“Don’t think for yourself or question things from all angles - Just believe what I say because I said so”.
That’s what I hear when I see people preaching about how we should/shouldn’t view the drops.
I find it interesting that some folks are choosing to continually sling shade and sow doubt and division simply because they disagree with someone else’s take/view of the drops.
Which to be fair, isn’t nearly as nauseating as the circle jerk they all partake in while doing so.
I said it before and I’ll say it again: No single Anon is the arbiter of the Q-Drops. People are free to take from them what they wish - and I encourage exactly that.
Or does that whole “the choice to know will be yours” thing just not apply anymore if someone disagrees with you?
I happen to believe a lot of folks claiming to have a 40k ft view are actually cruising somewheres around 10k ft in a Cessna - at the same time, you don’t see me throwing shade at them or telling y’all not to listen to or follow them. That’s high school bullshit and awfully close to gatekeeping.
Anyone telling you what YOU should believe is being disingenuous. Telling others what to think/believe in a free thinking movement is a dangerous proposition.
Even with what I am saying right now - take from it what you will. View the drops how YOU want. Take from them what YOU can. As long as you are waking up, and thinking for yourself … that’s what I care about.
I’m never gonna tell my followers how to think, what to think, or when to think it.
Last I checked, we were all kind of over being told what to believe, or what we should and shouldn’t talk about.
How about you focus on your own content instead of judging and ridiculing others for how they analyze and interpret the drops?
Maybe if more folks did that, so many wouldn’t be behind the curve with current news and comms.