Zou het kunnen dat RFK zich nu snel zo impopulair maakt dat een deel van zijn kiezers terug bij Trump komen?
Voor zover mij bekend heeft Gen. Flynn reeds twee maal aangeboden aan RFK Hr. om zich aan te sluiten bij de MAGA-beweging. Potentiele VP-kandidaat?

Dangit @RobertKennedyJr why don’t you join forces with @realDonaldTrump and fight this dystopian, Orwellian globalist takeover together?

These are not normal times. America is off the rails and if we don’t unite to stand against this globalist takeover, you and all your pharma arguments (while very sound) will be for naught. One day soon, like France, we will have similar laws being attempted here in our homeland.

Seriously consider this because your chances of winning are slim to none but your chances of being a negative disruptive influence are very real.

The survival of our nation is at stake and we cannot take for chance any gambles that cannot be assured by history’s example.

As someone close to you once said (and I paraphrase here for our times), that since America carries the shield of democracy for the world, so must we honor freedom’s sword for posterity.

Again, consider it please.

This is why Kennedy will not win.

As long as RFK continues this either act or willful ignorance, he will never win the independent voters en masse. His primary voter base is the anti Israel center.

The voters he can win are the ones that ask questions. And anyone who asks questions now sees the truth about Israel.

Why doesn’t RFK?

Do you think it’s blackmail? Do you think it’s ignorance? Do you think it’s 4D chess?


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