Palestina - Israël

This is major.

Some observations indicating that the soldiers captured by the resistance are from a special unite called Shayetet 13 and the number of the soldiers is around 16 between dead and captured

The weapon shown in the video is the Czech CZ Scorpion EVO 3, it is usually used only by elite special units, especially the naval ones

The shoe is also not the shoe of the Paratroopers Brigade (the brown one with the long neck), and it is not the shoe of fighters from another brigade.

No military unit places silencers on the weapons of its fighters in the heart of the battlefield.

All these observations, and the denial by the enemy army spokesman that any of their soldiers were kidnapped, suggest that the unit is not affiliated with the army, but rather a unit affiliated with the Shin Bet, perhaps, or another special unit [Shaytet 13]

He is a legend.

Egyptian judo champion Karim Ibrahim Sohbi of Alexandria has withdrawn from the 2024 World Judo Championship in the UAE because of his refusal to play against a player representing israel.

Practicing judo since he was 4 years old, Karim would have been the youngest player in the tournament, which was his first, and was not aware he would be facing an "israeli."

Despite his dreams of winning, he said:
“I do not regret my decision. I still have many opportunities in the upcoming tournaments to achieve victory.”


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