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We have a closed system, the bacteria is our own so let's look at some of the problems with ingestion of external probiotics or “probiotic” foods (rotten foods).

The entire idea of probiotics is born out of germ theory mythology and their idea of “good” bacteria and “bad” bacteria. Ingesting fermented (rotten) foods in an attempt to get “good” bacteria is pure fantasy. At best they are useless, at worst toxic. When we ingest a probiotic it first goes into the stomach. If the stomach is functioning properly then one of two things will happen:

(1) If there is enough vitality in the system the body will simply induce vomiting to remove the offending rotten foods; or
(2) the body will neutralize the bacteria with stomach acid.

This means in a best case scenario the stomach is functioning well enough to kill any “probiotics” before they enter the digestive tract.

If the stomach is not functioning properly then some of the foreign bacteria will enter the digestive tract causing the body to trigger elimination, flooding the digestive tract with water to get the bacteria out of the body rapidly. This is why people who are chronically constipated see a “benefit” in probiotics.

Then we need to look at what the byproduct of fermentation is and does that offer any benefit or harm to the body? Fermentation is the process of turning sugar into alcohol. Alcohol is a carcinogen and it damages the liver. So the best case scenario is the stomach is functioning well enough to kill the foreign bacteria but the body still has to remove the poison that is the fermented sugars (alcohol).

It's a perfect product to create a sick drug dependent population.

Aldus TC Fry in zijn Life Science Course. Volgens de terrein theorie zouden bacteriën niet het lichaam in kunnen komen via voedsel, dus dan zou bijvoorbeeld melkkefir ook geen zin hebben. Ik drink in periodes kefir maar niet altijd omdat ik er niet altijd zin in heb. Zijn mensen bekend hiermee? Klopt dit?
Die theorie is mij ook bekend, of het klopt weet ik niet. Het voordeel van gefermenteerd voedsel is dat het makkelijker verteerbaar is omdat het dus voorverteerd is en door de fermentatie het aantal vitamines toeneemt bijvoorbeeld K2, maar ook vitamine c in bijvoorbeeld zuurkool. Misschien is het ook goed door al dat verrotte voedsel het lichaam gestimuleerd wordt om meer maagzuur aan te maken.
About T.C. Fry: Terry C. Fry grew up on a farm. ... In 1976 he founded Health Sciences Institute and developed a health sciences course that was translated into several languages and adopted into the curriculum of the University of Paris. ... The Life Science Health System.

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