Zin en onzin van cryptovaluta

Some of you seem think I'm "pushing Bitcoin," whatever that means.

Let me make something clear: I'm broke. I don't have any investments, I don't have any cryptocurrency.
In fact I only have a few hundred dollars in the bank. I'm not your financial advisor.

I'm not "pushing Bitcoin;" do your own financial speculation.
There's lots of coins, whatever. May the best coin win.

I'm pushing BLOCKCHAIN.

The blockchain is going to save the world.

Some of you seem think I'm "pushing Bitcoin," whatever that means.

Let me make something clear: I'm broke. I don't have any investments, I don't have any cryptocurrency.
In fact I only have a few hundred dollars in the bank. I'm not your financial advisor.

I'm not "pushing Bitcoin;" do your own financial speculation.
There's lots of coins, whatever. May the best coin win.

I'm pushing BLOCKCHAIN.

The blockchain is going to save the world.

Grappig: Saifedean Ammous is de schrijver van ''The Bitcoin Standard''. Lastig door te komen boek. Gaat ook veel over geld uberhaupt: wat stelt het voor e.d. Plus Ammous blijft in dat boek benadrukken dat Keynes een pedo was. Ammous gaat er lang op door. Ik snap het wel: Keynes was niet getrouwd en had geen kinderen en het doet iets met het belang dat je daardoor hecht aan de langere termijn. Ammous zegt: als je geen kinderen hebt, dan bekommer je je minder om de langere termijn. Dat heeft invloed gehad op het beeld van de wereld van Keynes. Keynes is een voorstander van door de overheid gestuurd geld dat met bijdrukken de korte termijn laat prevaleren. Snel consumeren. Wat dat betreft is bitcoin veel meer op de langere termijn gericht. Veel mensen met bitcoin ''hoddlen'' (houden de bitcoin vast zonder uit te geven). Ammous is een beetje erg uitgesproken. Het getier gaat sommige mensen snel irriteren.

Samenvatting van wat (bitcoinactivist) Antonopoulos in onderstaande (al vrij oude) video in vrij simpele taal zegt over bitcoin:


Bitcoin is digital money, but it is so much more than that. Bitcoin is digital money like the internet is a fancy telephone, or all about email. Money is just the first application.

Bitcoin is a technology, a currency, and an international payment network. It is decentralized. It doesn't rely on banks or governments. We have never done this before in the history of humanity.

Euros and dollars are also digital, but bitcoin is not owned by a government. You can send it from anywhere in the world, near instantaneously, securely, and for minimal fees.

Bitcoin achieves consensus / agreement without any central controlling authority.

If you study computer science or distributed systems, this is known as the Byzantine Generals' Problem. It was first described in 1982. Until 2008, it was an unsolved problem. But we understood the importance of solving it.

Bitcoin is not a company or organization. It is a standard protocol, just like TCP/IP for the internet. It is not owned by anyone single entity. It operates based on mathematical rules. Everyone who participates in the network must agree on them. Bitcoin is a decentralized network of computers that, through this consensus mechanism, agree on what transactions have occurred on the network, and who currently owns what money.

If I send money to somebody else's "account" in this peer-to-peer network, like sending email, there is no one in the middle. The bitcoin transaction is broadcast from my computer to the recipient's computer, without intervention.

Every ten minutes, the network agrees on what transactions have happened, without any centralized authority, a kind of election that occurs electronically. This particular solution to the Byzantine Generals' Problem is far more important than currency.

Currency is just the first application that you can build on a distributed consensus system. Other applications include voting, stock ownership, asset registration, notarization, and many others. Applications we have never thought of before.

Here is why it's important to me: today in the world, approximately one billion people have banking, access to credit and international finance capabilities, primarily among the upper classes and western nations.

Six and a half billion people on this planet have no connection to the world of banking. They operate in cash based societies with very little access to any international resources. But they don't need banks. Two billion people are already on the internet; with a simple application download, they can become participants in an international economy, using an international currency that can be transmitted anywhere with little or no fees, and no government controls.

They can connect to a world of international, peer-to-peer finance. Bitcoin is the money of the people. It operates according to mathematical rules that everyone agrees on. No centralized control. Bringing six and a half billion people into productive society, connecting them to the rest of the world, is truly revolutionary.
Laatst bewerkt:

Er zijn ook.anons op TG die zichzelf wijsmaken dat Trumps TruthSocial een cryptoplatform gaat worden en daarmee de financiele revolutie wordt ingezet. Dream on. Gold shall destroy the Fed (Q), not crypto.

Na alle academische 'experts' die we de afgelopen 2+ jaar voorbij hebben zien komen is academische scholing nu ineens geem brevet van onvermogen voor de crypto-cult?

Laatst bewerkt:
Na alle academische 'experts' die we de afgelopen 2+ jaar voorbij hebben zien komen is academische scholing nu ineens geem brevet van onvermogen voor de crypto-cult?


Het is dubbel. Veel wetenschap is gecorrumpeerd, dat is een feit. En wijsheid verkrijg je niet via een wetenschappelijke studie. Dat zit in je of niet. Maar om te zeggen dat het niets voorstelt als iemand gepromoveerd is in de wiskunde: zover wil ik persoonlijk niet gaan. Ik doe het hem in elk geval zeker niet na.
Hij zou er beter eentje hebben in ordehandhaving en rechten, vooraleer mijn zijn wiskunde zjn eigen spaarrekening uit te breiden

Ok jouw mening. Het principe begrijpen waarop bitcoin gestoeld is: byzantijns generaalsprobleem e.d. (speltheorieen) en blockchainaspecten e.d.: ik heb daar wel respect voor als mensen daar goed grip op hebben.

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