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Ik sneed zeekraal altijd zelf,bij Ouddorp maar mag niet meer zonder vergunning en vergunningen worden verloot. Zonder vergunning of buiten de periode snijden is 125 euro boete, maar soms kom ik weleens iemand tegen :mrgreen:
Seaweed extract fucoidan could be used to treat inflammation of the gut, research finds
By Jane Ryan
Posted 17 Jun 2015, 11:36pm
Seaweed extract has potential to fight colon disorders
Photo: Fucoidan extracts taken from seaweed could be an effective treatment of some bowel disorders, scientists say. (Supplied)
Blue-green algae, spirulina, chlorella, and barley greens are similarly sold as “superfoods.” On the downside, these greens may contain analogues of B12 that worsen cases of B12 deficiency, putting people at risk for accumulating higher homocysteine levels. So if you use these products, be sure to eat organic liver as well.