Trump 2024

One more indictment?
Snap ik niet.
Maar komt misschien vanzelf wel aan de orde.
Trump bedoelt dat cynisch. Hoevaker men hem aanklaagt, destemeer neemt zijn populariteit toe, omdat steeds meer gematigde kiezers beginnen intezien dat Biden een politiek tegenstander in verkiezingstijd aan het vervolgen is.
In this two-day event, Mike Lindell will layout his unique plan to save our elections. This has never been done before in world history, and has not even previously been talked about by anyone. It does not rely on legislation, judges, or legal actions.

The stream is expected to begin at 9:30 AM ET.
Note: The start time is subject to change.
A Trump-Tucker Twitter show—say that three times fast!—could benefit both Trump and Carlson. For Trump…Carlson would likely be a much friendlier interviewer than Fox’s chosen debate moderators, Bret Baier, and Martha MacCallum.

For Carlson, landing a Trump interview on the night of a Fox debate would demonstrate his growing conservative media power as he reportedly plans to launch his own streaming-based company. According to the source, investors have already told the ex-Fox anchor that they would contribute $100 million to his venture. Carlson and his business partner, Daily Caller co-founder Neil Patel, are currently reviewing trademarks to find an available name for the company, the source said.
In the alpha Chad move that we all expected: Donald Trump will be taking away everyone's attention from the first RNC debate by simultaneously airing a Tucker interview at the same time as their debate. This is akin to Trump heading to Iowa and outshining Ron Desantis as the crowd chants we love Trump in Ron's face.
How comical is it to watch Trump continually annihilate his supposed opposition?
When will these people learn?

Just when you thought Desantis' poll numbers couldn't go lower:
He just now referred to die hard Trump supporters as ''listless vessels"
When are these people going to learn that we are loyal to Trump because he has been taking thousands of slings and arrows for We the People.
This is non negotiable.
He is our guy because he's put himself in the target of fire and put his money where his mouth is.
He has a proven track record of fighting back.
Desantis is Epsteining his political career and for what reason?


De Amerikaanse oud-president Trump zal zich komende donderdag melden bij de gevangenis van Fulton County in de staat Georgia. Dat meldt hij op zijn socialemediaplatform Truth Social. Hoe laat hij dat zal doen, is niet bekend. "Kun je het geloven? Ik ga donderdag naar Atlanta, Georgia om te worden gearresteerd", schrijft hij.
De datum werd bepaald tijdens onderhandelingen met de officier van justitie van Fulton County over onder meer de borgtocht. Die borgsom is vastgesteld op 200.000 dollar (ruim 183.000 euro). Dat bedrag moet uiterlijk vrijdagmiddag zijn voldaan in de gevangenis, blijkt uit gerechtelijke documenten.

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