The Great Awakening

Met 'the Jews' bedoelt hij Zionisten. Maar de zogenaamde 'Torah Jews' kun je ook niet altijd vertrouwen, aangezien de Torah (eerste 5 boeken van het OT) zo genocidaal is als wat en de Talmoed bovendien wordt gezien als de 'interpretatie' van de Torah.

Maw welke joden dan wel ?
US is Sending in Warships to Defend Israel…. because there are reports Iran “Could attack” within the next 2 Days

Who threatens war two days ahead?

Today is April 12.
Iran next. April 14.
April Showers.

Kinda weird how it lines up.
Just to be clear… there are a few mentions of “Iran Next”…


Flynn was dangled like bait on a fishing line as part of the exposure OP, and The Swamp fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. Only a TRUE PATRIOT would "volunteer" to endure that sort of abuse to save the country.

The Deep State doesn't attack their own. They push and promote them. The fact that Obama hates him, and they did everything they could to put him in prison, is everything I need to know.

He's a spy and an architect of intelligence infrastructures. He headed the largest intelligence agency in the US, possibly the world, the Defense Intelligence Agency. Flynn knows "where the bodies are buried" and likely came into possession of the Deep State's playbook. He's playing 2 roles - the one we see and the one we're not supposed to see. Flynn is 100% Patriot.

Maw welke joden dan wel ?
Iedereen die medemenselijkheid en naastenliefde boven dogma stelt, jood of geen jood. Het zijn dogma's en doctrines die zorgen voor verstard denken en in het ergste geval ontmenselijkng. De ergste vijand van ieder mens is het negeren van zijn/haar capaciteit tot zelfdenkendheid. Dit geldt ook voor religieuze mensen, of het nu gaat over genocidale joden of passieve christenen. We moeten God in onszelf vinden en daar naar handelen, dan verval je nooit in foute dogma's.

Israel may now be facing multiple attacks from all sides as Iran launches drone missiles towards Israel, and Iraq's Kataib Hezbollah reportedly initiates simultaneous operations against Israeli interests, joining the already active & effective Houthi operations from Yemen shutting down major resupply routes, with Hamas to the South continuing to demand Israeli attention, and Hezbollah in Lebanon to the North being the most dangerous.

Pakistan, Jordan & Turkey will simply not cooperate with any US retaliatory attack on Iran via their bases (Jordan has tonight closed its airspace), so the US is much diminished in any potential military assistance.
It no longer has Bagram airbase in Afghanistan, and Qatar & Kuwait have recently tightened airbase cooperation.
Add to that the fact that, as already played out as a test case in Syria, Russia & China will not tolerate too long any direct US war against Iran.
If that were to happen, well then that would be Russia/China plus allies vs US / Israel plus allies, that’s WWIII, and only an absolute imbecile would be cheering *that* on right now (which also happens to be Netanyahu’s only hope for survival).

Agreeing to a ceasefire & a negotiated permanent settlement - hitherto rejected by Netanyahu - was and remains the only sane way forward for Israel.

Zeer opmerkelijk… De aanval van Iran begon op 14 april. Exact op 14 april, zes jaar geleden, postten de white hats (Q) het volgende:

Verruim je denken.
Datum vs feitelijk.
Iran volgende.
Vertrouw het plan.
Geloof je in toeval?

Er wordt gesproken over een stortbui aan raketten van Iran op Israël.

Hoe kan het dat Q zes jaar geleden op exact dezelfde dag dat Iran aanvalt, schreef ‘Iran is de volgende’.

Kan dat betekenen dat deze ‘aanval’ deel is van hun plan?

Van Efrat Fenigson, een Israëlische journaliste, las ik vandaag:

‘Het voelt voor mij allemaal als een gescripte Truman Show. Veel video's van lichten in de lucht (zoals vuurwerk) in een veel langzamer tempo dan zou moeten als we het over zulke snelle raketten hebben.’

Is dat niet apart?

Besef dat er een wereldwijd plan uitgewerkt wordt om de cabal (het wereldwijde satanische netwerk) uit te schakelen. Israel en Iran spelen daarin een cruciale rol.

Wat als deze ‘aanval’ van Iran dient om Iran vervolgens aan te pakken?

We zullen zien. De tijd zal het uitwijzen…

Klinkt leuk, maar als je de beelden ziet en geluiden hoort van de overvliegende raketten in Irak, dan weet je dat ze met een noodgang richting Israel vlogen. Dit was niet zomaar 'vuurwerk', dit was echt en na 7 oktober vorig jaar werd Israel opnieuw vernederd. De timing met de Q-post (6 year delta) is wel opmerkelijk!

Laatst bewerkt:
If you've been following me for years and learned to trust me because everything I've ever said has turned out to be true, let me fill you in on a little something I've figured out in the last few months/years.

Iran is not the bad guy here. Israel (their government, not necessarily the people) is the bad guy. They've been starting shit and crying victim while hiding behind "anti-semitism" this entire time.

Their government has absolutely no problem slaughtering the Palestinians and the original Israelites just to push this one world dystopian agenda. Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world for a reason, these baby killing Satanists have absolutely no problem wiping them off the map for good, once they've served their purpose in helping them take over the Holy Land.

Don't fall for the fear mongering, because these evil powers-that-be live off the negative energy, if you couldn't tell....they're hoping to get you all worked up to crusade for some evil fucking regime that rigged our elections, bought out and blackmailed all our politicians, and created all the anti-American, pedophile bullshit we're dealing with now.

Don't show support for anything other than pacifism, and let the Persians do their thing...they're good at this stuff and rightly pissed off.

Good is about to fucking win, and there's nothing these evil pricks can do about it. Just remember WWJD....which would be to whip these bankers out of existence and drown a bunch of MF pedophiles.


Jesse Watters correctly pointed out that Lee Harvey Oswald was a marine corp radar operator with top security clearance at a CIA U2 spy program. What makes this more alarming is that Oswald was likely being experimented on via the CIA's MK Ultra program at that exact base. People need to understand he was just a chess piece in their arsenal, a useful idiot that was likely programmed. Remember that he was a supposed traitor to the country yet they let him inside the country with literally zero resistance. He was a plant and likely a mind controlled one at that. Normalize people talking about MK Ultra because it is more than real. It is a dangerous weapon that the CIA has been using for decades.…
"Atsugi was a launching pad for U-2 spy flights over the Soviet Union and was also a hub of the CIA’s research into psychedelic drugs. “A CIA memo titled ‘Truth Drugs in Interrogation’ revealed the agency practice of dosing agents who were marked for dangerous overseas missions,” wrote author David Talbot in “The Devil’s Chessboard,” his 2015 biography of former CIA Director Allen Dulles.

Talbot’s exploration of the link ended there: “Some chroniclers of Oswald’s life have suggested that he was one of the young marines on whom the CIA performed its acid tests.”
My entire Breakdown of the JFK assassination here:


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