Verenigde Staten van Amerika

The left is going nuts now calling McCarthy a puppet for Trump, saying he's "ordering" McCarthy to force default to make Biden look bad.

Interesting take.

"By the way, you're going to default anyway, sooner or later." Is he wrong, tho?

Suddenly I’m remembering all those votes it took to make McCarthy Speaker, that just happened to pass right after midnight on the 17th, after Trump called in and spoke with some key people. 😂

I think the question we have to ask ourselves in the wake of Ron Desantis seemingly backstabbing Trump and doing it while holding the hand of Elon Musk:
Is Ron Desantis truly a corrupt man willing to push the status quo. Is he a wolf in sheep's clothing? Is he bought and paid for?
Or is this some sort of elaborate set up for a well designed movie in which Trump will come out the Victor and the Great Awakening will prosper as a result?
I keep an open mind but faith filled mind.
I truly believe either option does not stop what is coming.
But which do you think?
Is Ron truly a black hat or is he an actor in the movie/secretly a white hat? Or someonewhere inbetween?in-between?


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