
Zeer zwakke verdediging van Israel tot nu toe. Bedenk dat dit de opening arguments zijn, dus kan je van beide kanten van alles beweren. Dat wordt smullen als we straks bij 'merit' (bewijsvoering) aanbeland zijn. Zuid-Afrika heeft talloze hartverscheurende beelden, de beeldem van de vermeende oorlogsmisdaden van Hamas moeten we nog steeds zien. Kom maar op dan.

Die Shaw spreekt opnieuw over verminkte Israelische baby's en Hamas die Palestijnse burgers als menselijke schilden gebruikt. Nou, laat maar zien dan. Wie beweert moet bewijzen. En waar zijn die hulpkonvooien, die waterleidingen, veldhospitalen en bakkerijen dan waar die tweede pipo het over had? Beelden graag. Ik zie alleen maar kapotgebombardeerde ziekenhuizen en bakkerijen.

Het is heel.duidelijk dat het Israel er om te doen is om genocidale INTENTIE te weerspreken. Als er nl. geen intentie kan worden aangetoond, dan zijn de vele burgerslachtoffers 'ongelukkig' maar 'noodzakelijk' in de strijd tegen Hamas. Een uitspraak in het voordeel van Israel door de ICC zou Israel's genocidale gedrag zelfs juridisch legitineren. In het oog van de wereld gaat het ze niet helpen, het zou bovendien het ICC zelf deligitimeren.

The hits keep on coming. Listen to this broad. Hamas, Hamas, Hamas. It's all on Hamas. Did you know Israel's whole bombing campaign is just "urban warfare"? So what about the many civilian deaths? Why, it's Hamas, Hamas, Hamas. They built the civilian infrastructure, boobytrapped homes and mined roads. Sure they did. And over 2 ,000 misfired rockets struck Gazan targets, including a hospital. Uh-huh.

I can't wait for the merit phase of this trial. Show me the mutilated Israeli babies, show me Hamas used human shields, show me the boobytraps, show me the mines, show me the misfired rockets. And while you're at it, show me the aid convoys Israel is letting in, show me the water pipelines and bottled water Israel is providing, show me the food and medical supplies, show me the field hospitals and bakeries. Because I don't see it. All I see is GENOCIDE as a result of a destroyed medical infrastructure, bombed bakeries and no water supplies.

Talk is cheap. Prove It!

This guy immediately brings up the Holocaust. "For some, the promise of 'Never Again' for all peoples is a slogan, for Israel it is the highest moral obligation." Oh really? Did he forget the bit where it says "for all peoples"? Oh, I forgot, not when it concerns "Amalek", of course. And once again there's the old switcheroo: it's Hamas that is committing genocide, not us.

Don't these people ever get tired of lying? They are simply repeating to this court what they've been blabbering on about in the media. Hamas, Hamas, Hamas. No sane judge can or should take this copout serious. Is this the best they can do? Was it Hamas that bombed houses, residential towers, entire neighborhoods, hospitals, churches, mosques, schools, universities? This has got to be the WEAKEST defense I have ever seen. Clearly Israel is better at playing offense than defense. Playing the eternal victim doesn't cut it anymore, this genocide is being livestreamed and the whole world can see the brutal genocide Israel has foisted upon Gazan civilians.

He calls South Africa's case "deliberately curated decontextualized and manipulative" and accuses South Africa of denying Israel's 75 year existence and then goes on to equate South Africa with Hamas, who also deny Israel's existence. Then he talks about how Hamas killed, burned, raped, maimed and tortured Israeli citizens, including holocaust survivors, on 10/7. Well, show us then. All he's giving us is horror stories and vague audio, which proves absolutely nothing. But to him this is "genocidal". Me thinks Israel has got their definition of the word 'genocide' all screwed up.

He mentions the apparently horrific treatment by Hamas of Israeli hostages, when in reality the 6 day exchange that occurred between hostages taken by Hamas and Palestinian prisoners taken by Israel showed quite the opposite, with the hostages laughing with the hostage takers, taking selfies with them, waving them goodbye and blowing kisses at them. And then there's the "human shields" argument and "misfired rockets" again. It's just the media narrative repeated before the judges and should be easy to disprove for South Africa.

I wonder why Israel's lawyers all bring up the ICC case against Russia in Ukraine. South Africa is part of BRICS, which is effectively governed by Russia. Is Russia really behind putting Israel on trial by way of South Africa? Is the Russian judge being pressured to rule against South Africa, lest Russia might be next to be brought before the court on genocide charges by, for example, Israel?

Laatst bewerkt:
The legal arguments by Israel at the ICJ in defense of allegations of genocide against the Palestinian people in a nutshell:

Allegations by South Africa are outrageous and libel, Israel is the victim, Israel acts in self-defense, there’s no intent to harm civilians, the examples of intent provided by South Africa are misleading, South Africa supports Hamas, South Africa is confused and complicit in the genocide by Hamas against Israel, Hamas destroyed civilian structures and hospitals with boobytraps, bombs and misfired missiles, Hamas tunnels cause civilian structures to collapse, Israel aims to mitigate harm and warned civilians of pending attacks via Twitter, phone calls and leaflets, Israel is facilitating humanitarian aid but Hamas is stealing the aid for its fighters, the allegations of genocide are baseless because of humanitarian efforts by Israel.

After hearing both sides my opinion is as follows: South Africa has provided ample evidence of genocidal intent by Israeli officials and the IDF, prima facie evidence shows the collective and unlawful punishment against Palestinian civilians committed by Israel and aided by the US Govt.

The good news is that the application to the ICJ by South Africa has already achieved a change of strategy by Israel and its enablers that will save thousands of lives and there’s hope that the Judges will apply additional pressure to make Israel and its enablers stop their indefensible mass-murder and persecution of Palestinian civilians.

South Africa should be applauded for standing up for the rights of Palestinian civilians and the ICJ would be well advised to show to the world that the protection of innocent lives has priority over the interests of an apartheid regime to displace or eliminate an entire group of people. Israel has already murdered 1% of the Palestinian population in just 3 months. This obvious genocide must be stopped. Israel and its enablers must be held accountable.

Watch the legal arguments made by Israel to the International Court of Justice:


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