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Ik weet dat Tarwekiemolie rijk is aan vit E, maar het is wel van Tarwe gemaakt... Is deze vorm, de olie, ook slecht voor je..

Bij mijn weten geen probleem, bevat geen gluten (het is de kiem), moet koudgeperst zijn. Dan enorm rijk aan vit E!

Welke olieen zijn nog meer hoog in MOV? is olijfolie dat ook?

Neem veel kokos, rode palmolie, ghee en bij salade olijf/lijnzaad/tarwekiem

Welke olieen zijn nog meer hoog in MOV? is olijfolie dat ook?

Alle olien die vloeibaar zijn bij kamertemperatuur. Verzadigde vetten stollen veel eerder en zijn dus vast op kamertemperatuur. Kokosolie en palm vormen de uitzondering, maar dat is mogelijk omdat veel van de vetzuren erin van wat kortere ketens zijn, dan de meeste verzadigde vetten.

Onder deze link wat meer uitleg daarover, maar de tekst is net nog wel uit de tijd dat men nog dacht dat je voor verzadigde vetten moet oppassen, hoewel er bij deze man ook al duidelijk een lichtje was gaan branden.

Wheat Germ Oil: Expeller-expressed wheat germ oil is an excellent source of natural vitamin E, which is our best natural protection for the cell membrane. The Shute brothers of Canada demonstrated that vitamin E supplements are an effective protection against heart disease. In their studies they used wheat germ oil, not synthetic vitamin E preparations.


Guide to Superfoods, Written by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD, Saturday, 01 January 2000 02:48

Wheat germ oil is one of the most concentrated natural sources of vitamin E. According to the US Department of Agriculture, 1,100 mg of non-GMO wheat germ oil (the amount that is in each vegetarian soft gel cap of Wheat Germ Oil E (TM) contains over 164mg of vitamin E in the form of alpha-tocopherol.[7] According to the conversion formula in the 10 th edition of Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease [8], this equates to 110 international units (i.u.) of vitamin E per capsule. Wheat Germ Oil E TM contains vitamin E as [d]-alpha-tocopherol.

[7] Oil, wheat germ. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 19, 2006

[8] Traber MG. Vitamin E. In Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 10th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Balt. 2006:396-411


[...] the oil from the germ of the wheat has long been used by people with a variety of health concerns.

The PDR states, “Wheat germ oil protects and nurtures the skin, is a laxative and reduces lipids. It is a valuable dietetic because of the high level of polyunsaturated acids and vitamin E” [1]. Chinese medicine uses it for night sweats, whereas “Flatulence, constipation, itching, and menorrhagia are indications for use in Indian medicine” [1].

Royal Lee advised its use for those who bruise easily (capillary fragility), have lowered metabolism, have anoxia-like symptoms (frequent sighing/yawning, tachycardia, hyperirritability), have tissue concerns (bleeding gums), have low stamina, are obese and/or have cramps brought on by exertion [2]. He also wrote, “Wheat germ oil is about 75% unsaturated fatty acids and as such is believed to have an effect on iodine metabolism, acting to increase thyroid activity in this respect. This may account for the relief of fatigue often expressed by patients using wheat germ oil in the diet” [2].

Some doctors also report that they use wheat germ oil for those with depression.

Recent research confirms that wheat germ oil can help reduce oxidative stress [3]. Wheat germ oil also contains policosanol (a substance that can be helpful in lowering raised blood sugar and/or cholesterol levels [4,5]), as well as octacosonal (a substance reported to improve human fitness [4,5]).

One study reported, “Policosanol (PC) is the common name for a mixture of high molecular weight (20-36 carbon) aliphatic primary alcohols, which are constituents of plant epicuticular waxes. Wheat germ oil has been reported to improve human physical fitness, and this effect is attributed to its high PC, specifically its high octacosanol (OC) content” [5].

Octacosanol is a component of wheat germ oil and is sometimes advised for Parkinson’s [4,6]. “There is limited evidence that octacosanol itself may lower cholesterol levels…There are claims that octacosanol is useful in building muscle strength and endurance, and these claims have made the supplement popular with some body builders. There is preliminary evidence, limited to animal experiments, that octacosanol may increase voluntary exercise in the animals [4].

Wheat germ oil naturally is high in the steroidal esters betasitosterol and campersterol. “Beta-sisterol itself is used as a medicine in Europe for BPH” (benign prostate hypotrophy) [4]. Interestingly, while three studies using non-purified beta-sisterols found that it tends to improve urinary output (and at the same time reducing mean residual urinary volume for males with prostate problems), one study suggested that using purified beta-sisterol “did not help flow volume” [4]. Of course, Wheat Germ Oil E TM does not contain “purified” betasitosterol, but the naturally-occurring non-purified form.


Itt wat Gerrit hiervoor stelt, zijn er op internet wel geluiden dat in tarwekiemolie ook gluten zitten. Liever niet natuurlijk:-(

Inhakend op het vorige bericht: ik kan niet tegen tarwe, maar wel tegen tarwekiemolie.

Mijn problemen met de tarwe zijn kennelijk niet zuiver terug te voeren op een algehele glutenallergie.

Zeker te weten van wel, want dit is olie van de tarwekiem. Een graan dat eenmaal gekiemd heeft, bevat geen gluten meer.


Ik heb heel veel tarwekiemolie gebruikt voor mijn zwangerschap, had ik in dr Vogel gelezen, dat dat goed was voor de vruchtbaarheid.


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