkt dat mijn man een te lage dosering heeft genomen en as. maandag is alweer de nieuwe MRI. maar het is besteld en gaat nu voor 3 dagen de juiste dosering en dan gooien we dat paardenmiddel er ook nog tegen aan. Baat het niet dan kan schaden nu ook niet zoveel kwaad meer
Mebendazol gaat een binding aan met de tubuli in de darmen van de wormpjes. Hier door kan de worm geen glucose meer opnemen. Hier door sterft de worm na verloop van tijd. Zo duurt het dus een paar dagen voordat de wormpjes dood zijn en de klachten afnemen.

Is het dan niet zo dat dit alleen werkzaam is op wormen in de darmen? Kunnen we ervan uitgaan dat het net als ivectermine ook werkzaam is op spike-eitwitten?

Maar zou je dan ook kunnen zeggen dat een tumor groeit van oa. glucose dat deze groei ook moet stoppen?
Loekie, ik had nog e.e.a van Joe Tippens opgeslagen op mijn laptop.

Misschien weet je het al en zo niet dan heb je er misschien nog iets aan.

My Cure Regimen and the period of the unknown Mar. 2017

I mentioned earlier that I am a voracious researcher on various alternative methods and I came to a conclusion in January 2017 that, in addition to the new canine drug experiment, that I also would begin a regimen that would include the following:

  • Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.
  • Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable., and
  • CBD oil (1-2 droppers-ful [equal to 25mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) oil
  • So the period of unknown started in the 3rd week of January 2017 and included the above three items every day (7 days per week) and the canine medicine (1 GRAM PER DAY FOR 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS) per week. Take 4 days off and repeat each week. Each gram of Panacur C has approximately 222 mg of fenbendazole, in case you are trying a different branded product.

    It really doesn't matter what time of the day or with/without food. Many people take this regimen concurrent with chemo, immunotherapy and radiation. Most people asks me if I altered my diet. My answer is "I probably should have, but I didn't"

    NOTE 1: Because cancer is notorious for reoccurrences, I plan on taking this regimen the rest of my life. Why not?

    NOTE 2: Many people ask whether it can be taken while on chemo, radiation and/or immunotherapy. I say yes to all three. Why not?

    NOTE 3: About 80% of the people who have followed my lead have been transparent with their oncologists. And of those about 80% of the oncologists have been supportive.

    I chose not to tell mine until I was "all clear" for 3 quarters (9 months), but that is a personal decision.

    Many people ask how to take the tasteless dry powder. I simply toss it in my mouth and chase it with water as it will not dissolve in liquids. However, if that doesn't work for you, mix it in yogurt or a smoothie

    The canine medicine that I took was available over the counter from numerous pet medicine on-line sites. It is branded as Panacur C and the drug name is Fenbendazole. It is the one gram size for small dogs per the picture below. The dosage is one 1-gram packet per day for 3 consecutive days, then 4 days be repeated every week.

    Some people choose to take 7 days a week for the first 2 weeks to "kick-off" their regimen.
    Many people buy other brands and other product forms (e.g., pills or liquids) made for larger animals. IMPORTANT. The 1 gram packets above equate to 222mg of Fenbendazole per packet, such that a 3 day (one week) supply equals 1 box of 3 packets. If you are using a liquid, with say 100mg per ml of liquid, then the proper adjusted dosage would be 2.2 mls, or about half a teaspoon.
Loeki als hij kanker heeft dan kun je alles proberen want chemo werkt zowiezo niet. Misschien tijdelijk en dan zien ze zogenaamd vooruitgang maar in the end komt het allemaal door het hele lichaam terug. Was bij schoonzusje ook zo.
Artsen werken via protocollen dus moet je NOOIT zeggen wat je doet.
Ze mogen alleen maar dingen doen die door de protocollen zijn vastgelegd.
Ze kunnen zelfs aangeklaagd worden als ze niet werken via die protocollen. Dus verwacht van die kant geen medewerking.
Misschien handig om nog eens te zoeken naar bovengenoemde middelen (of andere )in verband met kanker.
Hoeveel doden vallen er per jaar door kanker. horen we nooit iets over. Ze kijken wel uit.
Loekie, ik had nog e.e.a van Joe Tippens opgeslagen op mijn laptop.

Misschien weet je het al en zo niet dan heb je er misschien nog iets aan.

My Cure Regimen and the period of the unknown Mar. 2017

I mentioned earlier that I am a voracious researcher on various alternative methods and I came to a conclusion in January 2017 that, in addition to the new canine drug experiment, that I also would begin a regimen that would include the following:

  • Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.
  • Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable., and
  • CBD oil (1-2 droppers-ful [equal to 25mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) oil
  • So the period of unknown started in the 3rd week of January 2017 and included the above three items every day (7 days per week) and the canine medicine (1 GRAM PER DAY FOR 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS) per week. Take 4 days off and repeat each week. Each gram of Panacur C has approximately 222 mg of fenbendazole, in case you are trying a different branded product.

    It really doesn't matter what time of the day or with/without food. Many people take this regimen concurrent with chemo, immunotherapy and radiation. Most people asks me if I altered my diet. My answer is "I probably should have, but I didn't"

    NOTE 1: Because cancer is notorious for reoccurrences, I plan on taking this regimen the rest of my life. Why not?

    NOTE 2: Many people ask whether it can be taken while on chemo, radiation and/or immunotherapy. I say yes to all three. Why not?

    NOTE 3: About 80% of the people who have followed my lead have been transparent with their oncologists. And of those about 80% of the oncologists have been supportive.

    I chose not to tell mine until I was "all clear" for 3 quarters (9 months), but that is a personal decision.

    Many people ask how to take the tasteless dry powder. I simply toss it in my mouth and chase it with water as it will not dissolve in liquids. However, if that doesn't work for you, mix it in yogurt or a smoothie

    The canine medicine that I took was available over the counter from numerous pet medicine on-line sites. It is branded as Panacur C and the drug name is Fenbendazole. It is the one gram size for small dogs per the picture below. The dosage is one 1-gram packet per day for 3 consecutive days, then 4 days be repeated every week.

    Some people choose to take 7 days a week for the first 2 weeks to "kick-off" their regimen.
    Many people buy other brands and other product forms (e.g., pills or liquids) made for larger animals. IMPORTANT. The 1 gram packets above equate to 222mg of Fenbendazole per packet, such that a 3 day (one week) supply equals 1 box of 3 packets. If you are using a liquid, with say 100mg per ml of liquid, then the proper adjusted dosage would be 2.2 mls, or about half a teaspoon.
1 gram Panacur per dag? Dat is nog steeds onderdosering. In de bijsluiter staat 1 tablet van 500 mg (halve gram) per 10 kg lichaamsgewicht. Ik heb vandaag 9 x 500 = 4500 mg = 4,5 gram geslikt, zonder enige bijwerkingen!

Zojuist na het avondeten 2,5 tablet van Endogard Plus XL genomen. ik weeg 80 kg.

1 tablet per 35 kg en ik heb dus ruime eenmalige dosering.
Wat gebeurt er met het geld dat wordt gebruikt voor "onderzoek" als er niks meer te onderzoeken valt, omdat ziektes al genezen kunnen worden?

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