probiotica en prebiotica


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Currently, there are three major types of prebiotics that are well documented: Inulin, oligosaccharides and arabinogalactans. Examples of food sources that contain prebiotics are:

Chicory root
Coconut meat and flour
Dandelion greens
Flax and chia seeds
Jerusalem artichoke

Inulin and oligosaccharides are short-chain polysaccharides, or chains of carbs, which act at different locations in the colon, ensuring complete intestinal health. By increasing and maintaining the populations of good bacteria, the body is less susceptible to pathogenic bacteria and yeast that can lead to a diverse range of negative health consequences.

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Mounting research suggests your microbiome may actually be one of the preeminent factors determining your overall longevity.

So far, a number of health conditions and chronic diseases have been linked to the makeup of your microbiome, as has several specific benefits, including the following:
Elimination of chemical toxins Production of vitamins and amino acids (protein precursors), and the absorption of minerals
Behavior, mood control, and mental health: Beneficial bacteria may serve the same role as antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs. In one study,6 people who took a multi-strain probiotic for at least four weeks reported a lessening of rumination—recurring, persistent thoughts about something distressing that has or may happen, which tends to create anxiety.

Insufficient amounts of gut bacteria has been linked to "high-risk behavior," and 90 percent of the neurotransmitter serotonin is also manufactured in your gut, which is thought to play an important role in mood control and depression Obesity: Infants exposed to antibiotics within the first three years of life may be predisposed to obesity. Mice given antibiotics during infancy grew up to be 25 percent heavier, and had 60 percent more body fat than the controls.7,8,9

Four species of gut bacteria in mice found to be of particular importance with regards to metabolism are Lactobacillus, Allobaculum, Rikenelleceae, and Candidatus arthromitus—the first three of which are also found in the human gut
Crohn's disease. Patients with Crohn's have been found to have lower than normal levels of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in their guts10 Type 1 diabetes (an autoimmune disease) in young children tends to be preceded by a change in gut bacteria. Research has also found that certain microbes can help prevent type 1 diabetes, suggesting your gut flora may indeed be an epigenetic factor that plays a significant role in this condition
Type 2 diabetes: Certain types of bacteria and body fat produce a heightened inflammatory response that contributes to the metabolic dysfunction associated with type 2 diabetes11 Autism may be exacerbated or even caused by certain bacteria. Autistic children have distinctly different microbiome compared to healthy children, with notably fewer healthy bacteria such as Bifidobacterium. Autistic children also have markedly higher levels of toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs)12,13
Brain diseases. Dr. David Perlmutter explores the compelling connection between the microbiome and brain health in his book, Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life, connecting it to a number of neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's Food allergies. Clostridia helps prevent sensitization to food allergens, recent research14,15 shows. Immune responses to food allergens were reversed once Clostridia bacteria were recolonized.

Using genetic analysis, it was determined that Clostridia instructs immune cells to produce a signaling molecule called interleukin-22 (IL-22), which reduces the permeability of the intestinal lining, thereby preventing leaky gut syndrome—a condition that allows allergens to enter your bloodstream, thereby producing an immune response

The Easiest Way to Decimate Your Microbiome

Your diet can make or break your microbiome, and the easiest way to decimate the health-promoting microbes in your gut is to eat processed foods, and meats from animals raised in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), for the reasons discussed in this previous article.20 Processed foods are typically high in added sugars—high fructose corn syrup in particular—which feeds fungi, yeast, and detrimental bacteria. But that's not all. Recent research21,22 has also found that emulsifiers found in processed foods have a very detrimental effect on your microbiome, and may contribute to obesity, metabolic syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease by altering your gut bacteria. This includes ingredients such as:

Polysorbate 80

In this study, widely used food additives caused chronic colitis in mice with already abnormal immune systems. In mice with healthy immune function, they resulted in mild intestinal inflammation and subsequent metabolic dysfunction that led to obesity, hyperglycemia, and insulin resistance. Most notably, the emulsifiers were fed at levels that an average person would be exposed to if eating a lot of processed foods, suggesting these additives may indeed affect the health of many Americans.

Food additives such as these are all approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), again highlighting the severe limitation of our current regulatory system. A 2013 study23 published in the journal Reproductive Toxicology found that nearly 80 percent of the food additives approved by the FDA lack testing information that would help the agency estimate the amount people can safely consume before suffering health consequences. Processed non-organic foods also tend to contain glyphosate residues, which also take a drastic toll on your microbiome, as this commonly used herbicide is also patented as an antibiotic.

Do: Eat plenty of fermented foods. Healthy choices include lassi, fermented grass-fed organic milk such as kefir, natto (fermented soy), and fermented vegetables. If you ferment your own, consider using a special starter culture that has been optimized with bacterial strains that produce high levels of vitamin K2. This is an inexpensive way to optimize your K2, which is particularly important if you're taking a vitamin D3 supplement.

Avoid: Antibiotics, unless absolutely necessary (and when you do, make sure to reseed your gut with fermented foods and/or a probiotics supplement). And while some researchers are looking into methods that might help ameliorate the destruction of beneficial bacteria by antibiotics,24,25 your best bet is likely always going to be reseeding your gut with probiotics from fermented and cultured foods and/or a high quality probiotic supplement.

Do: Take a probiotic supplement. Although I'm not a major proponent of taking many supplements (as I believe the majority of your nutrients need to come from food), probiotics is an exception if you don't eat fermented foods on a regular basis

Avoid: Conventionally-raised meats and other animal products, as CAFO animals are routinely fed low-dose antibiotics, plus genetically engineered grains loaded with glyphosate, which is widely known to kill many bacteria.

Do: Boost your soluble and insoluble fiber intake, focusing on vegetables, nuts, and seeds, including sprouted seeds.

Avoid: Chlorinated and/or fluoridated water. Especially in your bathing such as showers, which are worse than drinking it.

Do: Get your hands dirty in the garden. Germ-free living may not be in your best interest, as the loss of healthy bacteria can have wide-ranging influence on your mental, emotional, and physical health. Exposure to bacteria and viruses can serve as "natural vaccines" that strengthen your immune system and provide long-lasting immunity against disease. Getting your hands dirty in the garden can help reacquaint your immune system with beneficial microorganisms on the plants and in the soil. According to a recent report,26 lack of exposure to the outdoors can in and of itself cause your microbiome to become "deficient."

Avoid: Processed foods. Excessive sugars, along with otherwise "dead" nutrients, feed pathogenic bacteria. Food emulsifiers such as polysorbate 80, carrageenan, and polyglycerols also appear to have an adverse effect on your gut flora.27 Unless 100% organic, they may also contain GMOs that tend to be heavily contaminated with pesticides such as glyphosate.

Do: Open your windows. For the vast majority of human history the outside was always part of the inside, and at no moment during our day were we ever really separated from nature. Today, we spend 90 percent of our lives indoors. And, although keeping the outside out does have its advantages it has also changed the microbiome of your home. Research28 shows that opening a window and increasing natural airflow can improve the diversity and health of the microbes in your home, which in turn benefit you.

Avoid: Agricultural chemicals, glyphosate (Roundup) in particular is a known antibiotic and will actively kill many of your beneficial gut microbes if you eat and foods contaminated with Roundup

Do: Wash your dishes by hand instead of in the dishwasher. Recent research has shown that washing your dishes by hand leaves more bacteria on the dishes than dishwashers do, and that eating off these less-than-sterile dishes may actually decrease your risk of allergies by stimulating your immune system.

Avoid: Antibacterial soap, as they too kill off both good and bad bacteria, and contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistance.
De darmflora wordt door een complex aan factoren beïnvloed. De 'input' van goede (zie ook hier) en slechte bacteriën, gluten-opeenhoping, voedingssamenstelling, leefomgeving etc.
Om al deze factoren in een model te zetten is problematisch.
Denk bijvoorbeeld aan de input en invloed van flavonoïden in voeding.
Zo is er Curmurine, dat sterk remmend werkt op schadelijke darmbacteriën, zoals E colli en Campylobacter difficile (met als bijkomend voordeel een antikanker effect en anti-bacteriële werking in de mond). Curmurine zit bijv. veel in zoethout, kaneel, kruidnagel, aardbeien, lavendel, abrikozen en kersen. Met overdoseringen chemisch curmurine - toegepast ter preventie van trombose - moet uitgekeken worden, zeker tijdens de zwangerschap (net als met laurierdrop). Opvallend is dat mensen met CD een 16 maal hogere kans op trombose hebben. Zo werkt de curmurine uit natuurlijke producten dubbelop - tegen trombose en tegen CD. Gelet op andere effecten van bepaalde AGF is het effect veel meer dan 'dubbelop':

Er zijn veel andere flavonoïden, die bijv. de aanhechting van schadelijke bacteriën tegengaan en goede bacteriën promoten (zie bijv. hier en daar.
Daar komt nog eens bij dat deze natuurlijke voeding ook vele andere belangrijke nutriënten levert (die op vele mRNA processen van invloed zijn), en daarmee o.a. de ontstekingsgraad en slecht LDL cholesterol vermindert, zie bijv. ook hier over appels.
Het belang van bewuste keuze's in fruit, groenten en kruiden is groot. Niet alleen bij CD.
Het belang van een complementaire aanpak - zoals probiotica samen met vezels en aardbeien - kan niet genoeg benadrukt worden.
Weten jullie hoe het zit met aerobe en anaerobe probiotica? Vrijwel alle supplementen bevatten alleen de anaerobe terwijl je eigenlijk niet zonder de aerobe kunt. Zijn er supplementen die beide bevatten?
alledaagse voedingsmiddelen hebben een probiotische werking op de darmen, ik zet ze even voor je op een rij.

Yoghurt – liefst zelf maken van rauwe melk. Kies voor de volle variant zonder suiker.
Kombucha thee – deze gefermenteerde thee is in Azië erg populair. Hier te bestellen.
Miso – deze Japanse bouillon is rijk aan eiwitten en lekker als tussendoortje.
Kefir – kan van rauwe melk of water gemaakt worden. Hier vind je meer info.
Zuurkool – overal mee te combineren of een salade van maken. Wel koud gebruiken.
Rauwe melk – bevat tientallen darmculturen, alleen wanneer niet gepasteuriseerd.
Donkere chocolade – 70% puur of meer bevat ook probiotica vanwege fermentatie.
Algen – spirulina en chlorella zijn geweldige voedingsbronnen voor de darmbacteriën.
Augurken – dan wel de traditionele en ouderwets gefermenteerde.
Tempeh – uitzondering van de soja vanwege de fermentatie. Voor af en toe prima.
Kimchi – gefermenteerde kool en groente. Populair in Korea.
Olijven – maar dan wel de echte zongerijpte zwarte.
Boeren kaas – gemaakt van rauwe melk, prima om als kuur in te zetten.
Roggezuurdesem – alleen bij ongevoeligheid voor gluten, met mate in te zetten.
Natto – gefermenteerde sojaboon, voor vrouwen met mate interessant.
Haver met banaan – de vezels voeden de darmbacteriën (geldt voor alle groenten).
Rode wijn – volgens deze studie kan rode wijn de darmflora positief beïnvloeden.

Tot slot ook nog even enkele dingen die je darmflora kunnen verstoren:


De gezondheidseffecten van probiotica:

Dental health. The bacterium called Lactobacillus reuteri, which participates in the lactic acid fermentation process, kills the bad bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.
Diarrhea prevention. Diarrhea is a common side effect of taking antibiotics because the medication kills the healthy bacteria in your gut. Consuming more probiotics can keep your gut healthy and prevent episodes of the runs.
Reduce respiratory infections.
Exactly how they do it is unknown, but probiotics in the gut seem to reduce the incidence of respiratory infections like the common cold.
Lower blood pressure. The bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri has been shown in studies to lower blood pressure in participants when compared to a placebo.
Prevent eczema. The itchy, uncomfortable skin condition can be prevented in babies when their mothers take probiotics during pregnancy.
Soothe the bowels. A number of digestive disorders may be treatable with probiotics. Evidence suggests that consuming more probiotics can help treat irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal infections, gastroenteritis, and even the inflammatory conditions Crohn’s disease and colitis.
Brain health. One of the latest and most exciting areas of study with gut bacteria is linking the gut ecosystem to the brain. Research overwhelmingly shows that what lives in your gut effects the development and structure of your brain. The gut is often referred to as the “second brain” and we’ve all been told to “trust your gut” or “go with your gut” when making an important decision. It’s estimated that 50% of our neurotransmitters are produced in the gut, including most of our serotonin, the feel good chemical.
It’s estimated that 50% of our neurotransmitters are produced in the gut, including most of our serotonin, the feel good chemical.

Serotonine wordt in de hersenen aangemaakt: het kan de bloed-hersenbarrière niet passeren. Deze laatste uitspraak lijkt mij dus niet te kloppen.
@ Gemberthee: volgens mij klopt het wel dat serotonine, het overgrote deel ervan, in de darmen wordt aangemaakt. Zie bijv. dit citaat van dr. Mercola:

90 percent of the neurotransmitter serotonin is also manufactured in your gut, which is thought to play an important role in mood control and depression.
10 Probiotic-Rich Foods to Supercharge Your Diet
Michelle Schoffro Cook, Care2 | September 10, 2015 9:43 am1. Cheese
Some, but not most, cheeses offer probiotics, including: yogurt cheese (made from straining yogurt through a cheesecloth to thicken it) and some unpasteurized dairy-free cheeses made through the addition of probiotic cultures (see The Probiotic Promise for recipes and instructions). These probiotic-rich cheeses usually contain the cultures used to inoculate them so the health benefits can vary widely depending on the probiotic powder or capsule contents used.

2. Curtido
An El Salvadorian condiment, curtido is like a cross between salsa and kimchi. Like kimchi, it is packed with a wide range of probiotic strains and has many of the same health benefits as kimchi (see below) thanks to similar strains and ingredients.

3. Kefir
Kefir (pronounced ke-FEER) is similar to a drinkable form of yogurt but is much healthier thanks to having ten times more different types of probiotic strains than yogurt. It naturally contains B-vitamins that give an energy boost, aids digestion and helps to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

4. Kimchi
The national dish of Korea is typically a fermented mixture of cabbage, chilis and garlic. Research at Georgia State University found that the probiotics, namely L. plantarum, found in Korea’s national food, confers protection against the flu by regulating the body’s innate immunity.

5. Kombucha
Kombucha (pronounced kom-BOO-shuh) is a beverage believed to have been made in Russia and China for over 2000 years, although the exact origin is unknown. The bacteria and yeasts that form the kombucha culture form a type of “floating mat” on the surface of the black or green or other type of tea from which it is typically made. It improves immunity against some diseases. According to research, consumption of kombucha has potential for prevention of a broad-spectrum of metabolic and infectious disorders.

6. Kvass
A Russian grain-based drink that is made by adding yeast to bread and water and allowing it to ferment, kvass in most health food stores is often made with beets or carrots instead. While carrot kvass has many of the same nutrients as carrot juice, it usually has much less sugar thanks to microbes that digest the sugar and confer probiotic benefits in the process. If you choose a beet-based kvass, be sure to choose one that is non-genetically-modified since beets are usually GMO.

7. Miso
Miso is usually made from fermented soybeans, although there are also rice and chickpea miso as well. A staple in the Japanese diet, miso is rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, good carbs and probiotics (provided it isn’t heated as it often is when used in miso soup). Regular consumption of miso has been linked to protection against cancer. A study published in the Hiroshima Journal of Medical Science found that the long-term consumption of miso on animals with lung cancer could exert cancer-preventive and protective effects.

8. Pickles
Most pickles have been pasteurized and therefore do not have any probiotics left, if they ever had them at all. The process of pickling foods in white vinegar does not contribute to the development of probiotic cultures; however, fermented vegetables in brine (similar to sauerkraut) does lead to the development of beneficial bacteria and some yeasts that also boost health. My favorites are green beans pickled with chilis or cultured onions.

9. Yogurt
Some yogurt reduces cholesterol and normalizes blood sugar levels; some reduces homocysteine levels which in turn reduces the risk of diseases linked to high levels of this compound, including: heart attack, stroke and diabetes. Yogurt has also been found to reduce the duration of respiratory infections.

10. Sauerkraut
Sauerkraut is one of the most overlooked superfoods. Lactobacillus plantarum and L. mesenteroides found in this German staple actually fight off harmful infections like E. coli. L. plantarum has anti-viral effects, making it a potential ally in treating colds, flu, ebola, HIV, chronic fatigue syndrome or other viral conditions.

Keep in mind that any probiotic-rich food needs to contain “live cultures” and be “unpasteurized.” If a product does not have either of these claims on the label, it is best avoided. Additionally, probiotic-rich foods need to be refrigerated. If you find them on the shelves in the center aisles of your grocery store that means the product has been pasteurized for preservation and no longer offers any of the benefits of live cultures via

De probiotische werking van omega-3-vet! via

How fish oils could support our friendly bacteria

Kerry L. Bentley-Hewitt1,2Cloe Erika De Guzman2Juliet Ansell2,3Tafadzwa Mandimika2Arjan Narbad1Elizabeth K. Lund1

Article first published online: 20 JUL 2015

DOI: 10.1002/lite.201500035 Commensal gut bacteria are generally considered to be friendly bacteria, since they can help their host in numerous ways. These can include breaking down undigested food to produce metabolites (by-products), which can be a fuel source for gut cells and can help to regulate the immune system, amongst many other beneficial functions that support the host's health. Probiotic bacteria are bacteria that offer a benefit to their host. They are used in dietary supplements and many are of the genus Lactobacilli.

We tested whether gut cells respond differently to a commensal bacterium (Lactobacillus gasseri) and two pathogenic bacteria (Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus), and also whether the responses could be altered with PUFAs. We used a cell co-culture model containing a layer of colorectal cells, with immune cells in a porous compartment beneath. This model represents the outer cell lining of our lower gut and the immune cells that sit underneath in an area called the lamina propria.

We showed that commensal L. gasseri increased the secretion of the immune signalling protein TGF-β1 (Transforming Growth Factor β1), along with increased expression of its encoding gene signal. TGF-β1 has an important role in promoting tolerance towards commensal bacteria and has a role in dampening immune responses following inflammation. The pathogenic bacteria had no effect on the amount of TGF-β1. Our results indicate that L. gasseri could have a way of promoting its own survival in the gut by inducing tolerance towards itself, an effect which pathogenic bacteria do not have. When eicosapentaenoic acid was added to the cell culture model along with L. gasseri, there was a greater increase in TGF-β1 gene expression. This early research shows the potential of combining fish oil with probiotic bacteria to promote probiotic survival in the gut and/or dampening inflammatory responses.
Darmbacteriën beïnvloeden vetstofwisseling

​Darmbacteriën hebben invloed op essentiële factoren om hart- en vaatziekten te voorkomen. Bacteriën in de darmen spelen een rol bij veranderingen in het gewicht, vetgehalte en hoeveelheid goede cholesterol van mensen. Dit blijkt een studie van diverse UMCG-onderzoekers onder leiding van Jingyuan Fu en Alexandra Zhernakova van de afdeling genetica, waarover ze vandaag publiceren in Circulation Research. Voor is eerst is nu vastgesteld dat er een sterke relatie is tussen darmbacteriën en vetstofwisseling in het bloed. De resultaten van dit onderzoek vormen een belangrijke stap in preventie van hart- en vaatziekten.

darm ingewandenBacteriën in de darm zijn een nieuw doelwit voor preventie en behandeling van hart- en vaatziekten. In het UMCG wordt al enige tijd met financieel steun van de Hartstichting, het verband onderzocht tussen chronische ontstekingen en het ontstaan van hart- en vaatziekten. Mensen met ernstig overgewicht hebben zo’n chronische ontsteking, doordat het samenspel tussen darm, lever en het vetweefsel bij hen is verstoord. Waarschijnlijk hebben ze mede daardoor een verhoogde kans op hart- en vaatziekten. Hoe het samenspel van deze factoren precies werkt, is onderwerp van dit brede onderzoek. De studie van Jingyuan Fu en Alexandra Zhernakova is het eerste resultaat op dit onderzoeksterrein.

Het is nu mogelijk darmbacteriën beter in beeld te krijgen en meer zicht te krijgen op hun rol in het menselijk lichaam door gebruik te maken van de modernste DNA sequencing-technieken. Daardoor waren de UMCG’ers in staat om bij 893 deelnemers aan LifeLines¹, het verband tussen de darmflora en bloed lipiden (vetachtige stoffen in het bloed) te onderzoeken.

Uit hun studie blijkt dat 34 soorten darmbacteriën geassocieerd zijn met veranderingen in het BMI, het vetzuren-gehalte in het bloed en de hoeveelheid goed cholesterol (HDL) in het lichaam. Dit verband was nog niet eerder bekend. Tegelijkertijd bleken deze bacteriën slechts weinig bij te dragen aan fout cholesterol (LDL).

Het belang van deze uitkomst zit er vooral in dat dit aanknopingspunten biedt voor nieuwe behandelingen om hart- en vaatziekten te voorkomen. De samenstelling van de darmflora is wellicht zodanig te beïnvloeden via voeding, pro- en prebiotica, dat deze lichaamsgewicht, vet en cholesterol op een zodanig niveau houden dat zij juist helpen in de preventie van hartziekten. De onderzoekers verwachten dat nader onderzoek meer begrip geeft in de relatie tussen voeding en hart- en vaatziekten. (bron: UMCG)

Ik ga als de Biokult/DPPIV (Exendo) op is, eens wat anders proberen, naast probiotische voeding.

Ik zag hier op het forum (in topic van Marijntje) al verschillende voorbeelden voorbij komen.

Zelf wat zitten onderzoeken en toen vond ik Prescript-Assist en las er goede ervaringen over. Bevat 29 symbiotische stammen en is niet op melkzuur gebaseerd (zoals vrijwel alle andere supps), maar soil based en kunnen van nature maagzuur overleven.

Dat gaat em worden.

Hier meer info erover:

Onderzoek toont aan dat gedroogde pruimen het risico op dikke darmkanker kunnen verlagen

College Station - Onderzoekers van de A&M Universiteit in Texas en de Universiteit van North Carolina hebben aangetoond dat een dieet waarin gedroogde pruimen zitten het microbioom (ofwel de darmflora) in de gehele dikke darm positief kan beïnvloeden, wat kan zorgen voor een lager risico op dikke darmkanker.

Het onderzoek werd gefinancierd door de Califonia Dried Plum Board (Raad voor gedroogde pruimen) en gepresenteerd op de Conferentie voor Experimentele Biologie van 2015 in Boston.

“Met ons onderzoek konden we aantonen dat gedroogde pruimen het behoud van gunstige bacteriën in de hele dikke darm kunnen bevorderen, wat kan helpen bij het verlagen van het risico op dikke darmkanker”, aldus Dr. Nancy Turner, landbouwkundig onderzoeksprofessor op de faculteit van voedingswetenschappen aan de A&M Universiteit van Texas in College Station.

Volgens de Amerikaanse Kankervereniging is dikke darmkanker de op twee na grootste oorzaak van sterfte door kanker in de VS, als vrouwen en mannen apart worden bekeken, en de op één na grootste oorzaak als de cijfers worden gecombineerd. Dikke darmkanker zal over heel 2015 naar verwachting ongeveer 49.700 sterfgevallen veroorzaken in de VS.

Uit een behoorlijk aantal onderzoeken is al gebleken dat de stofwisseling in de darmen en de samenstelling van het microbioom erin, kunnen worden veranderd via eetgewoontes. Dit heeft, aldus Turner, grote gevolgen voor ziektepreventie en –behandeling.

Ze vertelt dat er biljoenen bacteriën in het spijsverteringskanaal zitten en dat er tot nu toe ongeveer 400 individuele soorten zijn geïdentificeerd. Uit eerder onderzoek blijkt dat er een verband is tussen storingen in het microbioom en het begin van darmontstekingen en steeds terugkerende periodes met ontstekingen, die het ontstaan van dikke darmkanker in de hand kunnen werken.

“In ons onderzoek werden de mogelijke antikanker-eigenschappen van gedroogde pruimen onderzocht, met gebruikmaking van een goed vastgesteld ratenmodel van dikke darmkanker”, zegt ze. “Gedroogde pruimen bevatten fenolverbindingen, die meerdere effecten hebben op onze gezondheid, waaronder het feit dat ze kunnen dienen als antioxidanten, die het oxiderende effect van vrije radicalen - die ons DNA kunnen beschadigen - kunnen neutraliseren.”

“De hypothese die we in dit experiment hebben onderzocht, was dat consumptie van gedroogde pruimen het behoud van gunstige bacteriën en patronen in de microbiële stofwisseling in de gehele dikke darm zou bevorderen. Als dat het geval was, dan zou het ook kunnen helpen bij beperking van het risico op dikke darmkanker.”

Vertaling: Astrid Zwart

Denk ook aan umeboshi of de azijn van umeboshi: umezu : dat zijn gepekelde pruimen en de azijn ervan.

Mijn oma at altijd gedroogde pruimen. 'Voor m'n darmen', zei ze dan. Kennelijk bestaat de gewoonte al een tijdje.

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