
In Parijs spreekt men van een opkomst van 700.000 in de krant, als de autoriteiten dat melden is het wel veilig om te vermelden dat het + 1 miljoen mensen waren vandaag


Senaat in Frankrijk stemt in met omstreden verhoging pensioenleeftijd​

Een meerderheid van de Franse Senaat gaat akkoord met het idee om de pensioenleeftijd te verhogen van 62 naar 64 jaar. Kort na middernacht stemden 201 senatoren in met dat voorstel van president Macron; 115 leden waren tegen.
Senaat stemde in, lekker belangrijk, dan gaat het nu echt beginnen

Bij verrassing hebben we dinsdag de Champs-Élysées geblokkeerd. Tientallen voertuigen met Franse vlaggen, een concert van Klaxons, rookbommen, borden tegen de pensioenhervorming, voor de Frexit, in een ongelooflijke energie! De patriotten nemen hun verantwoordelijkheid: er zijn zoveel redenen om te blokkeren! Als deze operatie wordt uitgevoerd in 100 steden met duizenden voertuigen, dan zal de regering in enkele uren plooien. We weten: verenigd is het volk onoverwinnelijk!

Op mijn reis naar Nederland waren alle snelheidsflitsers langs de nationale routes afgeplakt of er waren nep STOP verkeersborden geplaatst woensdag 16 Mar, 2023 21:33
HomeWorld News

Riots erupt after Macron raises retirement age​

The French president forced his controversial pension reform bill through without a full vote in parliament
Riots erupt after Macron raises retirement age

A firefighter puts out a fire lit by protesters in Paris, France, March 16, 2023 © AFP / Julien De Rosa

French President Emmanuel Macron bypassed parliament and enacted a controversial pension reform package on Thursday, triggering riots and arson on the streets of Paris. The move, which raises France’s retirement age to 64, had already caused months of strikes and protests.
Macron invoked a special constitutional power to pass the bill, immediately before a vote was set to take place. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced the decision in the National Assembly, as opposition lawmakers booed, jeered, and sang.
Under the power invoked by Macron and Borne, the bill is considered passed unless a majority of lawmakers file a motion of no confidence against the government in the next 24 hours. Right-wing leader Marine Le Pen said that her National Rally party would back such a motion, as did a number of leftist leaders.

Macron has argued for months that France’s pension system will go bankrupt unless citizens pump more money into the system. Raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 – which would still see French workers retire earlier than most of their European counterparts – would be a “just and responsible” way to achieve this, he said in January.

READ MORE: Le Pen calls on French PM to resign

France’s trade unions – who have protested the reforms since last year – have argued that the system should instead be buoyed by increasing taxes on the wealthy.
Thousands of protesters gathered in Paris as Macron’s bill was passed. Near parliament buildings, police fired tear gas at the demonstrators and faced off against the crowd in lines.

Prior to the bill’s passage, almost half a million people protested in cities across France on Wednesday, according to figures from the Interior Ministry. Police have already made 73 arrests in the capital, Le Figaro reported, citing a police source.


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