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🇺🇸🇨🇳 Who Is REALLY behind the TikTok ban? (🇮🇱)

TikTok has 103 million monthly active users in the US.

More than 1/3 (37.36%) of mobile internet users actively engage with TikTok.

Half of TikTok’s US users are between the age of 10 and 29, with teens making up the bulk of the user base.

Over 50% of content creators are between 18 and 24 years old.

From October 23-30, 2023, posts with the # ‘standwithPalestine’ were posted 10x more than posts with the # ‘standwithIsrael’.

Posts with the # ‘standwithPalestine’ also received 5x as many views.

When TikTok was accused of deliberately pushing Pro-Palestinian content, they denied the claim and made it clear that the algorithm pushes whatever people engage with.

Jonathan Greenblatt, the director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which is an extremely powerful Jewish-Zionist organization that has often targeted free speech, was very worried by this.

Seeing Gen Z in the US overwhelmingly support Palestine in the face of Israeli aggression, TERRIFIED him.

Is it such a coincidence that today the ‘TikTok Ban Bill’ passes after MONTHS of congress pushing for it so heavily?

They are demanding that the Chinese company ‘ByteDance’ sell the platform if the app wants to remain in the US.

With the ADL being so entangled with this decision, I would imagine they’d want to manipulate the algorithm to push Pro-Israeli content while halting Pro-Palestinian content.

The Chinese lobby isn’t a lobby Americans should be worried about, it’s the Zionist one.

Because the Zionist lobby has been altering US domestic and foreign policy for over half a century.

Thomas Massie claims that the Tik Tok bill could have massive negative implications akin to the Patriot Act.

"It could also be named the Facebook and Protection Enhancement Act. It is not the American people that are going to benefit most from this. It will be Facebook...
FISA has been abused. That is my concern with this Tik Tok ban. It will be abused. Why does it need to be 13 pages long? This sounds like when American countries try to do business in a third world country.
And again, this is cure that is worse than a disease."

Interesting that Massie seems to be parroting the same rhetoric as Donald Trump just a day or two ago.

Trump knows something we don't.
Especially if Rumble or some ally to real free speech is attempting to purchase Rumble and Facebook is locked in a power struggle to further their influence.
Never forget that Facebook is truly a child predator enabler.
What do you think?
Should Tik Tok really be banned?

Die linkse jongeren zien nu dat de democraten en een paar RINO's hun speelgoed willen afpakken terwijl Trump daar tegen is. :cool:

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