False flags en andere geheime operaties

Like clockwork, after the Epstein files drop and @realDonaldTrump is exonerated, there is ANOTHER school mass shooting, this time at Perry High School in Iowa.

Shooter injured three students and an administrator then, turned the gun on themself.

I wish I could say this is surprising…

Is it just me, or does it seem that every time something significant happens in Trump’s favor, there is a shooting of some kind the next day?? Interesting how that works.

Now, I’m NOT saying there is definitely a connection here, but it’s awfully uncanny timing.

This individual was from the deranged alphabet soup club, and confused about its gender. Because of that, you can rest assured that this story won’t survive very long before it’s swept under the rug. They already deleted the TikTok account associated.


This is just another case of TRANS EXTREMISM that will be buried by the media.

I wonder if MK Ultra is more effective on the mentally and spiritually compromised??? 🤔🤔🤔

Zat net in de auto even naar het nieuws te luisteren en ik hoorde dat Pegida ( betaalde overheidsacteurs) korans gaan verbranden in Arnhem.
Hoe bedoel je verdeel en heers creëren en de moslims opzettelijk boos maken. Volgt er vast ook een (nep) aanslag op, al dan niet door moslim acteurs? We kennen [ZE] inmiddels door en door.
Of er gebeurt verder niks kan ook nog natuurlijk😉
💥PREDICTION: I’d wager we’re about ~3-6 months out from conclusively PROVING FBI (and certain financial institutions and nonprofits) was behind many/most/all the murders of innocent children in school shootings over the last 15-20 years. Once that day comes, it’s about 3-6 days before FBI HQ is burned to the f*cking ground.

A fren sent me this from earlier today👀

She told me a few days ago that Monkeywerks was showing that there were nuke sniffers all over Las Vegas and they were flying really low. They were around where the Satanic Super[owl] is going to be held. There’s definitely something brewing - This week Joe Buck said he thinks a "big something" is going to happen in Las Vegas. He said “I do not have any desire to be in Las Vegas”.

"There's going to be some story, there's gonna be something that happens because it's Vegas and it won't stay in Vegas," he said.

"It's gonna be a big something that happens. I don't know what it is. I have no idea. I just think that is going to be a mess in my mind."

Also this week President Donald Trump warned of a terrorist attack happening in the US. Trump told Fox News “I Believe We’re Going to Have a Terrorist Attack 100%,’ Possibly Due to Chinese Immigrants”. When Trump said this minutes after the State of Israel's official X account tweeted “We will dance again”. As we know the Israeli MOSSAD CIA ran the 9/11 operation and they danced when the towers fell.

Also this week Trump said he'd be happy to replace Biden for Super Bowl interview he said the ratings will be Gold. Trump offered to give CBS News an interview to air before Super Bowl LVIlI this weekend after President Biden declined the traditional sit-down. Can you imagine if Trump appeared and dropped some truth bombs in front of the masses before the fake game starts.

There’s no bigger stage than the Superb[owl]. Eyes on.

The fun begins directly after.
Will make the SUPER BOWL look like a puppy show.


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