
“Nearly 2,000 Christian houses of worship in France have been desecrated in the past two years, according to police, [while] in Germany, there were four such incidents in March,” WND announced. “Some French politicians have attributed the church desecrations – averaging more than two a day – to ‘militant secularism.’”

However, political correctness across the Atlantic has made reporting on Islamic attacks against Christian buildings and monuments taboo – and when Islamic adherents are exposed, their crimes are oftentimes excused.

“[In almost all attacks across Europe], authorities and media obfuscate the identity of the vandals,” Raymond Ibrahim, a senior fellow the Gatestone Institute pointed out. “In those rare instances when the Muslim – or ‘migrant’ – identity of the destroyers is leaked, the desecraters are then presented as suffering from mental health issues.”

A common fear to expose the attacks at face value has been endemic for some time, as European publications have stressed.

“Hardly anyone writes and speaks about the increasing attacks on Christian symbols,” Germany’s PI News explained in its analysis of church attacks – noting how authorities stop at nothing to keep from putting the blame on Muslim migrants. “There is an eloquent silence in both France and Germany about the scandal of the desecrations and the origin of the perpetrators.”

It has reportedly gotten so bad that local authorities where the attacks are staged risk serious consequences if they blame migrants for the crimes,”

“It is not the perpetrators who are in danger of being ostracized, but those who dare to associate the desecration of Christian symbols with immigrant imports,” the German website explained. “They are accused of hatred, hate speech and racism.”


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