Nog een paar bronnen van K2.
All those healthy fats also contained what Weston Price called “Activator X.” Today, we know it as vitamin K2.
Dr. Price saw that people eating vitamin K2 foods had healthy teeth… muscular bodies… and NO chronic disease.
Since then, researchers have shown just how right Dr. Price was. Studies now show vitamin K2:
• Builds strong bones and lowers the risk of hip fractures by as much as 65%;3
• Stops heart attacks, lowers the risk of coronary artery disease by 57%, and slashes the risk of death from any cause by 26%;4
• Kills leukemia5, pancreatic and ovarian cancer cells6, and can reduce prostate cancer rates by as much as 63%;7
• Fights rheumatoid arthritis, one of the most debilitating chronic diseases. 8
Sadly, the modern Western diet is deficient in vitamin K2. But you can get plenty of K2 by eating traditional primal foods like our ancestors and the Romans did.
Here are four good choices:
• Grass-fed Organ Meats: If you’ve got a taste for it, liver is an excellent source of K2. Personally, I love liver and onions. But make sure you get your organ meats from grass-fed, free-range cattle. Animals that eat grass convert vitamin K1 from the greens into K2. If they eat grains, they don’t get the raw materials to make the conversion.
• Egg Yolks: I’ve been telling my patients for years that eggs are not the enemy. They’ll give you a good dose of K2, as well as plenty of other vitamins and nutrients. Whenever possible, choose pasture-raised, vegetarian-fed eggs.
• Grass-fed or Raw Whole Milk: Like organ meats, milk from grass-fed animals is rich in vitamin K2. Make sure it’s full-fat, and if possible, I would even recommend raw milk. Many states have co-ops that sell it. But check your local laws, as some states make raw milk illegal.
• Traditionally Fermented Cheese: Cheeses highest in K2 are Gouda and Brie. Each contains about 75 mcg per ounce. Other good choices are Edam, Emmental and Jarlsberg.
You can also take a vitamin K2 supplement. Just remember that K2 is not the same as K1. Vitamin K1 helps with blood clotting but not bone and joint health.
Vitamin K2 comes in several different forms called menaquinones. They’re numbered from four to nine. The higher the number, the more bioavailable and long-lasting the K2.
You may see many supplements with MK-4. But MK-4 has a very short biological half-life of only about one hour.
Look for a supplement with the MK-7 form. That’s the form used in the most recent RA study. It is much more bioactive than MK-4 and has a half-life of three days, so it has time to build up in your blood.
I recommend 45 to 90 mcg of vitamin K2 per day. And it’s fat-soluble, so take it with a meal to improve absorption.
Alleen met kaas zit ik al makkelijk op 300 mcg/dag zie ik uitgaande van 75 mcg/ounce.
Dan nog een paar keer per week runderlever en eieren, BO/FCLO.