X22 Report

Israel heeft voor de DERDE KEER dat vluchtelingenkamp gebombardeerd! Cleanup operation my ass! Ik heb hier nog geen beelden van, maar die zullen wederom niet mals zijn. Iedereen die nu nog Israels OORLOGSMISDADEN verdedigt is MEDEPLICHTIG!


'Cleanup operation'.:rolleyes:

Speciaal voor Dave.

Of all the cartel and ISIS executions I've seen in my life, the video of this boy I saw last week brought me to tears. It's the fact he survived long enough to feel this excruciating pain; his face charred and his eyes blinded; both legs blown off; and the worst part of it all: wailing like a wounded animal, rather than crying like a small boy.

I do not know his name, but this boy's death will not go unavenged. I watch it to remind myself of the satanic demons we are fighting against. They laugh and cheer on at every death like this; in fact, they demand more!

But you know who's worse than them? The so-called good people who do nothing about this; who won't even speak out, or in worse cases, even excuse this evil, due to their cowardice and biases. Their humanity is conditional and tribal, no different than the Zionist supremacists whom I despise.

Every American must realize they are complicit in this, for their taxes have not only paid for this boy's horrific murder, but THOUSANDS of others, including babies.

RIP little one: I'm sorry that you had to die because "good people" didn't listen, while your people screamed "Help!" for the last 7 decades.

May the Zionist Parasite Colony die in our lifetimes, so this terror ends and all decent people in the region can live in peace.


Speciaal voor Dave.

Of all the cartel and ISIS executions I've seen in my life, the video of this boy I saw last week brought me to tears. It's the fact he survived long enough to feel this excruciating pain; his face charred and his eyes blinded; both legs blown off; and the worst part of it all: wailing like a wounded animal, rather than crying like a small boy.

I do not know his name, but this boy's death will not go unavenged. I watch it to remind myself of the satanic demons we are fighting against. They laugh and cheer on at every death like this; in fact, they demand more!

But you know who's worse than them? The so-called good people who do nothing about this; who won't even speak out, or in worse cases, even excuse this evil, due to their cowardice and biases. Their humanity is conditional and tribal, no different than the Zionist supremacists whom I despise.

Every American must realize they are complicit in this, for their taxes have not only paid for this boy's horrific murder, but THOUSANDS of others, including babies.

RIP little one: I'm sorry that you had to die because "good people" didn't listen, while your people screamed "Help!" for the last 7 decades.

May the Zionist Parasite Colony die in our lifetimes, so this terror ends and all decent people in the region can live in peace.



Echt vreselijk zo'n filmpje. Eerlijk gezegd kan ik er haast niet naar kijken.
Dat mensen elkaar dit kunnen aandoen, niet te bevatten. Zelf krijg ik onderstaande foto maar niet van mijn netvlies, tranen springen dan ook weer in m'n ogen, zo veel leed.....
I speak as someone who studied Middle Eastern politics at university and has followed and researched it ever since. Conflict in the region ultimately comes down to an entire region dominated by oil and gas supply and pipeline proxy wars involving the usual corporatist suspects around the world, who fund and supply weapons to various atrocious governments, regimes and militia groups to create power vacuums and extremist control to enable corporations to plunder the natural resources in this area whilst using fanning the flames of religious division and an endless “war on terror” narrative as a virtue con-trick to gain moral authority to plunder the natural resources of the Middle East. This is applicable to Iraq, Syria, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and also Israel and Gaza - and even further afield in Ukraine.

What’s deeply frustrating about the events of the past 3 weeks is that many people are picking a side without fully understanding the historical context. Of course, Hamas should be condemned for their atrocities. But equally, the Israeli government should also be condemned for their actions in escalating the conflict, therein causing horrendous humanitarian tragedy and displacement of thousands of innocent civilians in Gaza.

Then there’s the backstory: Palestinian citizens have seen their homelands encroached and diminished for decades whilst losing their human rights to a point where they are living in the world’s biggest open air prison.

For me, and many others, one thing hold true: Genuine freedom fighting is solidarity for those who have absolutely lost their freedoms and rights - anywhere - whatever the colour or creed. And that’s what has happened to the Palestinians for decades. And anyone who manipulatively frames the massive #FreePalestine protests around the world right now by slyly honing in on the few who promote the despicable actions of Hamas rather than the call for peace displayed by the vast majority of protesters, are doing it for duplicitous and prejudiced reasons.

Also, calling out the Israeli government for their decades of oppression against innocent civilians in Gaza is absolutely not antisemitic. No government is above criticism. The cancel culture trope smearing is on this issue horrendous.

And finally - based on my own experience, Jewish and Muslim citizens are amongst the most hospitable and kind individuals I have ever met in my life. Tarring them all with the same brush because of terrorism or brutal government actions is horrendous.

It’s time to find ways to debate this horrendous situation with balance and context and find ways to unite rather than fight, because an eye for an eye makes the world go blind.

Al een hele tijd luister ik niet meer naar Dave. De woord-combinaties, die hij telkens herhaalt ervoer ik als zware hersenspoeling. Ik vermoed dat hij ingezet wordt bij het terugdraaien van de mind control van de grote massa. Die zit heel diep en dit neemt veel tijd.
Ik moet ook vaak denken aan: "you're watching a movie"
Wat is er 'film' en wat is er echt? Kiev leek precies een filmset; is Gaza dit ook?
Al bij al blijft et een lastige oefening om hierin onderscheidings-vermogen aan de dag te leggen.
Vandaag met iemand gesproken die wel nog naar X22 luistert. Dave zegt doodleuk dat Hamas zich schuilhoudt in ziekenhiizen en hun eigen bevolkimg doodt. Als ik dat hoor begin ik meteen te koken van binnen, ben blij dat ik ben afgehaakt!

Vandaag met iemand gesproken die wel nog naar X22 luistert. Dave zegt doodleuk dat Hamas zich schuilhoudt in ziekenhiizen en hun eigen bevolkimg doodt. Als ik dat hoor begin ik meteen te koken van binnen, ben blij dat ik ben afgehaakt!

Ben al maanden geleden afgehaakt. Niet omdat het toen niet interessant was, maar te langdradig en te herhalend.
Uiteraard niet gemakkelijk om dagelijks te posten, maar beter dan om de x-dagen.
Die vriend van me die nog steeds naar Dave luistert vertelde me dat Dave nu doodleuk vertelt dat Hamas zich in die ziekenhuis verschanst en dat het Israelische leger hier sluitend bewijs voor heeft. Terwijl de posts in Palestina-Israel klip en klaar laten zien dat het 'bewijs' flinterdun is en dat Israel liegt dat het barst!

Die vriend van me die nog steeds naar Dave luistert vertelde me dat Dave nu doodleuk vertelt dat Hamas zich in die ziekenhuis verschanst en dat het Israelische leger hier sluitend bewijs voor heeft. Terwijl de posts in Palestina-Israel klip en klaar laten zien dat het 'bewijs' flinterdun is en dat Israel liegt dat het barst!


Dave Is Af!

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