Mike Adams heeft de nugget onder een microscoop gelegd en vind daar vreemde vezels die door sommige worden herkend als
Dit vond ik op die site over morgellons:
After further research and observation of these unnatural manifestations on micro level, I came to the conclusion that this new parasite could be only a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism), made probably with fungal model organisms and some protozoal or bacterial organisms, too, such as e.g. A. tumefaciens for example.
Pathologically seen, human proteins and lipids, such as cartilage, collagen, melanin and keratin will be dissolved by enzymes (keratinase, proteases and liptases/lipases). One can say that what the AIDS virus does not finish may be completed by this illness or parasite and Lyme disease.
Of course, the creators (the pesticide industry or military?) will do all that is possible to hide or debunk the truth and even to spread rumors over the Internet about UFOs, nano-machines, Mars spores and ridiculous delusional conceptions as the cause of Morgellons, with the help of many payed agents, who interact together in a worldwide network.
These include computer hackers, scientists or even physicians, who hide themselves sometimes behind the term "quackbusters or scienceblogs" just to disinform, confuse or blame the whole situation on the victims and researchers. You can not trust anyone today, particulary physicians!