Tekenen tegen genetische toestanden in ons eten en drinken (smartstax)

Alexandra, ik ben wat blond :-)

Wat is smartstax.

Sommige stukken Engels lees ik met gemak en hier snap ik niets van :roll:

Je krijgt er vierkante tomaten van volgens het plaatje :wink:

Van de site afgehaald:

On 10 June, the EU Commission and representatives from EU Member States are set to discuss and probably vote on the market authorisation of the genetically engineered maize SmartStax for use in food and feed. SmartStax is a joint Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences product that produces six insecticidal proteins and is tolerant to two herbicides. Although dossiers from the industry showed substantial flaws its market authorisation was viewed favourably by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in 2010. For example, combinatorial effects between the insecticidal toxins and the residues from spraying were never investigated. So far, SmartStax is not authorised for sale on the EU market. In December 2012, Testbiotech raised the alarm warning that the maize might have already entered the market illegally. Instead of stopping imports, the Commission is now pressing ahead by trying to force a decision through allowing SmartStax for use in food and feed.

Het is de achterdeur waarmee Monsanto toch voet aan de grond wil krijgen in Europa. Mijn engels is niet goed genoeg om te kunnen vertalen, maar de essentie is me duidelijk, Ik kan je dus niet helpen duidelijk antwoordt te geven. Daarvoor is mijn engels te beroerd :oops:


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