
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Not only did the Armed Forces of Ukraine lay tens of thousands of mines and land mines on the territory of Donbass and on the approaches to Crimea, they also managed to do this with tricks.

This is called a non-retrievable mine. Mina with a surprise.

A “surprise mine” is placed under the main anti-tank or anti-personnel mine, that is, a second mine that will detonate if you try to remove the top one.

This is done in order to kill an inexperienced sapper and make it difficult / slow down the clearance process

🇪🇺🇺🇦 The EU allocated 1 billion euros to Ukraine for the purchase of weapons from the European PEACE FUND,

- Head of the European Council

🇷🇺🇺🇦 “Mortar gunners were sitting here, firing at the advancing forces of the [DNR] People’s Militia, respectively, firing from the private sector, thereby exposing civilians to attack. Naturally, they did not ask the opinions of civilians.”

🇷🇺🇺🇦 A resident of Mariupol, Lyubov Ustinova, told how neo-Nazis from Azov were proud that they were brutally killing city residents

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡️The flight of "Azov" is covered by a sniper working on civilians

Everyone knows that the tactics of neo-Nazis in urban battles cause great damage to the civilian population. A lot has been said about the “human shield” of civilians, with whom the Azov militants covered themselves (and are hiding behind) in Mariupol.

However, other cases are not rare when neo-Nazis exterminate civilians - as a rule, their retreat is covered by well-trained snipers. According to the idea, their task is to delay the advancing attack aircraft. Instead, Azov snipers often open fire on civilian vehicles and groups of refugees trying to get into the neighborhoods liberated by the DPR and the Russian Federation.

Desperate, senseless terror - that's how you can characterize the actions of the Nazis in Mariupol today.

En weer die Z. Maar nu weten we dat dit de Russische militaire inzet symboliseert.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 The mayor of Kupyansk turned to Volodymyr Zelensky and said that he would consider him guilty if something happened to his child. According to the mayor, the SBU kidnapped her daughter and threatened to kill her.

The reason why the SBU is terrorizing the mayor is that Kupyansk came under the control of the RF Armed Forces without a fight.

Besides the fact that I have yet to hear someone coherently explain why Russian soldiers would target theaters and hospitals, the timing of these “attacks on civilians” doesn’t make much sense.

Russia has been trying to establish humanitarian corridors. But don’t kid yourself, those corridors aren’t so much about providing safe passage for civilians. That’s a secondary purpose. The primary purpose is to give Ukrainian fighters a way out, a chance to lay down their arms (Russia did that in Syria, and in many cases it worked). The intentional targeting of civilians is counterproductive to establishment of those corridors, and Russia knows that. No fighter is going to lay down his weapon and leave if he believes Russia might drone strike him and other unarmed people making their way through the corridor.

😅 Dus het verschil tussen een #biowapenlab en een #biologisch onderzoekslab.

Biologische onderzoek:

monsters van gevaarlijke ziekteverwekkers.

Bio wapen lab:

monsters van gevaarlijke ziekteverwekkers, maar "dat betekent niet noodzakelijk dat je eraan werkt om ze te bewapenen."

Bla Bla Bla


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