
When Trump was raided by the FEDs, his popularity skyrocketed. Now even the threat of arrest for a fabricated crime has normies realizing that Trump must be an existential threat to the established system.
They are making it so obvious to even the casual observer.
They are only going to make him stronger.
These people are stupid.

On June 16th, 2015 Trump announced his presidency. Since that day we couldn't even try and count the amount of times the Cabal has tried to take his life, It's gotta be a high number.

They tried to impeach him, slander him with false allegations, humiliate him, but he never gives them an inch. Donald Trump is a warrior and his God given purpose will be fulfilled no matter what the Cabal tries.

Don't worry about Trump. He's safe and protected. White Hats know exactly what they're doing.

It looks like we there likely won't be any news on the 'Trump arrest' until next week which means we will have to see what kind of False flags and shenanigans they have up their sleeves in the coming days.
Liberals are now getting rug pulled by Donald Trump himself.
Keep calm and take it one day at a time frens.

Cy Vance failed to "get Trump", two prosecutors quit because of it (Mark Pomeranz and Carey Dunne), and Cy decided not to run for office again.

Along comes Alvin Bragg and he tries to do the same thing, to "get Trump" and he is gonna get the same result, but THIS TIME Trump, via his Truth Social posts and statements, has highlighted the Manhattan DA's Office and put all the attention on it like never before.

For Alvin Bragg and his supporters/cheerleaders in media/politics, "there's fire on both sides of the door."

No indictment, he has failed, media/pols got tricked into joining his wagon as it launched off a cliff.

If he DOES pen an indictment, it will be easily dismissed, Trump will have more street cred and support than ever before, and Bragg+media+pols will have Hell to face.

Either way, on the other side of The Matador Trump's cape is a fucking brick wall and [they] are headed full speed right into it.

There's also a possibility that a spicier dish may be served up: one that results in the indictment of someone OTHER than Trump and flips this entire fake news saga on it's head and twist it into a pretzel.

That's the dish I'm hoping will be served.


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