De doodsstrijd van de dollar

Importeur. China is de exporteur en berekent de prijs in yuan, Argentinie betaalt als importeur in yuan.

Denken jullie ook niet dat Zuid-Afrika en Brazilië mollen zijn binnen het BRICS verband? Hun regeringen zij hartstikke corrupt en hebben banden met Soros enzo.
Poetin durfde ook niet fysiek aanwezig te zijn op de BRICS-top in Zuid-Afrika, waarschijnlijk bang om gearresteerd te worden of erger.
The collapse of the US Dollar

Putin — The United States is Killing the US Dollar with it’s own Hands and implies the US is trying to Collapse the Country on Purpose

• “As soon as the political leadership decided to use the US Dollar as a tool of political struggle, a blow was dealt to this American power…. It was a stupid thing to do and a grave mistake.”

• US Allie’s are downsizing their dollar reserves

• The US placing restrictive measures to certain countries, it sends a bad signal to the whole world

• Until 2022, 80% of Russian foreign trade was made in US dollars & euros
— US Dollars accounted for approximately 50% of Russias transactions with 3rd countries
— Today, that is down to 13%

“It wasn’t us who abandoned the use of the US dollar. It was the decision of the United States to restrict our transactions in US Dollars”

• That damages the US economy and undermines the US across the world

• “Why did the US do this? My only guess is self-conceit. They probably thought that would lead to a full collapse, but nothing collapsed…. Do you even realize what is going on or not? Does anyone in the United States realize this?”


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