De lymedokter, dr. Klinghardt, zet zijn lymepatienten op hooggedoseerde niacinesupplementen: 3 x pd 1000 gram niacine (wat veel is).
Eigenlijk zelfs niacinamide om de 1 of andere reden.
Ik heb het mijn behandelaar laten testen maar ze zegt dat de niacine beter is voor mij dan de niacinamide.
Zie hier een filmpje over de zogeheten niacineflush: met uitleg erbij van de persoon die erover gaat.
Ik ken nog een lymepatient die nu op de hooggedoseerde niacine zit op voorschrift van een complementaire arts.
Dus het heeft me nieuwsgierig gemaakt en ik wil er ook mee beginnen.
Volgens de spreker uit het youtubefilmpje detoxt die b3 of niacine enorm.
Langzaam beginnen.
Volgens dr. Klinghardt hangt b3-tekort, wat vaak schijnt voor te komen bij lymepatienten, ook samen met insulineresistentie.
Indirect schijnt de b3-suppletie lymepatienten van zowel de lyme als de insulineresistentie af te helpen.
Je kunt denken: de ziekte van lyme (die van de bacterie van de teken) heeft niets met mij te maken, echter de ziekte is vaak veel verder verspreid onder de bevolking dan men zou denken.
Reguliere antistoffentests zijn niet in staat om deze ziekte vast te stellen.
Chronische vermoeidheid gaat in elk geval vaak gepaard met chronische infecties en natuurlijk ook ondervoeding en toxiciteit.
DK hieronder betekent: dr. Klinghardt (zeer bekende holistische lymearts) en DM is dr. Mercola die dr Klinghardt interviewt:
Hieronder het interview met dr. Klinghardt, en dan de uitsnede toegespitst op de driehoek: insulineresistentie-niacine (vit b3) en de ziekte van lyme in genezende zin:
DK: We have to treat insulin resistance which we use Jonathan Wright’s new protocol for insulin resistance which is fantastic. He dug up the literature on it.
We give people one gram of niacinamide three times a day and berberine that’s basically Oregon grape root. We have that in tincture. It’s called Viressence. It’s two drops of it three times a day. That’s over four months, one hundred percent successful in treating insulin resistance.
Just one word to that, you know, Joe Borescano published it a few years ago that virtually the main known cause for insulin resistance that we find has nothing to do with the things that Mercola with Lyme disease. Lyme disease induces insulin resistance. How do we know that? When we treat Lyme disease successfully the insulin resistance is gone.
Now, Jonathan Wright came up with this beautiful simple protocol that he dug up in the literature. So far it’s been a hundred percent successful. What I want to say here pretty much towards to the end of the interview is like if you have a Lyme disease patient and you treat the insulin resistance every else is going to go easier.
DM: Would that mean the clinical conditions typically associated with the insulin resistance which would be obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension?
DK: The amazing thing in the Lyme group is there is a subgroup that has severe insulin resistance with high insulin levels in the morning and all the things and the skinny vegetarians they try to exercise as much as they can. They do all the right things and they still have the insulin resistance. They have a completely different expression of the things we normally associate with it.
So insulin resistance, I mean, I know it’s a whole other topic or so but it’s a huge part of the treatment of Lyme disease is handling insulin resistance. With that usually all the arthritic symptoms go away and the fatigue greatly improves and the sleep improves. Things that we normally don’t associate with the insulin resistance improve dramatically. Jonathan Wright showed us clear evidence in the literature that osteoarthritis is an outcome of insulin resistance which I didn’t know.
Thanks to Jonathan this has been a beautiful treatment addition. I found Italian literature – I mentioned that in one of my talks with you years ago that niacin has been found to be a very, very effective antibiotic against Lyme disease so there is a link. Niacinamide has the same antimicrobial activity as niacin has.
DM: But they’re different, niacin and niacinamide because the niacin will give you the flush and niacinamide won’t.
DK: Yeah. But the antimicrobial effect has been shown to be identical whether you use niacin or niacinamide. Nobody knows really how that works but they did culture experiments and both have the same...
Maybe I’ll say something to this. There was a cluster of outbreaks of beriberi disease in Italy which was treated with vitamin B3 (niacin) and the illness went away. So it was concluded that it was a niacin deficiency because it goes away with niacin it must be a niacin deficiency. Years later, researcher came in and said, you can’t really do science like this. Let’s look what these people really have in these clusters in Italy that have the vitamin B3 deficiency symptoms. They did tissue biopsies and found all of them were infected with spirochetes.
So they realized that the high dose niacin with a gram three times a day was a very, very effective treatment for Lyme disease and then we looked up in the literature and found that niacinamide has the same anti-microbial activity. So treating insulin resistance it’s interesting with Jonathan Wright’s new cocktail also covers the Lyme spirochetes to a large degree.
It’s a beautiful thing to add in. There are no side effects from it. It’s been a wonderful additional (indiscernible 1:16:26).
DM: How long have you been using it?
DK: I taught a seminar, A Deep Look Beyond Lyme Disease which I recommend by the way everybody gets the DVDs or the course handout because all my tricks are in there and that’s the first time I introduce it. That was maybe four months ago.
DM: So it’s relatively new? DK: I used it for about a year but it took about eight months for me to really speak
about it with authority.
DM: You’re always on the leading edge. It’s great to have this information but if we come again next year and talk about Lyme disease, you’re going to have three or four new updates that are really pretty groundbreaking. Let me just state to that effect that it’s not making it more complex. I mean the beauty and the elegance of your approach is that it’s all about simplification using natural methods. So it becomes simpler and easier not more complex and harder which is the traditional path that most physicians go towards.
DK: There is another side to it. I have been at this now for 36 years but the more narrow the Lyme treatment is in the last couple of years. It is clear that with this approach we are also addressing Parkinson’s and MS and chronic fatigue and illnesses that are not on the surface associated with Lyme disease. We treat a lot of children. Half of my practice is now autistic children. We put them with the same treatments and with fantastic results and they get their life back.
Niacine schijnt ook te helpen tegen radio-actieve stralingsvergiftiging:
Een van de eerste atoomgeleerden ( toen atomaire verschijnselen genaamd) had in de jaren '50-'60 een onderzoeks basis in de buurt van de Nevada woestijn waar toen nogal wat atoomproeven werden gehouden. Zijn personeel begon ziekten verschijnselen te vertonen en zijn meubulair werd radioactief. In die tijd deed hij ook onderzoek naar de vitamine invloed op een lichaam. Zo ontdekte hij dat bij inname van vit. B3 de huid erg rood werd. Het bleek een vrijkomen van de opgelopen straling te zijn. Bij het steeds doorgaan met de inname en uittesten van de juiste hoeveelheid wist hij mensen van de hoeveelheid opgelopen straling af te helpen. Hierbij kwamen heel wat verschijnselen voor de dag. Een ervan was het veel helderder denken. Een van zijn assistenten ging met alleen dit gegeven aan de haal en wist er de Nobelprijs voor de geneeskunst mee te krijgen. Wat hij niet wist was dat je door moest gaan met de inname ondanks de soms heftige bijverschijnselen. Door die heftige bijverschijnselen is het gebruik van vit. B3 bij psychische problemen in het ongebruik geraakt. Wel is het o.a. heel wat jaren in gebruik (geweest?) in Japan bij de atoombom-slachtoffers om die van de opgelopen straling af te helpen.
of lees dit bijv:
Eigenlijk zelfs niacinamide om de 1 of andere reden.
Ik heb het mijn behandelaar laten testen maar ze zegt dat de niacine beter is voor mij dan de niacinamide.
Zie hier een filmpje over de zogeheten niacineflush: met uitleg erbij van de persoon die erover gaat.
Ik ken nog een lymepatient die nu op de hooggedoseerde niacine zit op voorschrift van een complementaire arts.
Dus het heeft me nieuwsgierig gemaakt en ik wil er ook mee beginnen.
Volgens de spreker uit het youtubefilmpje detoxt die b3 of niacine enorm.
Langzaam beginnen.
Volgens dr. Klinghardt hangt b3-tekort, wat vaak schijnt voor te komen bij lymepatienten, ook samen met insulineresistentie.
Indirect schijnt de b3-suppletie lymepatienten van zowel de lyme als de insulineresistentie af te helpen.
Je kunt denken: de ziekte van lyme (die van de bacterie van de teken) heeft niets met mij te maken, echter de ziekte is vaak veel verder verspreid onder de bevolking dan men zou denken.
Reguliere antistoffentests zijn niet in staat om deze ziekte vast te stellen.
Chronische vermoeidheid gaat in elk geval vaak gepaard met chronische infecties en natuurlijk ook ondervoeding en toxiciteit.
DK hieronder betekent: dr. Klinghardt (zeer bekende holistische lymearts) en DM is dr. Mercola die dr Klinghardt interviewt:
Hieronder het interview met dr. Klinghardt, en dan de uitsnede toegespitst op de driehoek: insulineresistentie-niacine (vit b3) en de ziekte van lyme in genezende zin:
DK: We have to treat insulin resistance which we use Jonathan Wright’s new protocol for insulin resistance which is fantastic. He dug up the literature on it.
We give people one gram of niacinamide three times a day and berberine that’s basically Oregon grape root. We have that in tincture. It’s called Viressence. It’s two drops of it three times a day. That’s over four months, one hundred percent successful in treating insulin resistance.
Just one word to that, you know, Joe Borescano published it a few years ago that virtually the main known cause for insulin resistance that we find has nothing to do with the things that Mercola with Lyme disease. Lyme disease induces insulin resistance. How do we know that? When we treat Lyme disease successfully the insulin resistance is gone.
Now, Jonathan Wright came up with this beautiful simple protocol that he dug up in the literature. So far it’s been a hundred percent successful. What I want to say here pretty much towards to the end of the interview is like if you have a Lyme disease patient and you treat the insulin resistance every else is going to go easier.
DM: Would that mean the clinical conditions typically associated with the insulin resistance which would be obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension?
DK: The amazing thing in the Lyme group is there is a subgroup that has severe insulin resistance with high insulin levels in the morning and all the things and the skinny vegetarians they try to exercise as much as they can. They do all the right things and they still have the insulin resistance. They have a completely different expression of the things we normally associate with it.
So insulin resistance, I mean, I know it’s a whole other topic or so but it’s a huge part of the treatment of Lyme disease is handling insulin resistance. With that usually all the arthritic symptoms go away and the fatigue greatly improves and the sleep improves. Things that we normally don’t associate with the insulin resistance improve dramatically. Jonathan Wright showed us clear evidence in the literature that osteoarthritis is an outcome of insulin resistance which I didn’t know.
Thanks to Jonathan this has been a beautiful treatment addition. I found Italian literature – I mentioned that in one of my talks with you years ago that niacin has been found to be a very, very effective antibiotic against Lyme disease so there is a link. Niacinamide has the same antimicrobial activity as niacin has.
DM: But they’re different, niacin and niacinamide because the niacin will give you the flush and niacinamide won’t.
DK: Yeah. But the antimicrobial effect has been shown to be identical whether you use niacin or niacinamide. Nobody knows really how that works but they did culture experiments and both have the same...
Maybe I’ll say something to this. There was a cluster of outbreaks of beriberi disease in Italy which was treated with vitamin B3 (niacin) and the illness went away. So it was concluded that it was a niacin deficiency because it goes away with niacin it must be a niacin deficiency. Years later, researcher came in and said, you can’t really do science like this. Let’s look what these people really have in these clusters in Italy that have the vitamin B3 deficiency symptoms. They did tissue biopsies and found all of them were infected with spirochetes.
So they realized that the high dose niacin with a gram three times a day was a very, very effective treatment for Lyme disease and then we looked up in the literature and found that niacinamide has the same anti-microbial activity. So treating insulin resistance it’s interesting with Jonathan Wright’s new cocktail also covers the Lyme spirochetes to a large degree.
It’s a beautiful thing to add in. There are no side effects from it. It’s been a wonderful additional (indiscernible 1:16:26).
DM: How long have you been using it?
DK: I taught a seminar, A Deep Look Beyond Lyme Disease which I recommend by the way everybody gets the DVDs or the course handout because all my tricks are in there and that’s the first time I introduce it. That was maybe four months ago.
DM: So it’s relatively new? DK: I used it for about a year but it took about eight months for me to really speak
about it with authority.
DM: You’re always on the leading edge. It’s great to have this information but if we come again next year and talk about Lyme disease, you’re going to have three or four new updates that are really pretty groundbreaking. Let me just state to that effect that it’s not making it more complex. I mean the beauty and the elegance of your approach is that it’s all about simplification using natural methods. So it becomes simpler and easier not more complex and harder which is the traditional path that most physicians go towards.
DK: There is another side to it. I have been at this now for 36 years but the more narrow the Lyme treatment is in the last couple of years. It is clear that with this approach we are also addressing Parkinson’s and MS and chronic fatigue and illnesses that are not on the surface associated with Lyme disease. We treat a lot of children. Half of my practice is now autistic children. We put them with the same treatments and with fantastic results and they get their life back.
Niacine schijnt ook te helpen tegen radio-actieve stralingsvergiftiging:
Een van de eerste atoomgeleerden ( toen atomaire verschijnselen genaamd) had in de jaren '50-'60 een onderzoeks basis in de buurt van de Nevada woestijn waar toen nogal wat atoomproeven werden gehouden. Zijn personeel begon ziekten verschijnselen te vertonen en zijn meubulair werd radioactief. In die tijd deed hij ook onderzoek naar de vitamine invloed op een lichaam. Zo ontdekte hij dat bij inname van vit. B3 de huid erg rood werd. Het bleek een vrijkomen van de opgelopen straling te zijn. Bij het steeds doorgaan met de inname en uittesten van de juiste hoeveelheid wist hij mensen van de hoeveelheid opgelopen straling af te helpen. Hierbij kwamen heel wat verschijnselen voor de dag. Een ervan was het veel helderder denken. Een van zijn assistenten ging met alleen dit gegeven aan de haal en wist er de Nobelprijs voor de geneeskunst mee te krijgen. Wat hij niet wist was dat je door moest gaan met de inname ondanks de soms heftige bijverschijnselen. Door die heftige bijverschijnselen is het gebruik van vit. B3 bij psychische problemen in het ongebruik geraakt. Wel is het o.a. heel wat jaren in gebruik (geweest?) in Japan bij de atoombom-slachtoffers om die van de opgelopen straling af te helpen.
of lees dit bijv: