Verenigde Staten van Amerika

Uit de nieuwsbrief van ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network, Del Bigtree):
Pop the Champagne!

Join me in raising a toast--together, we fought, and together we won the biggest legal fight in the history of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN).

Late yesterday morning, ICAN received word that our legal team secured a historic win in Mississippi that will have massively positive ramifications for you and me.

In short, the state of Mississippi, for the first time, granted a religious exemption to parents who objected to forced vaccinations.

The parents--whose children have been excluded from school due to their religious beliefs are incredibly heartened that a federal court protected their religious beliefs based on their First Amendment rights.

The families in the case include a pastor who could not send his daughter to his own private Christian school because he could not abide by the state-mandated vaccine requirements based on his religious convictions.

This ruling requires that by July 15, 2023, the State of Mississippi give residents a religious exemption to opt out of state-mandated vaccines for children attending school!

Until yesterday, Mississippi was one of only six states that did not have a religious exemption for students to attend school.

Now we're down to only five states...and this huge win will help ICAN's Legal Team in these other states and in other First Amendment cases.

ICAN could not be prouder to support this lawsuit that secured an incredible win for freedom!

This is yet another step in our ongoing work to restore the right of every parent in this country to have his or her convictions respected and not trampled by the government.

We look forward, with your support, to continuing and broadening this fight!

Please support ICAN’s legal team to keep the momentum going and win exemptions from vaccines in all 50 states! If you become a monthly donor TODAY, you will receive exclusive access to The Informant, a monthly newsletter for donors!

The Informant is a brand-new monthly Newsletter from ICAN, created exclusively for our monthly donors, which curates our best from ICAN and The HighWire. Featuring our most important news, interviews, science, and legal updates, The Informant also contains exclusive stories you won't see anywhere else, delivering all this straight to your inbox every month. With The Informant, it will be easy for you to get and stay informed!
Draait HAARP overuren?
Lijkt er zeker op. We hebben nu dagen dat de zon wil doorbreken maar toch gevolgd wordt door wolkenvorning, vaak met neerslag. En die plotdelinge wolkbreuk met bliksem van vrijdagavond was ook niet natuurlijk! Alsof [ZE].in [HUN] doodsstrijd alle ontspringende leven op aarde willen vernietigen, denk ook aan de temperatuurschommelingen en de hagel en natte sneeuw net nu alles in de knop staat.

Lijkt er zeker op. We hebben nu dagen dat de zon wil doorbreken maar toch gevolgd wordt door wolkenvorning, vaak met neerslag. En die plotdelinge wolkbreuk met bliksem van vrijdagavond was ook niet natuurlijk! Alsof [ZE].in [HUN] doodsstrijd alle ontspringende leven op aarde willen vernietigen, denk ook aan de temperatuurschommelingen en de hagel en natte sneeuw net nu alles in de knop staat.

Dat was idd absoluut niet natuurlijk te noemen!
En extra chemicaliën om ons en al het andere leven op aarde proberen te verzieken. Vanochtend waren ze hier bezig met chemtrails, om 8uur nog strakblauw en 9uur zagen we de eerste dikke strepen en nu regen.

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