Red de schapen!

Is dan ook de helft van de mensen slimmer als gemiddeld. :unsure:

Ja, zo zou het wel moeten werken ja.

In theorie worden alle IQ testen gemiddeld, dan wordt het gemiddele op 100 gesteld en rest vervolgens uitgerekend of ze hoger of lager zitten..

Dat zou dus een redelijke normaal verdeling op moeten leveren en dus automagisch de helft slimmer en de helft dommer dan gemiddeld

''Something sinister is brewing around the current atmosphere of mass panic and the fear stemming from the COVID-19 hysteria. People seem to be losing their minds when it comes to dealing with the pandemic. Perhaps, that’s basically what is happening.''​


''Something sinister is brewing around the current atmosphere of mass panic and the fear stemming from the COVID-19 hysteria. People seem to be losing their minds when it comes to dealing with the pandemic. Perhaps, that’s basically what is happening.''​

Wat een domme idiote doos

''Something sinister is brewing around the current atmosphere of mass panic and the fear stemming from the COVID-19 hysteria. People seem to be losing their minds when it comes to dealing with the pandemic. Perhaps, that’s basically what is happening.''​

Karen. Women are children.


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