
In drie korte video’s belichten Karel van Wolferen en Anne Willemsen de belangrijkste feiten omtrent de Oekraïne-oorlog. Dit eerste deel geeft inzicht in de historische gebeurtenissen voorafgaand aan de Russische inval op 24 februari 2022. Ook worden begrippen als Wolfowitz-doctrine, Neoconservatieven, Proxyoorlog, Warschaupact en de Mink-akkoorden nader toegelicht.
Oekraine is 14x zo groot als nederland (opgezocht)
De bevolking in het oorlogsgebied zou dus beter naar het westen kunnen verhuizen en geholpen worden door de eigen regering en bevolking.
Waarom Nederland?
Oekraine is 14x zo groot als nederland (opgezocht)
De bevolking in het oorlogsgebied zou dus beter naar het westen kunnen verhuizen en geholpen worden door de eigen regering en bevolking.
Waarom Nederland?
Niet alleen NL hoor, en het merendeel puur theater.
Wat Tiklok filmpjes over de oorlog in Oekraïne, de Khazarian mafia die wordt ontmanteld.

must see: Ze moeten echt vertellen wat ze van plan zijn.
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🇬🇧 This is terrible. Even worse than I initially thought (https://t.me/liusivaya/2875). War crime and international terrorism.

I reconstruct the chronology of the events. The cruelty with which the Ukrainian forces acted freezes the blood almost as much as the complicit silence of the entire international community in this regard.

On February 23, Ukraine attacked a residential neighbourhood of Donetsk with HIMARS (first video). In total in the city there were 3 neighbourhoods attacked with HIMARS that day (yes, 3 neighbourhoods bombed in a single day).

To care for the injured and perform emergency work after the attack 2 firebags and an ambulance arrived in the scene.

Ukrainian forces waited for this to happen, that is, they waited for the, according to all international agreements, theoretically untouchable during the war rescue services to arrive. They made sure by means of a camera drone (whose recordings that Ukraine proudly uploaded to TikTok I also attach) that doctors and firefighters were indeed there. They then carried out another attack with HIMARS. I Repeat: TARGETING DOCTORS AND FIREFIGHTERS.

As a result: 3 members of the ambulance group died on the spot, the fourth died in the hospital. 10 firefighters were injured.

The Ukrainian army itself previously declared that they coordinate each attack with HIMARS with Washington.

"Before hitting with the use of the US HIMARS MLRS, Kiev coordinates possible objectives with Washington," - said Vadim Skibitsky, the representative of the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, in an interview with Telegraph.

That is, this war crime in the form of a terrorist act perpetrated by Ukraine against the civilian population of Donbass was carried out not only with the weapons of NATO, but also with the approval of Washington, as well as the complicit silence of the Western media, as terrorists as the politicians who subsidise them with the money of Western taxpayers.

VIDEO : https://t.me/liusivaya/2886?single

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