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Yesterday's House vote to either force the sale of Tik Tok or ban it entirely from the US is the most dangerous and anti-American act since the passage of the PATRIOT Act!

The law will give the US president SOLE AUTHORITY to determine which businesses can and cannot operate in the United States.

It is a full government takeover of our basic liberties.

Watch today's Liberty Report below:

Trump's former Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, is now putting together a group to buy Tik Tok.
This appears to be coordinated.
He wants the app to be rebuilt in the US.
He wants a US business to own it and for the company to remain online to provide competition to Facebook as he repeats the same rhetoric as Trump....
"President Trump signed an order that Tik Tok had to be sold. I continue to believe that. I think it should be solved. I understand the technology. I think it should be sold. I'm going to put together a group to buy Tik Tok. This should be owned by US businesses. The issue is all about the technology. This needs to be controlled by the US..This should not be controlled by any of the big US tech companies. The technology, the app needs to be re built in the US...I think a lot can be done in six months. The bigger issue is this shouldn't be controlled by the Chinese. I had access..When you have this app on everybody's phone, it has the ability to collect an awful lot of data. There is no question on a forward basis, they have the ability to influence the data and the ability to collect data. The issue today, the focus should be, it should be solved. It should be controlled by a US business."
So basically everything that Trump wanted to happen is happening..

I think it is way, way, way more insidious than this take. The inclusion of not only app but website language signals that they will come for every single website they deem misinformation. Goodbye Conservative Treehouse. Goodbye Just the News. Goodbye Epoch Times. Goodbye Children's Defense Fund. Goodbye Judicial Watch. Goodbye Gateway Pundit. Goodbye Twitter.

This is a war against alternative news. They will censor everything but the approved government message. This is the Patriot Act redux. Or a companion act. One reads everything you write and the other censors everything you read. This is censorship on steroids. The anti-First Amendment.

And just like when they passed the Patriot Act, using our Patriotism as a weapon, they have used our antiChina bias against us and fooled the normies into thinking this is a good thing.


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