The Great Awakening


CLAY TRAVIS: Think about where we are. There was an attempted assassination of a Supreme Court Justice that was designed to prevent a Supreme Court Opinion from being released. If Justice Kavanaugh had been assassinated, Joe Biden would be able to appoint a new Justice in order to overturn the opinion. This is a revolutionary insurrectionist attack on the Supreme Court.

COTTON: Chuck Schumer threatened Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh by name saying “You won’t know what hit you. You will pay the price.”

Now you have a Democrat Hitman showing up at Brett Kavanaugh’s home. Last month the WH Press Secretary encouraged Democrat street militias to go protest outside SCOTUS Justice’s homes

Kash on Bannon and Navarro: "The Left and the Justice Department could not have picked two worse targets because these guys are loaded for bear. They are not going to take a knee. They are going to bring the fight to their doorstep and make sure the media covers it."

Get your popcorn ready! 🍿🍿🍿

All the fake anti-Q demoralization trolls give themselves away whenever they say stuff like "I'm done trusting the plan" or "there is no plan" blah blah blah

1. No real patriot is just sitting around waiting for some magic plan to happen, they're working their butts off every day
Because 2. WE'RE THE PLAN. The Plan was to wake us up and set us loose! Look how much it has already changed the world!

And for the "uR m0vInG dA gOaL p0sTz" crowd, ive been saying this was the plan all along. (Clip from July 4th 2019) So get involved! Together we can wake up the world!

Again, if you don’t think the FBI is another branch of the DNC you are mistaken. This is not a coincidence. There aren’t any. The news media needed a story to lead into tonight’s show and here it is…

The FBI raided Gretchen Whitmer’s opponent, Ryan Kelley’s home this morning. They executed both a search warrant and an arrest warrant at Kelley's home in Allendale. He was arrested at 9:30am.

Kelley was at the Capitol on J6 but didn’t go inside. They need a big headline to bring more attention to their sham hearing tonight.

Does anyone else find it funny that the Truth Social devs specifically gave just one account a pulsating icon and that just so happened to be @q? No one else has this.
They created the q account as one of the oldest accounts on the site and the date of that creation of course adds up to 17. Why are they giving this account so much love?
Can anyone else make a pulsating icon?

Russian Parliamentary Biolabs Commission and Russian Military Investigating 4+ US Biolabs in Nigeria Pertaining to the Monkeypox Outbreak!!!

Chief of Russian Radiation Chemical and Biological Protection Force, Igor Kirillov, (we have seen him before, he gave the briefing on the US biolab network in Ukraine), said there are at least 4 US-run biolabs operating in Nigeria, where the monkeypox outbreak originated from. Kirillov also noted that this is a, “strange coincidence that requires additional inspection by specialists."

Then there is Konstantin Kosachev, a co-chair on the Commission speaking about the Commission’s involvement with Russian Military Intelligence. Kosachev stated, “The commission intends to discuss the defense ministry’s information about the possible involvement of US bio laboratories in the emergence of monkeypox,”.

Kosachev and the Commission have been very blunt on the US biological activity, citing accelerated nefarious activity over the past 2 decades. Kosachev went on to say “We are justified in focusing on the Ukrainian theme, because we have managed to get direct access to the facts of the R&D, which the Americans attempted to conceal by breaking it into elements. They have consciously transformed each of the ‘guinea-pig’ countries into an assembly shop of a general military plant that creates know-how and capacities for the production of biological weapons.”

Just as myself and many others speculated, that due to the rapid transmission of this “Monkeypox” outbreak, this must be genetically modified Monkeypox with increased transmissibility, or it’s not actually Monkeypox, i.e. shingles, vax side effect, different pathogen, etc. Given the timing of an election year and the Dems desperately needing mail-in voting to commit fraud (2000 Mules), it’s even more suspect.

It seems Russia is also curious about the US biological activity there, stating there are least 4 US Biolabs in Nigeria, and therefore indirectly accusing the US of being responsible for this ongoing Monkeypox outbreak. Meaning that the US released another bioweapon on the world population. Notice how the outbreak is only in NATO countries and Australia? All the Globalist leaders and pandemic loving progressives just so happen to control these countries.

I know all of us have had our eyes on Taiwan, looking for that to be the next move from China, but keep an eye out on Nigeria. I’ll be doing a deep dig on Nigerian labs after this, if anyone finds anything juicy let me know.

Disclaimer, this happened 10 days ago on May 29th. Yet it slipped past me and it didn’t catch much traction here in America. I certainly haven’t seen anyone talk about it. The Western media complex and Big Tech are working hard to make sure we don’t stumble across Eastern media. In order to find it, you have to actively look for it.

Let’s get digging!


ThePrint (
Russian Parliamentary Commission plans to discuss info on US biolabs in Nigeria: Lawmaker
Moscow [Russia], May 29 (ANI/Sputnik): The Russian Parliamentary Commission for investigating the work of US biological laboratories in Ukraine is planning to discuss information from the Russian Defense Ministry regarding alleged US laboratories in Nigeria, the country from where the current monkeypox outbreak originated, Konstantin Kosachev, one of the commission’s co-chairs, told Sputnik on Saturday. […]

Vertaling met Deepl:

Russische Parlementaire Biolabs Commissie en Russisch leger onderzoeken 4+ US Biolabs in Nigeria in verband met de Monkeypox uitbraak!!!

Het hoofd van de Russische Stralings Chemische en Biologische Beschermingsmacht, Igor Kirillov, (we hebben hem eerder gezien, hij gaf de briefing over het VS biolab netwerk in Oekraïne), zei dat er ten minste 4 door de VS gerunde biolabs actief zijn in Nigeria, waar de uitbraak van de monkeypox vandaan komt. Kirillov merkte ook op dat dit een "vreemd toeval is dat extra onderzoek door specialisten vereist".

Dan is er Konstantin Kosachev, een medevoorzitter van de Commissie, die spreekt over de betrokkenheid van de Commissie bij de Russische militaire inlichtingendienst. Kosachev verklaarde: "De commissie is van plan de informatie van het ministerie van defensie over de mogelijke betrokkenheid van Amerikaanse biolaboratoria bij het ontstaan van de monkeypox te bespreken,".

Kosachev en de Commissie zijn zeer uitgesproken geweest over de biologische activiteit van de VS, waarbij zij melding maakten van versnelde snode activiteiten in de afgelopen twee decennia. Kosachev zei verder: "Wij zijn gerechtvaardigd ons te concentreren op het Oekraïense thema, omdat wij erin geslaagd zijn rechtstreeks toegang te krijgen tot de feiten van de O&O, die de Amerikanen hebben trachten te verbergen door ze in elementen op te splitsen. Zij hebben bewust elk van de 'proefkonijnen'-landen omgevormd tot een assemblagewerkplaats van een algemene militaire fabriek die know-how en capaciteiten creëert voor de produktie van biologische wapens."

Net zoals ikzelf en vele anderen speculeerden, dat vanwege de snelle overdracht van deze "Monkeypox" uitbraak, dit genetisch gemodificeerde Monkeypox moet zijn met verhoogde overdraagbaarheid, of het is niet echt Monkeypox, d.w.z. gordelroos, vax bijwerking, andere ziekteverwekker, enz. Gezien de timing van een verkiezingsjaar en de Dems die wanhopig stemmen per post nodig hebben om fraude te plegen (2000 Mules), is het nog meer verdacht.

Het lijkt erop dat Rusland ook nieuwsgierig is naar de biologische activiteit van de VS in Nigeria, door te verklaren dat er minstens 4 Amerikaanse Biolabs zijn, en dus indirect de VS ervan beschuldigt verantwoordelijk te zijn voor deze aanhoudende uitbraak van monkeypox. Wat betekent dat de VS weer een biowapen op de wereldbevolking heeft losgelaten. Merk op dat de uitbraak alleen in NAVO landen en Australië is? Al de Globalistische leiders en pandemie liefhebbende progressieven controleren toevallig deze landen.

Ik weet dat we allemaal onze ogen hebben gericht op Taiwan, op zoek naar de volgende stap van China, maar houd ook Nigeria in de gaten. Ik zal hierna diep graven in Nigeriaanse laboratoria, als iemand iets sappigs vindt, laat het me weten.

Disclaimer, dit gebeurde 10 dagen geleden op 29 mei. Toch is het langs me heen geglipt en heeft het niet veel aandacht gekregen hier in Amerika. Ik heb er in ieder geval niemand over zien praten. Het Westerse media complex en Big Tech werken er hard aan om ervoor te zorgen dat we niet op Oosterse media stuiten. Om het te vinden, moet je er actief naar zoeken.

Laten we gaan graven!


ThePrint (
Russische parlementaire commissie wil info over VS-biolaboratoria in Nigeria bespreken: Wetgever
Moskou [Rusland], 29 mei (ANI/Sputnik): De Russische parlementaire commissie voor onderzoek naar het werk van Amerikaanse biologische laboratoria in Oekraïne is van plan om informatie van het Russische ministerie van Defensie te bespreken over vermeende Amerikaanse laboratoria in Nigeria, het land waar de huidige uitbraak van monkeypox vandaan komt, vertelde Konstantin Kosachev, een van de medevoorzitters van de commissie, Sputnik op zaterdag. [...]

Holy shit…

Reuters’s report on Russian forces advancing in Ukraine. Near the bottom of the article, they show a series of 24 photos from Ukraine pertaining to the situation.

The 4th photo is attached to this message, see link to article as well. The photo has a caption: “A local resident inspects a damaged van following a military strike, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, at a residential area in Kharkiv, Ukraine”.

But apparently Reuters didn’t check the tattoo on the guy in the photo, because there’s a big ass swastika on his arm…

Notice Reuters trying to paint the narrative that this is a “residential area”. They fail to clarify that this residential area has been overtaken by nazis… as seen in their own photo…

Just like with the maternity ward story. There weren’t any civilians there, it was just nazis using an abandoned maternity ward.

The media/left sure do love some nazis.


Vertaling met Deepl:

Holy shit...

Het verslag van Reuters over Russische troepen die oprukken in Oekraïne. Onderaan het artikel tonen ze een reeks van 24 foto's uit Oekraïne die betrekking hebben op de situatie.

De 4e foto is bij dit bericht gevoegd, zie ook de link naar het artikel. De foto heeft als onderschrift: "Een plaatselijke inwoner inspecteert een beschadigd busje na een militaire aanval, te midden van de aanval van Rusland op Oekraïne, in een woonwijk in Kharkiv, Oekraïne".

Maar blijkbaar heeft Reuters de tatoeage van de man op de foto niet gecontroleerd, want er staat een groot hakenkruis op zijn arm...

Merk op dat Reuters probeert het verhaal te vertellen dat dit een "woonwijk" is. Ze verzuimen duidelijk te maken dat deze woonwijk is overgenomen door nazi's... zoals te zien is op hun eigen foto...

Net als bij het verhaal over de kraamafdeling. Er waren daar geen burgers, het waren gewoon nazi's die een verlaten kraamafdeling gebruikten.

De media en links houden wel van nazi's.


MG Show en Patel.Patriot op Times Square in NY!


This is what modern election interference looks like.

-Hand a pretext to the FBI
-FBI does your dirty work and arrests your political opponent
-Charges don’t stick, but how many voters just remember the candidate got arrested and shy away?

This takes Pelosi’s “wrap up smear” to the next level

I'm being asked what if the bad guys already have a Trump indictment all ready to drop from Merrick Garland's DOJ at the conclusion of this televised J6 street theater?

Here's my answer: even THAT wouldn't stop Trump. Hell, he'd welcome it. He'd get discovery.

Imagine what he could drop into the court record.

Just spitballing here.

Sen. Josh Hawley: "Thanks to a patriotic whistleblower, we now know the Biden DHS was planning to coordinate with Big Tech to track Americans’ speech with its unconstitutional Disinformation Board."

Verwacht nog meer van dit soort 'klokkenluiders'.

Veel interessante docu's ineens. Voor wie vanavond om 20 u wil kijken:

Former ABC News President James Goldston is producing the Jan. 6 Hearing - He’s the same guy who spiked Amy Robach’s story exposing Jeffery Epstein and his connections to Bill Clinton and the Prince Andrew.


Roe V Wade is preparing to fall so the deep state is trying to bring chaos into the equation. These are signs of desperation and losing.
Moloch is having a panic attack.
Patriots are winning.

"First time in the history of cancer."

All 12 cancer patients went into remission was then said to be undetectable.

The drug used is called called Dostarlimab. Upon further research it falls into the Monoclonal Antibodies category. Aren't Monoclonal Antibodies what DeSantis and legitimate doctors were pushing to treat Covid?

Reminds me of Q drop 735 when Q was asked when the cures to cancer would come. He responded by saying:

"Chatter amongst those in control has begun.
They know we know which means the public will know.
Release prior to cover up.
Public informed and collapse.
Which option?

Are we about to live in a cancer free society?



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