Trump 2024

Everything they tell you about how Trump won in 2016 is incoherent.

It should have been FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE for him to win.

I mean that.

They very likely **still** don't know how he and his team beat their cheat machines.

This is what fucking WORRIES THEM and keeps them lying awake at night staring at the ceiling.

When Trump says stuff like THIS.

Waarom vindt de gemiddelde Nederlander Trump nou zo'n botte hork? Het is gewoon een lolbroek met humor en een groot hart voor Amerika. Maar daar hoef je bij de geprikte medemens niet mee aan te komen want, "orange man bad". Ik kan eigenlijk niet wachten op november en misschien hoeft dat ook niet. Bijzonder detail dat de laatste qposts geplaatst zijn in november 2022. Het wordt in elk geval een hete zomer. Ik houd nu nog m'n mond over Trump, stel hooguit een vraag langs m'n neus weg over waarom hij zo slecht is om even te peilen hoe de vlag erbij staat. Tja de gemiddelde mens kijkt nog steeds journaal en het nieuws. Toch zijn er een hoop mooie mensen die op hun manier wakker zijn en het snappen. DotCom radio was weer fijn om te luisten. En dat Brabantse accent van Henk kan ik best volgen over het algemeen.
Waarom vindt de gemiddelde Nederlander Trump nou zo'n botte hork? Het is gewoon een lolbroek met humor en een groot hart voor Amerika. Maar daar hoef je bij de geprikte medemens niet mee aan te komen want, "orange man bad". Ik kan eigenlijk niet wachten op november en misschien hoeft dat ook niet. Bijzonder detail dat de laatste qposts geplaatst zijn in november 2022. Het wordt in elk geval een hete zomer. Ik houd nu nog m'n mond over Trump, stel hooguit een vraag langs m'n neus weg over waarom hij zo slecht is om even te peilen hoe de vlag erbij staat. Tja de gemiddelde mens kijkt nog steeds journaal en het nieuws. Toch zijn er een hoop mooie mensen die op hun manier wakker zijn en het snappen. DotCom radio was weer fijn om te luisten. En dat Brabantse accent van Henk kan ik best volgen over het algemeen.

Wacht maar tot ik met een Frans accent begin te praten, ... ehh wacht effe da duurt nog wel 30 jaar
Nikki Haley throws another celebratory victory rally after he latest crushing loss to Trump in Michigan.😂😂😂
She told a ruckus crowd of tens that she only has one more man to beat after getting eviscerated and rejected by voters.
This has to be a humiliation tour.
Nothing is making any sense.
I guess some people will do anything for money.

Look at what's happening. 😎

"48 hours ago, my nephew the doctor was working at a medical office in Los Angeles and he witnessed what he describes as a “supernatural miracle.”

The news came on the television in the doctors office. The topic was Trump’s primary landslide in Michigan. He was expecting either groans, or hatred from everyone in the office. But then he witnessed something that shocked him like never before…

Someone in the office cheered Trump. And then another. And another. Soon the entire medical office was cheering and celebrating President Trump. Everyone. Patients, staff, doctors.

Once they realized it was safe to express support for Trump, everyone let it all out. Everyone admitted they are on Trump’s side. In Los Angeles."

My nephew the doctor said, “Uncle Wayne, it was a miracle. I never thought I’d ever see anything like this. Something supernatural is happening.”

Mike 2 Mar, 2024 16:42
HomeWorld News

Trump names potential running mate​

Texas Governor Greg Abbott joins a shortlist that includes long-time allies, former rivals, and an ex-Democrat
Trump names potential running mate

Donald Trump points to Texas Governor Greg Abbott as he speaks in Eagle Pass, Texas, February 29, 2024 © AP / Eric Gay

Former US President Donald Trump has said that he would “very much consider”Texas Governor Greg Abbott as his running mate for this year’s presidential election. The Republican frontrunner said that Abbott has “done a great job” in securing the US-Mexico border.

Trump and Abbott met in Eagle Pass, Texas, on Thursday, with Trump touring a stretch of the border that has been heavily fortified by Abbott since 2021. Despite the US Supreme Court siding with the White House and permitting federal agents to remove razor wire fencing along the frontier, Abbott has vowed to build more barricades, and the governor snubbed President Joe Biden to meet with his chief political rival instead.

Speaking to Fox News host Sean Hannity later that day, Trump described Abbott as “a spectacular man,” adding that the Republican governor had “done a great job” in fighting to stem the tide of illegal immigration across Texas’ 1,200-mile stretch of the Mexican border.
Trump sweeps another nomination vote
Trump sweeps another nomination vote
Asked whether he would consider Abbott for vice president, Trump replied: “Yeah, certainly he would be somebody that I would very much consider.”

“So he’s on the list?”
Hannity asked again.
“Absolutely, he is,” Trump confirmed.
When asked who else he was considering for the role, Trump named South Carolina Senator and former Republican challenger Tim Scott. However, he was less effusive in his praise for Scott, describing him as an “okay” presidential candidate but an “unbelievable” campaign surrogate.

Trump’s list of potential running mates now numbers seven people. Last month, the presidential hopeful confirmed to Fox News’ Laura Ingraham that Scott, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida Representative Byron Donalds, and former Hawaii Rep.Tulsi Gabbard, an ex-Democrat who broke with the party in 2022, were all in contention for the spot.

READ MORE: Vivek Ramaswamy, former Trump rival, tops poll for vice president

However, Abbott said on Friday that he is not interested in the role. “Obviously, that’s very nice of him to say,” the governor told reporters on Friday. “But I think you know my focus is entirely on the state of Texas. I’ve announced that I’m running for re-election two years from now, and so, my commitment is to Texas and I’m staying in Texas.”

DeSantis, who along with Ramaswamy dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination in January, has also said that he wouldn’t consider the job.

Trump has won all five Republican primary contests to date, and is the firm favorite to secure his party’s support to take on Biden later this year. However, his last remaining challenger, Nikki Haley, has refused to drop out of the race, despite being soundly beaten by Trump in her home state of South Carolina last month and trailing the former president by 20 delegates to 110.

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