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3 Years Later, "Scientist" Still Hasn’t Released Data on "Breatharian" Prahlad Jani
Posted by Jim Cook under Mysteries, Religion, Science on May 27th, 2013
Travel back with me to 2010, when American journalists breathlessly spread the story of Prahlad Jani, an Indian mystic who claimed to have gone seven decades without eating or drinking, subsisting only on the air he breathed and an alleged mysterious elixir he said was produced by the hole in his palate. News reports around the world covered the news conference of Dr. Sudhir Shah, at which it was declared that that in a scientific experiment Jani had gone 15 days without food or water and nevertheless managed to maintain vital signs and metabolic functions within “the safe range” for humans.
What those 2010 news reports didn’t mention was the following:
• Dr. Sudhir Shah is not an impartial experimenter, but rather a devotee who deeply believes in breatharian Jain religious teachings.
• During the experiment, Prahlad Jani was allowed to extensively “gargle” and “bathe”
• Prahlad Jani lives in an apartment with a refrigerator. Jani’s followers wouldn’t let journalists open the refrigerator door.
• No scientific evidence from the experiment was offered at the news conference to substantiate the claims being made.
The last point is the most important: no scientific evidence was offered at the press conference to substantiate the outlandish claim being made. Instead, Sudhir Shah promised that “the claim will be scientifically substantiated after analysis of investigations carried out. All the reports and results will be scientifically analyzed, subsequently and will take some time. The entire study team will meet periodically to discuss the findings and draw valid conclusions.”
It’s been three years now. Has any peer-reviewed journal article been published with scientific evidence of Prahlad Jani’s feat? Look for yourself: the answer is no.
Has Dr. Sudhir Shah published any scientific findings from the 2010 experiment on his website? Look for yourself: the answer is no.
Would you like to follow the example of Prahlad Jani, an 83-year-old Indian who claims to have subsisted without eating or drinking at all since World War II? Well, we don’t have any tips for the eating part, but the James Randi Educational Foundation tips us off to a video showing Jani’s #1 strategy for avoiding water: you repeatedly pour it over your head.
During the last “scientific experiment” with Prahlad Jani in 2003, he made a regular habit of pouring water over his head to be extra, extra clean, as you can see in the clip from 2003 that’s to your right (see here for the whole clip). The water goes right over his head, right over his face, and right over his… oh, what’s that big hole in your face called? It’s right on the tip of my… oh, what’s that fleshy thing that sticks out of the face hole?
During the latest “scientific experiment” to establish that Prahlad Jani doesn’t drink anything, he also engaged in “bathing periodically” in the oxygen dihydride that he says he doesn’t need. Added to the bathing: periodic gargling. You know, gargling, to keep that face hole thingy fresh. He has to keep the face hole thingy fresh so that he can not use it, you know.
And here’s a little kicker: in that powerpoint presidentation from back in 2003, the doctors who were “researching” Prahlad Jani then (the same doctors who are “researching” Prahlad Jani now) note that they have done work in the past with… Jasmuheen (born Ellen Greve), an Australian breatharian who collapsed when challenged to refrain from eating, who has been caught sneaking food on an airplane and whose pantry at home was found to be filled with food. Since these debacles Jasmuheen has revised her claims to incorporate occasional snackies.
Breatharian Prahlad Jani Caught with a Refrigerator in his “Cave”
Posted by Jim Cook under Mysteries, Religion on October 22nd, 2010
Remember Prahlad Jani, the devout man of India said to live in a cave and claiming neither to have eaten nor to have had anything to drink for 70 years? He’s one of many breatharians who make that sort of claim, and he’s gotten a lot of media attention for it. Why, the newspapers and TV networks went wild this spring when “neurologist” Sudhir Shah declared that Prahlad Jani had passed his scientific tests (that involved frequent “privacy,” “bathing” and “gargling”) and was a certified breatharian. The same newspapers and TV networks have largely ignored Sudhir Shah’s personal devotion to proving his breatharian branch of Jain religion has a scientific basis, and have also ignored Sudhir Shah’s failure to release any empirical data to support this spring’s claims.
However, this week ABC News’ Clarissa Ward bucked the trend and traveled to India for a followup. It turns out that Prahlad Jani’s “cave” is a studio apartment. And guess what turned out to be in that studio apartment? A running refrigerator. Prahlad Jani’s handlers rushed in when the reporter spotted the refrigerator and started asking questions about it. They huffed that she didn’t have permission to see the refrigerator and that she couldn’t open it. They insisted that the refrigerator contained “only water to wash the mouth.”
Maybe it’s a magic refrigerator.