
Precies. Iedereen moet altijd alles maar onderbouwen en elke vraag wordt met een wedervraag beantwoord en jouw en mijn bronnen zijn nooit goed. Maar die van Mike en consorten zijn altijd wel goed en behoeven geen onderbouwing en zeker geen antwoorden op gestelde vragen want dan moet je zelf maar op onderzoek uit, ben je dom of is dit niet je forum. Ja hoor en zo lust ik er ook nog wel een paar.

Ik proef frustratie hier, ...
Maar, ....

Als je ineens wil mee gaan praten met mensen die al meer als 5, 10 jaar of langer onderzoek doen dan zal je eerst je eigen voorstudie moeten doen om met de anderen in discussie te gaan, en Mike heeft geen tijd om iedereen les te geven, ook hij heeft maar 24 uur in de dag en op dit forum helpen we elkaar om wijzer te worden. Als iemand dat je zegt dat je bron niet deugd dan kan je de vraag stellen waarom niet en dan krijg je gewoon antwoord.
Don Lemon brengt 'verslag' vanuit Lviv (kan helemaal al niet eens want hij is een zgn. 'anchor' die dagelijks in de studio is)
De brandweermannen op de achtergrond komen uit Edmonton, de beelden lijken te zijn van een brand bij een raffinaderij daar.

Het schijnt dat Oekraïne brandweeruniformen heeft ontvangen uit anderen landen. Mogelijk ook uit Canada.
Maar het is ook niet de eerste keer dat CNN nepnieuws vertelt en beelden in elkaar knipt en plakt. :)
This only gets worse...

Of those criminals allegedly identified (https://t.me/inessas100/732?single) in the video of the torture of Russian POWs, one of them is a certain Sergei Velichko.

An infamous Kharkov Nazi, who was previously in prison, for being the organizer of a particularly cruel organized crime ring of racketeers in Kharkov.

He was freed to defend Ukraine - and this is the result.

More residentes from Mariupol. Ukraine forces shoot at vehicles triying to flee. They order civilians to turn back or get shot.


On March 26, the children who managed to escape from Mariupol confirmed the inhumane actions of the members of the Azov regiment. They claimed that Ukrainian militants opened fire on them when they tried to reach the areas protected by the DPR. Video by Southfront.


More testimony from Mariupol residents about Azov crimes.


Mariupol children still hide in the basements. Despite the front line been far away from their homes now, the Ukrainian Army still shelling civilian buildings.


UK national John Joyce, who has lived in Ukraine for 15 years with his wife Tatiana, escaped #Mariupol and the clutches of the Ukrainian nationalists, and now tells his story.


Authorities have abandoned civilians. Used as human shields by the nationalist batallions.

More civilians speak out. Chechen soldiers rescued us. Snipers where shooting at people in the street. We couldn't go out to get water or cook food.

More testimonies about Azov Batallion cruelty against civilians and kids.

Witness. A family triying to abandon Berdyansk got caught in an accident when another civilian car drove over a landmine posted by the UAF in a road. She saw her husband and soon burn alive. She got really bad injured triying to save them. Berdyansk was not involved in fights when that happened. Ukraine authorities are not providing safe routes but instead setting death traps.

More civilians testimony. Direct witnesses on how Azov used people as human shields. Many people where held hostage.

Mariupol residents on how they manage to run away from the city by their own means.

Mariupol residents: the Mayor neglected us for 8 years and then flew like a rat. Azov where shooting civilians, shooting kids.

Extended testimony: Mariupol residents on Azov atrocities.

Ukraine artillery shelling against a Humanitarian aid delivery point of the Russian Army in Kharkov. They are targeting civilians on purpose.
wat verschrikkelijk is dit allemaal
This only gets worse...

Of those criminals allegedly identified (https://t.me/inessas100/732?single) in the video of the torture of Russian POWs, one of them is a certain Sergei Velichko.

An infamous Kharkov Nazi, who was previously in prison, for being the organizer of a particularly cruel organized crime ring of racketeers in Kharkov.

He was freed to defend Ukraine - and this is the result.
He will not make it alive till the end of the war. Hunters become the hunted.


🇷🇺🇺🇦 It was from here that the Azov group, banned in Russia, began its journey. It is symbolic that this is where its end begins!

🇷🇺🇺🇦 “There was no defense here to the last drop of blood, they took off and ran away.”

The Azov militants fight only as long as they are comfortable fighting. This was told by our military commander Andrei

🇷🇺🇺🇦‼️From sources close to the environment of the Head of the Chechen Republic, there is information that Ramzan Kadyrov is in Mariupol and is personally in charge of a special operation.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Azovites, who abandoned their base in Mariupol, are now firing from behind the backs of civilians at the forces of the DPR and Russian marines.

Zelensky's virtuele wereldtournee heeff niets uitgehaald. Het westen laat hem vallen en nu rest hem niets anders dan toch maar gaan praten met Poetin.

"Ukraine is prepared to discuss adopting a neutral status as part of a peace deal with Russia" while Zelensky "ruled out trying to recapture all Russian-held territory by force."

The top priority should be stopping this horrific war:

🇷🇺🇺🇦❗Kadyrov arrived in Mariupol and met General Mordvichev, "LONG KILLED" by Ukraine

Ukraine is proud of the list of "killed" Russian generals who are actually alive. And every day, Zelensky’s office enthusiastically tells nonsense about the destruction of large forces of the Russian Army in Chernobaevka.

Here is where Russian soldiers where shoot at their legs after been captured, at the Malorohachinsky Dairy Plant, a torture base. Details of vehicles that were there are also noted.

In hun arrogantie plaatsen ze video's van hun wandaden. Waarmee ze vervolgens hun posities verraden. Als gewone anons al op basis van miniscule details locaties en identiteiten van personen kunnen achterhalen uit 1 enkel beeld, waar zijn goed getrainde Russische veiligheidsdiensten dan wel niet toe in staat?

🇷🇺🇺🇦❗The Russian military, house by house, is liberating Mariupol from Nazi gangs. The fighters are acting decisively, toughly, quickly. Each high-rise building is combed up to the roof. There is very little time left before the complete liberation of Mariupol from the Bandera underground."

🇷🇺🇺🇦 "Mein Kampf" *, nationalist stickers and the flag of Ukraine - more shots from the building of the "Azov" base, recaptured by the forces of the DPR and Russian marines.

"Mein Kampf" *, nationalist stickers and the flag of Ukraine - more shots from the building of the "Azov" base, recaptured by the forces of the DPR and Russian marines.

De meest gruwelijke beelden blijven jullie bespaard. Ik post ze iig niet hier. Wie ze wil.zien kan ze zelf bekijken via bepaalde TG,-kanalen.


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