Toevallig las ik gister een leuk stukje als reactie op een blog ('Why you should be drinking Whole Milk' betreffende hormonen of antibiotica in melk.
Dit is dus ook de Amerikaanse situatie, misschien kan Goldensun ons vertellen hoe dat in Nederland is? Ben ik wel erg benieuwd naar.
Have you ever been to a dairy farm? Do you know what's in your milk? It sounds to me like you are a bit misinformed. We live and work on a dairy farm (family owned) and sell our milk to Dean's. 99.99999% of dairy retailers test their milk for hormones and other added chemicals (such as antibiotics and such). If it has been found that our farm has tainted a tank of milk due to hormones or antibiotics, we are fined a hefty fee, have to pay to clean the truck tank out, pay the other farmers for their milk (if it was already in the tanker when ours was added), and as a punishment, we have to dump our milk tank THREE times. That is HUGE! This is the way almost all (if not every single one) of dairies operate. You will be hard pressed to find pasteurized milk on any store shelf that has hormones in it.
Now, Dr. Sukol, as far as your claim about whole vs. skim milk goes, I completely agree. However, I also think that, if you can get your hands on it, raw milk is 100% the way to go over whole milk. Pasteurization kills 95% of the natural vitamins and nutrients that are found in milk and then they are artificially added back into the milk. If you live in a rural area, it should be pretty easy to get your hands on raw milk. Just realize that it will probably (depending on the state you live in) have to be labeled "not for human consumption." We love our raw milk here, on the farm! Nothing tastes better!