I went on a paleolithic diet, and my Dupuytrens subsided remarkably. When I break the rules, it grows again, but subsides when I go back to the correct eating. Also, massaging cold pressed Apricot oil, or any vitamin e oil into the Dupuytrens helps."
When I started taking zinc supplements (25mg per day) the nodules and the contractures started to significantly subside. (I can open my hands fully.... But sometimes still have some weakness. ) I occassonally get flareups where the hands get more painful and I start to get a nodule in each foot. (Often when I've forgotten my zinc. ) But it has always subsided again."
This is what Dr Jonathan Wright says about it and because I have already seen Lugols iodine dissolve several fibrotic conditions this would be my first choice of therapy.
rub a mixture of Vitamin E and DMSO into the thickened areas
if “caught early”, SSKI alone will often “do the job”
(tarwekiemolie is een goede vitamine e-bron: en dat kun je erop smeren maar ook inwendig goed!
https://www.fatsforum.nl/topic/tarwekiemolie#post-6275 )
Twice a day, rub the nodules with high potency Vitamin E oil. You can find it at drugstores and health food stores usually with the lotions. This is much stronger than pills. Get the strongest kind. You can find 28,000 IU's and I found one bottle with 70,000 IU's at a health food store. It's pretty greasy, but tends to soak in after about 10 minutes. DO NOT lick your fingers after putting it on or you may overdose on E!
Second remedy:
My research says collogen deposits occur from a imbalance of the collogen/collogenase reaction, usually resulting from a weakened liver. That's the theory anyway, as to why alcoholics have more trouble with Dupuytrens. So, I started taking the following supplements to strengthen my liver:
Alpha Lipoic Acid - 200 mgs
Coenzyme Q10 - 100-200 mgs
Milk Thistle 200-400 mgs
In the last month, my Dupuytren's nodule has shrunk to 50% of its original size! That really surprised and encouraged me. I will keep this forum updated with any further progress or relapse. Good luck.
I have found DMSO applied to the effected area several times a day to be the most successful treatment.
Small (Good) Plan
Vitamin E
Homeopathy - Unique E (180)
- Dusa-Sal DMSO 4 oz
- Fundamental Sulfur (100)
- Nattokinase 1500 (120)
- Fibrozym (100)
- Scar-X (1 oz)
Medium (Better) Plan
Vitamin E
Vitamin E (topical oil)
PABA - Integral E 400/400 (60)
- Maxi-Gamma E 500 (60)
- Dusa-Sal DMSO 4 oz
- Fundamental Sulfur (100)
- Nattokinase 1500 (120)
- Fibrozym (100)
- Scar-X (1 oz)
- Unique -E oil (1 oz)
- PABA 500 mg (100)
Large (Best) Plan
Vitamin E
Vitamin E (topical
Acupuncture - Integral E 400/400 (60)
- Maxi-Gamma E 500 (60)
- Dusa-Sal DMSO 4 oz
- Fundamental Sulfur (100)
- Nattokinase 1500 (120)
- Fibrozym (100)
- Scar-X (1 oz)
- Unique-E oil (1oz)
- PABA 500 mg (100)
- Quercetin-Bromelain 333 mg (100)
- Genesen Pointers
A 53-year-old musician was recently diagnosed with Dupuytren’s contracture, an abnormal thickening of tough tissue in the palm and fingers that causes the fingers to curl. It is affecting the little finger on his left hand. He also has Peyronie’s disease, a hard lump or scar tissue that forms on the penis. The two conditions are often related. Can anyone recommend natural treatments for these conditions? Try Serrapeptase, an enzyme produced in the gut of the silkworm. It digests non-living tissue (scar tissue). Both conditions can also be eased greatly by taking 400 IU of natural Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol - NOT manufactured dl-alpha tocopherol) with food, a treatment confirmed by a urinary specialist. This is a natural remedy, however, and will take some time to have effect. Also, as you may be aware, vitamin E and vitamin C should be taken together because they work synergistically.