Though Manuka honey is wonderful for treating skin ailments, it should not be ingested due to its methylglyoxal content. Methylglyoxal is the active ingredient that gives Manuka honey its powerful antibacterial properties. Unfortunately methylglyoxal is a known genotoxin. A genotoxin is a chemical agent that actually damages the DNA in cells and causes them to mutate. This can cause cancer. Manuka honey is one of the most wonderful natural antibiotics, but it should not be used to treat infections in the body (Sources here and here)
Though Manuka honey is wonderful for treating skin ailments, it should not be ingested due to its methylglyoxal content. Methylglyoxal is the active ingredient that gives Manuka honey its powerful antibacterial properties. Unfortunately methylglyoxal is a known genotoxin. A genotoxin is a chemical agent that actually damages the DNA in cells and causes them to mutate. This can cause cancer. Manuka honey is one of the most wonderful natural antibiotics, but it should not be used to treat infections in the body (Sources here and here)