
I agree 100% that MOST women can’t be trusted, and try to sabotage their friends relationships.

Also bc most of the time they want them to indulge in degenerate behavior with them.

That’s why I think women should really ONLY have 1 or 2 close friends that they can be completely honest with, and can trust NOT to overstep their place in the relationship.

Crowder has to be the problem because if he isn't, then their model is wrong. Be young, get married, be Christian, make babies. That can't be wrong because it's their magic formula.

Christianity doesn't make a woman submissive or change in anyway. The state still gives her financial incentives for divorce. You have to fix the legal structure that favors women, or men aren't going to want to risk getting married.

Nice guy blues? Having trouble despite the potential you never get to act on?

Evolutionarily being nice is a survival strategy for beta, they do favors in order to be protected by the group. Women see this as weak. They don't care how nice you are until you fulfill their primary and instinctual need which is to feel safe. If you are not assertive it's like her being fat. No one cares if a fat girl is nice or not. Kindness only matters as extra. It is secondary.


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